Pond Corner
By seaburngirl
The rockery starts at the pond and when I de couch grassed the rest of the rockery I didn’t touch the pond wall corner. It has a large pink Astilbe that has been there for 15+ years. Summer 2019 it didn’t really flower much so today I bit the bullet.
I dug out the Astilbe and found a little bit of couch grass mingled in amongst it.
I enriched the soil with homemade compost/leaf litter and
re-planted some of the Astilbe and a piece of Iris siberica Kaboom next to the overflow for the pond. So it is pretty much permanently damp. I also rescued a bit of Carex from a ‘dead tub’ and popped that in. if it survives good if not then no worries.
Towards the drier bit I planted Veronica prostrate to grow and fall over the wall.
Not too many photos, just the finished section about 1mx1m and the tray of ‘spare’ pieces of Astilbe.
I also found a home for some snowdrops and chinodoxia that were growing in pots. Then it started to rain so I potted up 8 chunks of Astible to go to my plant sale. Not sure what to do with the rest of the clumps.
We now have a heavy sleet shower and the garden is ‘white over’. Oh dear!
18 Feb, 2020
Previous post: Second quarter of February
Next post: February almost over.
I didn’t know astilbe had such big roots! You’ve done a good job, it’s been a great winter for getting jobs done, the ground hasn’t been frozen solid once here, unlike most winters.
It’ll soon be Spring Karen :-)
18 Feb, 2020
Do either of you want any Astilbe?
18 Feb, 2020
No thanks SBG! The only Astilbes I like are Fanal and chinensis pumila. They are both smaller than the other ones which get too big for my garden. Thanks though!
19 Feb, 2020
To be honest they don't do well for me but thanks anyway
19 Feb, 2020
this is a A.chinensis and only gets about 1-1.5 ft tall.
Not sure what I am going to do with them all.
19 Feb, 2020
It does sound nice but you've been really kind already ...
20 Feb, 2020
they will end up in the compost otherwise....... :p
20 Feb, 2020
You are doing well with your gardening Seaburn, ours is like a paddy field....
21 Feb, 2020
We have that job waiting on the long list.....to take out all the large white Astilbe and split .....apparently they stop flowering after a while, which is what has happened to ours.....
28 Feb, 2020
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Oh well, at least you had some time outdoors. I haven’t been in my garden except the greenhouse for ages now. Its so cold, windy and wet.
18 Feb, 2020