Re-vamp day 4!
By sewingkilla
Nearly finished! brick edging finished today, hardcore put down and tamped down, rattling fillings again lol, gravel arrived at 11.30, weed suppressing material put down then gravel on top.
Rocky testing it out. Not sure if they ran out of gravel or if they’ll spread it out a bit when he comes to finish off on Monday, thats when the slabs for Patio are going down, looks a bit bare at the moment but when i get some tubs round it will look better.
17 Jun, 2011
Previous post: garden re-vamp day 3!
Next post: Pots, pots and yes even more pots!
What a lovely difference SK, i bet your head is spinning with idea's, once its finished.. are you painting the side of the garage? or growing anything on it, Sorry, im just nebbin lol.
17 Jun, 2011
Haven't got that far ydd!! i did think of growing some Clematis up the side but ill have to see they'd have to be in pots and your'e not nebbing just interested!!!
17 Jun, 2011
Just caught up on your revamping Sk, its coming along well and already has completely transformed your garden, its going to be grand and so much easier for you. I can tell you are already planning where the pots are going to look their best and I don`t blame you, just leave space for your seats so you can relax, lol.
I know what its like when the dogs race down the garden, thats why I have the dog run for winter and wet days, it doesn`t take them long to create the paddock effect at all but I still like to share my garden with them, no point in having them otherwise.
Looking forward to seeing next installment which hopefully will be the finished patio, then you get the fun part ......
17 Jun, 2011
Hahaha, Pots are fine, I have 3 in pots, one died this year but it was the winter that done it :) im looking forward to seeing it all finished,(gettn all excited here) one more question SK, is the Patio going at the top end, under the window?
17 Jun, 2011
Such a lot of progress and so much space to put your pots:)
17 Jun, 2011
Yes ydd patio under the window, can,t wait to get going with sorting it out!
17 Jun, 2011
How will you get through the weekend....held in excited suspense until Monday when they return to lay the patio and finish off? Torture, I Still you can begin to sort out in your mind what you'd like to do with your pots etc. The fun is in the planning...then the planting.... then the enjoyment of a job well done, SK :)
Look forward to your next installment.
17 Jun, 2011
Sorry, being from Yorkshire,lived abroad. What is"nebbing"
took ages to find out what "LOL" meant. Are these all soap terms. If so glad I don't watch.prefer my garden & a good book.
17 Jun, 2011
Grannyb, I think nebbing, is just the 'art' of being nosy! I'm certainly guilty of it!
Doesn't the gravel look swish, Sk! Wonder why they didn't finish it today? (See Grannyb? an example of nebbin!) it will look magic when it's done, can't wait to see it!
17 Jun, 2011
Hahaha, yes Nebbing is being nosy grannyb, just my common side coming out :)
It will be lovely having a patio there SK, I bet you have your patio set and pots all ready to go out? Rain right across the country today :( so no gardening for us girls and boys. Hopefully by next weekend you will be ready to "dress" this area SK, Can't wait to see the pics...
18 Jun, 2011
I'm a Sussex born & bred girl but lived in Chesterfield, Derbyshire for a year or so. A friend suggested one day that we went for 'a neb' round the new housing estate! I had no idea what she meant, had to ask her. Not common at all, Ydd, just a term not often used down South! : o ))
18 Jun, 2011
Haven't to got a patio set yet ydd, got to soften other half up first before I mention it lol
18 Jun, 2011
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Looking good.
17 Jun, 2011