Archway end of serial....honest!!!
By sewingkilla
Well finally got the archway settled into its final position hubby was out with his trusty spirit level, kept coming into the house to um and ah at the lounge window (you get a good view of archway from there) anyway he is finally happy with it so i set too and filled the tubs with gravel at the bottom ( after drilling some drainage holes…yes me with a drill!!) then i got John Innes no.3 compost as its heavier than other compost, mixed in a bit of multi pupose and some of my own stuff, its now nice and heavy so hopefully the wind won’t blow it over!!
The rose i had to move a it was in the same place as where the tub is now is not very happy at the moment, its drooping a bit, wrong time of year to move but it was a neccesity, its got two chances it either will or won’t survive!!
I had a busy day, it was lovely and warm in the garden (its south facing) so i got the grass cut, second time this year, tidied up a bit here and there, there’s a lot coming up very exciting!!
Gave my friend some hollyhock seedlings and some Brachycombes (swan river daisies) she gives me lots of plants and cuttings so it was nice to give something back.
All in all an enjoyable day, though wether hubby would agree i don’t know, Scunthorpe United were playing Luton at Wembley still playing as i type, losing at extra time at the mo, Up the Iron!!!! :)
5 Apr, 2009
Previous post: the archway serial!
Next post: moving mini greenhouse
Now it's in place I'm sure you must be much happier with it and when the plants grow it will look smashing! It's so good to get some height in the garden and that will make a great division between different areas.
5 Apr, 2009
This looks lovely, give your rose a good feed and it should be fine, make sure the pot has JI no3 and a mixture of compost, cover the top of the soil with grit to keep away weeds and to keep in moisture and you will be giving it the best possible chance. If you can get your hands, and I don't mean literally, on some well rotted horse manure dig a bit of that in as well or some bonemeal.
5 Apr, 2009
Looking good SK, it will look fantastic once the plants grow up, keep us upto date with the pics please, im looking forward to seeing the rose in bloom...
5 Apr, 2009
I'm glad you're satisfied with the arch now. It will be nice to see it when the plants have grown a bit.
5 Apr, 2009
I luuuuurve your chair, sitting facing the pond, now all you need is a glass of pimms with a piece of borage in it! Wait for a warm wind, and it'll blow the smell of your lovely rose over you!
6 Apr, 2009
Looking good SK. Keep your rose well watered for a while and maybe give it a bit of shade until it perks up and has more feeder roots to absorb the water. I'm sure it will take just fine. :o)
7 Apr, 2009
PS.....give it a banana peel too. (Not kidding....really helps)
7 Apr, 2009
Yes, my roses enjoy all the banana skins going.
My parents have an arch similar to yours,it must be a good 15 years old and still going strong.
Actually I think I prefer yours, theirs is white and doesn't blend in with its surroundings as well as yours does.
7 Apr, 2009
I also use banana peels Gilli, they are full of potassium i think, the passion flower i had last year did well on them!!
Thanks Xela, thats nice to know, and no work to do on it!
7 Apr, 2009
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Looks good.
5 Apr, 2009