WARNING! This blog may cause a giggle!!!
By sensei89
The other day i was reading through fellow Goyer’s comments concerning this strange light in the sky….
It has been appearing in counties all over the uk and today it was in Nottingham!!
Heres a story from a eye witness…
I was in my garden chasing bee’s when i saw something appear from behind a cloud
I lay down behind the plants to try and hide from the strange flying thingy
It didnt move and stayed for ages…..i tried to scare it off but it wouldnt move!
Then my owner came out and told me it was the sun
I couldnt believe it
He then explained i am suppose to enjoy it!!
Well thats the Latest news on this mysterious (not very warm) sun!
Thanks for reading my moment of sillyness and i hope it brings some giggles to your night.
25 Jun, 2012
Previous post: half way through summer
Next post: TV Gardening!
Ha ha !
25 Jun, 2012
Great blog, love the last photo of the sun worshipper on her throne.
25 Jun, 2012
Dear eye witness....I saw it too...Oh frabjous day\0/ yippeeeeeeee!!!:-)
25 Jun, 2012
Yes it was here as well, everyone in the garden but only yours truly was working in it, lawns all neat and tidy and then playtime for the boys, it was grand, my sunworshippers were behaving in much the same way as yours,lol..
Great blog and it has brought forth a chuckle...
25 Jun, 2012
Thats what it was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 Jun, 2012
Funny! ;-))
25 Jun, 2012
Brilliant :)
25 Jun, 2012
LOL. I think that must be what is in the sky here today. I did wonder....
26 Jun, 2012
It strayed over the border into Leicestershire but was rather shy, hiding her face behind big white clouds, she,s playing hide and seek at the moment...
Thanks for sharing and I hope you catch some rays today.....x
26 Jun, 2012
you're right! this did make me giggle ;-)))))
26 Jun, 2012
Brilliant ! I hope you see it again soon :o)
27 Jun, 2012
It made me giggle too, loved the expressions on that lovely little face :)
2 Jul, 2012
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very good sensei!!
it appeared here too!
25 Jun, 2012