moving mini greenhouse
By sewingkilla
Its no good i thought this morning i’ve got to get the mini greenhouse higher, i can’t bend down because of the Menieres makes me dizzy, so i went into the hallowed place that is hubbys garage to have a root around (sssshhh!) I found an old computer desk that was holding nothing but a couple of petrol cans and an old cassette box (why has he kept that!!!) so i dragged it out of the garage and hosed it down to get rid of the cobwebs (UGH) emptied the mini greenhouse of all my seedlings and lifted the greenhouse onto the desk, its a little bit higher than i’d like but oh so much easier to get into!! I wasn’t using the bottom shelf as it was just too low but now i can.
When i’d finished putting the greenhouse on the desk thought i’d better tidy the garage a bit, so swept out where the desk had been and tidied up the stuff i’d taken off it, wonder if hubby will notice?
Then i had a walk down the garden, sunny but windy!! took some more photos to post on here, am now off to have a cup of tea think i’ve earned one!!
7 Apr, 2009
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Oooooh, what a brilliant idea! Good for you gal!!! I'm sure the old table is happy to be back in commission again! I did giggle when you wrote what your hubby has kept. Don't all our hubby's keep weird things!!!
I admire you for keeping going with your dizziness. Well done! Hope you enjoyed that cuppa!! ;-)
Love the flowers btw, I'm jealous, my tulips still haven't come out yet, boo hoo!!
7 Apr, 2009
Have weighted it down Clarice with some bricks at the back, feels pretty solid, its going to be windy tomorrow so i'll soon know!!!
7 Apr, 2009
You certainly have earned a cuppa !
What a good idea :o)
Yes I keep wierd things too :o)
7 Apr, 2009
Well done, Skilla :o)
So much better now you don't have to bend down to your seedlings :o)
7 Apr, 2009
Some lovely photographs there S. In fact, so many Goy members take great pictures I wonder what the secret is. A steady hand and a good eye I guess.
7 Apr, 2009
A decent digital camera i think Ginellie!
7 Apr, 2009
Good idea, Sewing. Your plants look good too, lovely colours.
I keep weird things too! So it not just a 'man' thing!! There comes a time when I think...'WHY did I keep that', and out it goes.
7 Apr, 2009
i wont even mention what my husband keeps 'just in case'.
do you know which species of bergenia it is? It is a lovely cerise pink.
7 Apr, 2009
Good bit of recycling and for a good cause,I,d make sure he notices if it was me....Lovely photo,s..
7 Apr, 2009
Hope you enjoyed that cup of tea, you certainly deserved it. Have you told your husband or are you waiting to see if he notices?
7 Apr, 2009
How fun it all looks so exciting and ready for spring to burst thank you so much for showing us all your plans I love this time of year every day it changes thanks so much.
8 Apr, 2009
Hubby 'said oh you've been in the garage and tidied up!' DOH!
Seaburngirl.. i don't know the Bergenia sorry, my friend split hers and gave me these cuttings, it is a bright pink isn't it, muc nicer than the others i've seen, i'll ask her see if she knows!!
8 Apr, 2009
See you never know when you might need an old computer table!! you did well there.
9 Apr, 2009
I'm of the male species, who keeps things "just in case", and am glad that I do, LOL! Things always get used ......eventually(!?!) This is a great re-use of the computer desk, btw! :-)
10 Apr, 2009
~doesn't every man David?I have two who do that!Only sometimes they don't remember what it was for and is it a good one or not!!!!!
10 Apr, 2009
Ahhh!!! Now I know why I dodn't use the bottom two shelves on mine! I got a friend to put a bag of compost on the bottowm shelf to give it a bit of weight. Like you, I have seedlings on the top shelf and progressing to the next down.
I also bought a grabber stick for £1.00 and it makes weeding something I can still do. If I get around to it over the weekend, I shall take a photo of it and post it. Only a cheap one, but seems to do the job OK on those smaller weeds that have grown between the gravel and membrane.
11 Apr, 2009
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I think you have earned a cup of tea, garden coming on well, make sure your greenhouse does'nt blow off.
7 Apr, 2009