Sad news
By sewingkilla
Well i’m sorry to say Jerry had a lot of problems aggression and possesive wise and we have had to take him back to the rescue centre, he was great with me and listened to what i said although he had had no training whatsoever, didn’t know sit even, but picked up very quickly that he had to sit before i would put his lead on and had to sit quietly before being led out the door, BUT he hated my husband would attack him if he moved, snapped at my daughter when she happened to reach over for something on the floor, he thought she was after his chew, snapped and growled at her again when she walked him, Sarah was very upset by that and it made her wary of him (don’t blame her!) after a family meeting it was decided that we could not risk our grandaughters coming and him being there. Needless to say i am heartbroken, i loved having him and he got me out the house for walks twice a day, i haven’t walked that far for ages due to having this Menieres Disease.
He needs a home with one person in and no children or cats. I e mailed the resuce centre with all the problems but also said he would be a great agility dog as he loved to run! I don’t think the previous owner trained him in anything, he would not eat dog food if i opened the oven or the fridge he was there, didn’t like being left (whined even when i went to the loo!!) although the rescue centre said he could be left for 4 hours on his own, well he probably could but not sure there would be much house left after!
After another family discussion we decided maybe a puppy would be better as we can train him from the start, but we are not rushing into things, i must admit although we only had him 4 days i miss him.
My husband has admitted that he did me good though and is not averse to another dog at some point.
Feel rather guilty but it was just not worth my familys safety to keep him.
10 Nov, 2009
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That is so sad, SK, and I can imagine how upset you must all feel. Taking on a fully grown dog can be difficult as you never really know what has gone on in their past. I hope Jerry finds a single person to take him on and that you find a puppy that will fit into your family.
10 Nov, 2009
Dear SK im so sorry 2 hear this news but let me tell u a little Story :) My Summer had been with 2 other Familys b4 i found her & she took 2 us like a Duck2water :) so im sure Little Jerry will do the Same :) Dont u dare feel Guilty its just 1 of those Things & im sure in time ul find the rite 1 for U which will make not just your Family Happy But Be very Happy Him/Herself XXX
10 Nov, 2009
I understand Completley SK, Dont feel guilty, you tried :) There is someone out there for him and there's a special dog out there for you.. X..
10 Nov, 2009
I know you can get attached to an animal in no time atall so you must be feeling upset. I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out.
10 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear that SK,you did the right thing sending him back early. The rescue centre can now reassess his needs before re-homing him again.
They do have some quite young ones occasionally.No-one can blame you for wanting to protect your family. As others have said there is a dog out there for you,don't stop looking :)
10 Nov, 2009
thanks everyone, makes me feel a bit better, he is already back on their website and they have taken into account my observations and written a new story for him, i hope he finds a nice lady to look after him.
10 Nov, 2009
Sorry you had this experience you have no need to feel guilty SK you tried. Poor dog one cannot help thinking they should have tried to match him better as he sounds as in he is use to one persons attention only?
10 Nov, 2009
I am SO sorry to read your story AK....but you mustn't feel bad about your experience - your family's safety comes first - always. Sometime soon you will find the right one for you....there are so many out there just waiting for another chance in life ....and your heart is obviously big enough to do just that.
Poor sad mixed up Jerry - reminds me of a dog that came to me in the Guide Dogs where I was working...was perfect with me ...but tore the sleeve out of a male trainer who happened to take him out for me one day!! Like Jerry she was a man-hater and they are tricky but not impossible to re-home.
You were very wise to return him quickly and now you must find a young happy-go-lucky one who will be a real member of the family - for all of you.
10 Nov, 2009
~ all the info you gave them will help them get him to the right owner~there are usually quite a few older dogs who have been with one person and are used to that~keep looking there is a dog out there for you!
10 Nov, 2009
It's a hard decision but the right one especially for the children and I'm sure you're right he needs just one person who he can bond with.
10 Nov, 2009
PS...reading your story again - makes me all the more grateful that my two recent "rescues" have turned out to be SO wonderful...sociable and well mannered...and everything I could wish for.
10 Nov, 2009
I feel so sorry for you and Jerry.can I pm you if thats ok.?
