By sewingkilla
Been down the garden today but its soooooo wet!! the grass is sodden so i don’t want to walk on it too much (thats my excuse and i’m sticking to it) the borders don’t look too bad as i tidied them up earlier, i did notice some snowdrops cheery little things aren’t they, there is even a grape hyacinth under the hedge in flower i have a love hate relationship with grape hyacinths, they do look pretty but oh they spread like wild fire!! The pond is looking bare but at the bottom are lots of frogs hibernating in the mud at the bottom i know they are there as i netted out some leaves and pulled up a frog poor thing wondered what on earth was happening i should think! The bulbs are showing their green tips, i have some lilies in a trough called ‘Tiger Woods’ even they are poking their noses out, probably trying to pull them back in after this mornings frost!
There are also some tulips in pots coming up and some minature iris in a pot with some pansies, the pansies have been hit by the frost but they seem to bounce back.
My next door neighbours are not gardeners which is very frustrating as i’m sure all the dandelions etc., come from there and there is also a bramble trying to invade over the fence, i do wish they liked it more but they are nice people so i can’t (and don’t) complain will have to get my secateurs out to chop the top off that bramble though it will take over if i don’t and my Nelly Moser clematis is just on the other side of where its invading.
I must go and get some compost for some seeds (so excited!!!) i have some Penstemons that can be started off now so am going to get my little greenhouse out of the shed and start some off will have to look at my seeds to see which others i can start.
Can’t wait for the weather to improve so i can get out in the garden, i have just looked at my seeds and i can start off, tomato red cherry (great success last year) Asters,Swan river daisy (never tried that one before) Cleome (tried last year but not successful will give them another try) Delphinium Pacific Giants mixed, Sweet Pea Galaxy mixed the others are all April sowings.
Wish me luck!!!
27 Jan, 2009
Previous post: lost Toffee :(
Next post: pots
Just called Penstenom Mixed colours Terratoonie, mostly pinks and reds on the front of the packet, never grown them from seed before another free packet from Amateur Gardening magazine!
27 Jan, 2009
Im sure ul do well with This Lot SK ,Im going to have ago @growing some tomatoes Myself this Yr :)
27 Jan, 2009
I can feel you are "chomping at the bit" to get going in the garden Sewingkilla, I think we all feel the same. How if Toffee? Hi Jacque: I always grow my own tomatoes, good luck with yours :-)
27 Jan, 2009
Good luck with all the seeds. Hopefully I will be able to get some done soon, too but at the moment I need to sort my dining room out!
27 Jan, 2009
Toffee is fine Dawnsaunt back to normal, only 'off it' for a couple of days whatever happend it certainly shook him up!!
28 Jan, 2009
Hope the tomatoes do a bit better than they did last year, took the ages to go red, mind you had loads of green ones.
28 Jan, 2009
yes need more sunshine this year! made green tomato chutney with mine
28 Jan, 2009
Yes - Good luck with your seed sewing Sewingkilla.You'll have lots of photos to show us of your lovely flowers this year.
Also good luck with geting rid of that bramble. It's not nice to be invaded like that . I know from experience in my old garden. They seem to grow a few feet every day in the summer.
29 Jan, 2009
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A good variety of seeds there !
Are you growing Penstemons from seed ?
Which ones ?
27 Jan, 2009