February almost over.
By seaburngirl
It is 3 weeks into this cold wet and miserable month. Thankfully we have been lucky in East Yorks and although there has been plenty of rain there hasn’t been any flooding in this area.
The garden continues to develop as the month progresses.
The bulbous iris continue apace though many are now past their best. This I reticulate Lion King is about the last to open, but it is in a more shady spot. When the flowers fade I will move the pot into the sun for the summer to all all the bulbs in there to ripen for next year.
The Narcissus are starting to put on a show, February gold and Tete et Tete being the first. I have varieties that will continue to flower April/May.
The tulips with Tete et Tete are Early Harvest and are always open in February. Another Kaufmanniana group tulip is Johann Strauss and he is starting to show colour.
In the last week the Crocus have started to come into their own. Spring beauty is showing lots of colour.
The open flower.
Pickwick is showing in the grass, always a relief to find the squirrels haven’t dug them up and eaten them.
Vanguard has also come on in the last 7 days. In some ways its been good that it has been cool and cloudy.
In the Beech tree bed this pretty species tulip has returned. No idea which one though, but it looks so different to the tommasinianus ones I have in the trough and by the gate in the front garden.
I noticed S bifolia is poking her little pink nose up too. Such a delicate pink that doesn’t really come through in the photo.
Many hellebores are looking good. I have this very dark one that is a self sown seedling. As well as other mucky pink clumps from the same original plant. So lots of pollen crossing genes.
The Leucojum are also flowering, this with single flowers is L vernum and the other one with several flowers is L aestivum. I do love these lovely bulbs.
Other plants poking their noses up are Scopolia
The first of my Epimedium is Black Sea.
This is Paeonia lutea getting her self ready to put on a late spring show.
I’ll stop now or you will get bored with this. But next week I am hoping the Corydalis are going to be showing colour.
23 Feb, 2020
Previous post: Pond Corner
Next post: February is over.
Glad you pictured Leucojum with leaves as my ones (new) are not flowering and I might be in danger of weeding them out as unwanted Spanish bluebells.
23 Feb, 2020
Your crocuses are such lovely colours and Spring Beauty is really unusual.
I hope all the flowers in your garden are able to stand up to the poor weather ahead as they do look very pretty and very spring like.
23 Feb, 2020
What a lovely blog Seaburn, its never boring seeing what is going on in your garden, I do like your crocus, some lovely shades in your selection, ..
Everything apart from us seems to enjoy our weather this year, all seem so eager to show their colours, shame about the damage caused by the wind in some gardens but my heart goes out to anyone affected by the floods, just seems no end in sight yet...
23 Feb, 2020
Superb Crocus colours, any Crocus I set seem to be eaten by the Voles - well it's always been them I blame, but with an odd squirrel about, it could be him!
Lovely Hellebores, even the ones you call a mucky pink, perhaps the RHS would like to use the colour name!
Is your Scopolia the purple one? I looked it up, looks a nice plant. Not sure of the 'good soil in shade' bit, don't think I have any of that.
24 Feb, 2020
Thank you for all your lovely comments. I am pleased the photos also bring you pleasure too. As for helping identification of plants that is also a good reason for doing the blogs.
Leucojum leaves are much more like daffs than bluebells so hopefully you wont mistake them Siris. They emerge like praying hands whereas I find bluebells tend to be splayed out.
This Scopolia is Zwaneberg and is purple flowered. I have another one that is green flowered. As for good soil this one is in the worst soil in my garden, full of builders rubbish so good drainage. I just made sure it gets decent shade. I've had it for many years now but it isn't in a hurry to clump up, probably as it isn't in good soil. perhaps I need to feed it.
24 Feb, 2020
Lovely to see so many plants in flower in your garden, SB!
I only have a few plants in flower, mainly Pansies. The Violas I planted in the autumn have all died bar one plant. :( I don't know why as they haven't been too wet or anything. Some of the Pansies have died as well but others are flowering nicely. But all the Marguerite plants (9) have continued to flower outside on the balcony all winter yet the 2 plants in the kitchen windowsill haven't had a flower between them all winter!
24 Feb, 2020
Such a lovely collection of crocus you have very pretty love that dark Hellebore.
24 Feb, 2020
You must be enthralled to see everything coming to life again. I would be. Stunning collection.
25 Feb, 2020
Lovely blog, Eileen. Those crocus flowers are very beautiful, especially the first two pics of them. Snowdrops look so delicate too, very pretty variety.
27 Feb, 2020
Great blog, you do have a wonderful collection of bulbs......my gardener seems to have mislaid Lion King!, will have to dock his wages! your tulips are going to be a picture , some beautiful Crocus, the majority of ours have been flattened...no escape from this constant wind and rain....
I must check to see which Leucojum we have, didn’t realise there were two varieties...despite growing them for over 30 years!
28 Feb, 2020
Great collection of bulbs. Very pleasing to see!
28 Feb, 2020
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Those crocus flowers are very pretty indeed. Tulips too!
We are a little behind here in Northumberland, but we're starting to see a few brave souls poking their heads out. Heavy snow is forecast for tomorrow morning, but to be quickly followed by heavy rain, then 40 mph wind - lovely!
Tuesday is due to be better.....hopefully.
23 Feb, 2020