lost Toffee :(
By sewingkilla
Toffee hasn’t come for his breakfast this morning very unlike him he usually goes out first thing then comes back for his brekky not this morning, i have text my next door neighbour and she says she hasn’t seen him all day (he pops in there for treats!) am getting worried now its 3pm and still no sign have been up and down the street shouting Toffee (bet the neighbours think i’m mad) but still no sign i am hoping he’s locked in someones shed/garage if no sign tonight then i am going to print off some leaflets and post through letterboxes, i know its not a long time but its just not like him he’s as regular as clockwork for meals, i just hope he appears at teatime will keep you posted.
16 Jan, 2009
Previous post: looking forward to spring
Next post: spring?
Really hoping you will soon be sending good news of Toffee's return. You are right. Sometimes, by mistake, cats get shut in sheds and garages. Good idea to have leaflets ready.
Please keep us up to date with news.
Thinking of you.xxxxxxx
16 Jan, 2009
Keeping my fingers crossed that Toffee comes back soon, let us know how you get on, good luck.
16 Jan, 2009
He may be just keeping warm somewhere,but hope he comes home soon
16 Jan, 2009
Try not to worry - I know what its like though. My Jess has a regular routine but in the past she would occasionally be missing for probably a day and a half and then reappear. Hope he comes home soon.
16 Jan, 2009
Maybe something diverted him? I do hope he's OK and will be back home with you soon. Definitely pass the word round, people are very good at helping.
XX and a () for you while you wait from me.
16 Jan, 2009
I know how you feel, cats are so independent arnt they, they dont realise what they put us through. By the way he is a beautiful cat, we had many ginger cats, with minds of their own! hope he returns soon, dont give up hope.
16 Jan, 2009
No Toffee at teatime and noone in the street has seen him, neighbours have opened garages and sheds but so far no sign, thankyou for all your kind messages, am sat with fingers legs toes all crossed that he re appears soon. House isn't the same without him, daughter keeps going to the back door and opening it hoping he's sat there waiting, :(
16 Jan, 2009
Have you made your leaflets ?
I'm thinking of you. xxx
16 Jan, 2009
So sorry to hear your lovely cat is missing. I know how it is. Let's hope he's turned up soon - at least the weather's a bit better. We had one that went missing for a week and turned up very hungry - I think he got trapped somewhere. A friend of our acquired a cat who jumped out of a delvery van - he must have got in at the last drop-off and was shut in the back. They never found his owners but he had a very happy life with her! Beautiful and friendly- looking puss.
16 Jan, 2009
Sarah is doing some tonight Terratoonie, keep opening the back door hoping for a flash of ginger to rush past me to his feeding bowl, come home Toffee!
16 Jan, 2009
I hope Toffee soon rushes indoors.
If you are still searching tomorrow, maybe offer a reward.
Being weekend, a reward might encourage youngsters to go hunting around. :o)
No snow out there, so that's good :o) xxxxxxx
16 Jan, 2009
Oh dear. I was really hoping to read good news by now.
I am thinking about you as well. XX
16 Jan, 2009
Logged on before going to bed, hoping that Toffee was home. Fingers crossed, thinking of you.
17 Jan, 2009
I dear. I do hope Toffee turns up safe and sound very soon. Cats sometimes do disappear for no good reason and then turn up out of the blue with a look that says..."What?? What do you mean you've been worried". My Achmed disappeared for over a month one time. We thought we'd lost him for sure. Then one evening he came wandering home as if nothing had happened as fat and lazy as ever he was. To this day I've no idea where he was.....maybe he was just trying on another family for size.
17 Jan, 2009
Saturday morning, and I'm hoping you have Toffee home safely. Thinking of you. xxx
17 Jan, 2009
Good news people!! Toffee turned up this morning for his breakfast :) none the worse for wear although he wasn't himself, don't ask me how i know i just know he's not himself, he couldnt settle and after a few strokes and tickles under the chin he wanted to go out again! Not seen him again since 10.30 this morning (Sat) wonder if he's found another home? :( will wait to see if he turns up for his tea.
17 Jan, 2009
That's good news,I'm sure you checked him over but he might have had a near miss with a car if he is not himself.Could be a bit of shock,hope he will return when hungry :)
17 Jan, 2009
So pleased he returned this morning.
Do you think he's found a girl friend ?
He might be in love. :o)
17 Jan, 2009
That's good news SewingK. TT might be right and he's found himself a girlfriend. Is he neutered? Male cats will wander if they aren't.
17 Jan, 2009
Wonderful :-) You must be so relieved. Pity he can't tell you where he was, isn't it?
17 Jan, 2009
So pleased for you ....... when my cat was younger and went out alot she would return and sometimes, it was like she couldn't settle, I know what you mean. Hopefully he'll be more content when he returns. :-)
17 Jan, 2009
Great to hear he's back! You'll have to keep him on your side with extra good treats now! :P
17 Jan, 2009
Glad Toffee back safe and sound...had been thinking of you.....
17 Jan, 2009
thankyou for all your kind thoughts, he has a limp although nothing serious either bruised or sore if no better on Monday will take him to the vet. He is very unsettled though, saw my neighbour today and she said there was an awful cat fight on Thursday night in my and her front garden so am wondering if thats whats done it, there is a bully of a tom cat 2 doors up that keeps coming into our garden and picking on Toffee (mind you Toffee is a wimp!) i chase him out if i see him but of course don't always see him, so i think he's had a nasty fight and probably lost, he's a sorry sight at the moment bless him, so lots of TLC at the moment.
17 Jan, 2009
So glad Toffee has returned home but sorry he has been in the wars. TLC definitely needed and hopefully he will settle down again.
17 Jan, 2009
That's good you have Toffee back.
Sounds like there was a fight. :o(
I hope the limp is not caused by anything too serious.
17 Jan, 2009
Watch out for abcesses SewingK. My ginger used to get in terrible fights sometimes and always ended up with little scratches which turned into awful abcesses.
18 Jan, 2009
Will do Gilli, he's not limping as bad this morning seems to be getting back to his normal self, oh these pets don't they cause worry!!!
18 Jan, 2009
I agree Sewingkilla, they are a constant worry. Sounds like poor Toffee has been shaken up a bit, could you keep him in for a while with a litter tray or would that be more stressful for him. Maybe if the other cat is out all night, Toffee could be out all day and in all night so he avoids him.
18 Jan, 2009
He's usually in at night but wanted to go out and wasn't there when we went to bed he's back to his old self today and no limp think he must have either strained or bruised it.
19 Jan, 2009
Or maybe you were right and he had been in a 'punch-up' with the neighbourhood cat-bully?
19 Jan, 2009
Pleased Toffee is back to normal :-)
19 Jan, 2009
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I hope Toffee soon reappears. Keep us posted.
16 Jan, 2009