10 Nov, 2009
yes course you can Tusalady, i have had a lot of support from this website and family and friends, everyone understands why we returned him, such a shame but the home can only go on what information they are given i guess, most of the workers there are women and it was a woman looking after him and she said how lovely he was, well he was with me i could do anything with him but not so my husband or daughter. It was not meant to be but we are still looking and not going to rush into anything just yet, doing some more reseach into breeds and rescue dogs.
10 Nov, 2009
Awww I'm so sad to read about Jerry, S.K....but I'm sure you made the right decision. My Winnie was a rescue dog, and she's terrified of men....took ages for her to go near my hubby, and she's still not overly keen on my sons....she's not aggressive, just shivers and shakes a lot! But with me and my daughter, she shows great affection. The thing with "rescues" is you just don't know what you are getting...
Wishing you the best of luck finding another doggy pal :)
Di & Winnie-the-Wimp xx
10 Nov, 2009
thanks Di and Winnie! Am missing him this evening hubby not but i am!!!
10 Nov, 2009
Aww...that's a shame SK....but it's for the best....
There's another dog out there with your name on it....x
10 Nov, 2009
It's a shame how an animal's past life experiences can affect their behaviour with new owners.SK....please don't feel too the others say he will find a good home soon.
We had a rescue cat before Phoebe called Tia & she was so loving in the foster home when we went to see her that we chose her right away. As soon as she settled in at home she started swiping at us with claws out when we walked past her & hissing if we tried to pick her up.
We found out she had been living rough for several weeks while pregnant & this behaviour was just survival mode. She had to go back tho' as my daughter became too afraid to go near her.
There's the perfect puppy for you all just waiting round the corner..xx
10 Nov, 2009
Poor you - and Jerry, of course. We can't know what experiences affected him in his previous home, can we?
As everyone's telling you - don't feel guilty. It was the right decision. xxx
10 Nov, 2009
SK...sometimes adult dogs can be the best to adopt, but sometimes they need time with a behavior modification specialist. You might want to consider an older puppy, already house broken! It is so much
Before you adopt....everyone in the household should go to the rescue and visit with the puppy 2 or 3 times before taking him home with you (even if you get the dog from the humans of the Mother...visit a coupla times to make sure of the "fit"
Good luck, I know you are just about to find the perfect buddy!
~~~^~~~<@ =^..^= @>~~~^~~~
10 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about Jerry, I do hope he does find a home soon, but dont feel guilty you cannot afford to take chances especially where children are concerned, somewhere there will be the right little dog for you!
10 Nov, 2009
Sorry about Jerry like most of us, i also hope Jerry finds a new owner that are on their own with plenty of time for him.
11 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear you had to take jerry back........but you cant take any risks with the family...... i took on a rescued yorkie once..... i only had him one day as he was so nervous of everything and was scared of the children who were quite young then......... a puupy would be the answer for you, then it will grow up with your family........
11 Nov, 2009
Sk I`m sorry to hear Jerry had to go back,if you had kept him and he had hurt anyone whether they were family or not then you would have blamed yourself, keep looking Skilla ..............
12 Nov, 2009
What a shame, Skilla! You myust be so disappointed!
Poor pup too! He's obviously had a bad time before you got him. I hope he gets his ideal home & you get the canine companion that suits you all!
I wouldn'tve taken the risk either! Chin up, honey!!
13 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear this SK, yes, a puppy you can bring up or a rescue centre that assesses the dog before re-homing.
Do you know what great pets retired Greyhounds make? In between walks, that don't need to be long marathons as they are sprinting dogs not endurance dogs and need 'little and often', they are couch potatoes! Generally very calm, biddable dogs and ex-racers are good on the lead as they have been trained to be that way for walking out on the tracks.
If you have any Greyhound rescue centres near you, go have a look! They too assess the dogs.
13 Nov, 2009
Hear hear to that PG ! They always have some greyhounds at JG's SK. Or there is the Lincolnshire Greyhound Trust :) I know you have Toffee to consider too,but ours was never a racer,being rescued as a tiny pup.
13 Nov, 2009
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Oh dear, poor little dog.
Things don't look good for him do they ?
I hope the 'right' person comes along very soon for him :-((((
I hope too that you get your new companion soon Sk :-)
10 Nov, 2009