Jerry's first day
By sewingkilla
Well we got Jerry home he latched onto my daughter like a shadow and followed her everywhere, he is lovely natured house trained not an accident to be seen (haven’t found one yet anyway) loves to be out and about but not had any training doesn’t even know ‘Sit’ so thats been started, pulls a bit on the lead but is very willing to learn think he’d make a good agility dog! We are looking into dog training classes as he is brilliant with other dogs ignores them mainly!
As to the cat well ‘good with cats’ it said on his file yes well not with our cat lol!!!
soon as he sees Toffe he wants to chase him, poor Toffee feel a bit guilty about that! hoping he’ll settle down think Toffee will scratch him one day and he’ll hopefully get the message very early days yet.
He kept us awake most of the night whining and howling at one point, didn’t go down to him though as thought that would only make things worse, various suggestions have been made, one is to leave a radio on low something like Radio 4, and we are going to put in a blanket that Sarah uses so he can still smell her, hoping these will help!! Any suggestions from anyone would be most welcome!!
8 Nov, 2009
Previous post: We are getting a dog!!!!!!!!!!
Next post: Sad news
Jerry is absolutley adorable........he will soon get used to your cat... and im sure your cat will keep well out of his way....... im sure he will settle down after a few days........its best not to go down when they cry in the night.. have you tried giving him a teddy or soft toy to cuddle up worked when my dogs were younger.....good idea about the blanket as well..........your lucky to have found such a lovely little dog............
8 Nov, 2009
He's lovely i 'd love to give him a cuddle.about bed time. have you tried leaving a lamp on with a low energy bulb, as well as the radio.? He might wonder where he is in the dark. also leave something familiar like a cudly toy for him.I am going to shut up now i'm getting carried away.LOL
8 Nov, 2009
Jerry looks very cute :o)
That is a good idea to leave a blanket or similar which Sarah uses, and I would advise putting LOTS of her scent on it... Literally ask her to rub her face all over it and her feet too ~ in that order ! Lol.
8 Nov, 2009
He's very sweet :-)
Couldn't you put his bed upstairs on the landing Sk, then he might settle down better - knowing that you're close-by ?
8 Nov, 2009
What a cutie, he will settle in with the cats it just takes time, I agree, not going down to him, as if you do, you will have it every night, dogs like to have a place and you have to be the head and show where his place is, they are pack dogs and each has a place, not like cats at all, a few nights and he will stop and settle, I have had dogs nearly all my life, except the past few years as to my disability.
8 Nov, 2009
I think your doing everything right SK, I wouldn't leave a light on or a radio as dogs, espescialy puppies are very much like children, whatever you do now to 'help' him to settle he will expect all the time. I would give him a nice cozy 'bed' to sleep in and leave him to it! It might sound harsh but if you can endure a few nights of whining he will very quickly get the idea that it doesn't help and will settle down. I have just rang my uncle (Dog breeder and kennel owner for longer than I've been alive!) and he agree's. Except for the bad language and the thick geordie accent he said almost the same thing!
8 Nov, 2009
Lovely little sure he will settle down very quickly...
8 Nov, 2009
His eyes aren't looking wary any more, Skilla - that first photo of him in the other blog showed a very uneasy little dog. He'll soon setttle down. Spot on to put his bed where YOU want him to be - with a blanket, old t-shirt or something that has Sarah's scent on it - ignore the whining! It won't last long.
He's going to love you - and you will love him! :-))))
Cuddles for Jerry from me, please!
8 Nov, 2009
I think you've found a little treasure there, SK, he is really gorgeous. He will take time to settle because he has been unsettled over the last few weeks, lots of changes, etc. He will soon adapt to your ways, bless him.
8 Nov, 2009
Sure will settle in soon and will be a lovely addition to the family !
8 Nov, 2009
lovely little chap he is, fancy him myself, dont think Smokey would like it though.
8 Nov, 2009
thanks everyone not going to do the radio i don't think but will do the blanket thing TT, he's a bit more settled today, have been very strict with him, he has to wait and sit when i put his lead on, then wait whilst i open the door and if he's quiet then he can come out, behind me i might add. He has picked that up very quickly don't think he's had any lead training at all or other training, he is house trained (thank goodness), he is sat at my feet as i type this and i love him already!! He hates my husband tho!! Obviously not used to men at all, growls and barks at him (ooops!) Dennis is going to take him out tho and feed him for a while so he knows he won't hurt him. Fingers crossed!! Watch out for further blogs on Jerrys new life and ours!!
8 Nov, 2009
He is adorable SK. I'm sure he'll settle really quickly when he realises he's 'home'. :-))
8 Nov, 2009
Give Dennis a pocketful of small treats, and he can reward Jerry when he's being good with him.
8 Nov, 2009
AAAA your Adorable Jerry and I think quite mischievous too. sure you will love your new home and soon learn the rights and wrongs, Enjoy Life,
8 Nov, 2009
He looks a lovely dog I bet he will be spoilt If he was mine I would be cuddling him to death LOVELY
9 Nov, 2009
What a cutie! Hope he settles okay!
13 Nov, 2009
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He's gorgeous SK ! You seem to be doing all the right things,you may have a few sleepless nights to start with, but as you say,early days and everything is new to him.He will soon get into your routine when he realises that you do come back to see him in the morning,maybe tire him out in the evenings ?
8 Nov, 2009