Did anyone hear "Your Desert Island Discs" this morning?
By sheilabub
Oh wow!
I really hope some of you heard it . . . one and a half hours of wonderful music and touching stories from listeners. THE most moving and uplifting programme that I have heard for years – and I heard it quite by chance – I almost never listen to the radio, except for Desert Island Discs!!
We had the Hallelujah Chorus, Beethoven’s Ninth, Hey Jude, Queen . . . and half the time my eyes were brimming, it was so moving. Kirsty Young had asked listeners for their “top eight discs”, and she played the most popular (in ascending order of favourites) and also chatted about the choices to three music lovers in the studio. We also heard the voices of a few of the people who had written in, explaining their choices.
Next time the weather is no good for gardening, DO find this on iplayer, and enjoy!!
11 Jun, 2011
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It's always nice to hear fellow music lovers recommending things, i'll have a listen Sheila.
11 Jun, 2011
Thanks Karen and Louise. I may have got a bit carried away, but of course it helped that Beet's 9th is "our tune"!
11 Jun, 2011
Hi Sheila as I am 'doodling' on here I am listening on iplayer to this prog. !! I love Alfie Boe, the magnificent 7, The Beatles & opera. Thanks for the tip.
11 Jun, 2011
Wish we could!
12 Jun, 2011
Ooh, glad you like opera, Grandma ge . . . do you have a favourite? Have you seen many? Highlight of my 60th was going to the open-air amphitheatre in Verona and seeing Aida one evening, then Carmen the next. Wonderful memory.
12 Jun, 2011
thanks for this sheila ~ im off to radio 4 on line for the playback if i can find it.
i love desert island discs but dont always catch it; i like radio 4
which would be your 8 favourites??
12 Jun, 2011
just found this link if its any help to anyone ~ i didnt know they did this but you can look up any guest they have had and play the interview presumably.
12 Jun, 2011
Sticki, think i listened to the wrong prog. it was with Alfie Boe, but it made a change while I was playing on the computer!!
12 Jun, 2011
any of them would be lovely i think ~ i have yet to hear that one, i heard today's which was very interesting ~ andrea levy, now i have alan titchmarsh on ~ equally entertaining, but i havent found the one sheila has spoken about yet ~ im keeping it on my favourites cos this is the sort of program i could listen to all day
am i right in thinking alfie boe is one of the jean val jean[?] from les mis??
12 Jun, 2011
sheila you have made it onto google!!
i cant find the top eight ~ so this is what i googled:
desert island discs top eight listen
and your blog comes up top!!!
you are famous!!!
12 Jun, 2011
i think this is it if anyone else wants to listen.
12 Jun, 2011
Thanks Sticki, going to try that now, and yes Alfie sings in Les Mis. Wonderful.
Still cannot find the right prog. Sheila. What day was it on and what time please?? I have listened to a few now but cannot find the one you listened to, I am listening now to gardeners Q. time while I type!
12 Jun, 2011
its on the link above GM
im now listening to the alfie one ~ its just fabulous ~ he has definitely gained another fan ~ what a lovely man. so honest and down to earth ~ thats what i like.
i have now listened to 4 of them back to back ~ andrea levy, alan titchmarsh, top eight and alfie boe
12 Jun, 2011
Good grief!! I've just come on to the computer after our (wet) Open Gardens afternoon. The programme was on Saturday morning (yesterday) called "Your Desert Island Discs" for an hour and a half from 9.30 am.
Must now Google . . . how amazing, thanks Sticki!!
12 Jun, 2011
i was thinking of you sheila and wondering how you were gettin on ~ think you could do with some gluwein???
12 Jun, 2011
Aw, thanks Sticki. Well, it was cold, wet and windy, so a few people phoned to say that presumably we were NOT serving Pimm's in the garden, and a few others actually turned up, so we gave them the choice of Pimm's or a cup of tea (I even mentioned hot chocolate, but yes, gluwein would have been a good alternative!). The change in the weather was a real shame for all the people who've been working hard towards today, but nothing a stiff upper lip can't cope with. :)
I must have a listen to Alfie Boe (LOVED Les Mis).
12 Jun, 2011
there is a winter pimms ~ perhaps that would have worked? such a shame when the weather is wet ~ it poured down when we were looking round the alvechurch gardens once, but they remain my favourites of our local gardens ~ so it didnt really spoil it.
les mis is my all time favourite ~ been to see it 3 times!! Alfie was wonderful to listen to ~ i just thought ~ what a nice man ~ he has done so well ~ to get where he has ~ and he deserves all the good things that happen to him. never knew anything about him before. well worth listening to ~ but it might not be your choice of music??
12 Jun, 2011
I will definitely find Alfie on iplayer . . . Desert Island Discs is usually fascinating, so the choice of music doesn't necessarily get in the way. I'll find out! :)
12 Jun, 2011
They have a wonderful archive of every episode on their web site.
12 Jun, 2011
Thanks. :)
13 Jun, 2011
i have been listening to them non stop!!! just selecting one after the other ~ its really great ~ i can never find the radio station that is perfect for me ~ i like radio 4 but i also like 5 live for their chat, and i like to have some music ~ this seems to combine them all ~ im very grateful for your blog sheila ~ thank you.
13 Jun, 2011
You're very welcome, Sticki . . . and I didn't know about the archive, so we've helped each other. :))
13 Jun, 2011
thats what this site is all about ~ i think we make very good use of it!!
i have just got tickets for the gardeners world show on sunday ~ it also includes admission to the food show so im looking forward to it!!
13 Jun, 2011
Aye aye, we do! I've just been listening to the Alfie Boe prog, and yes - what a lovely chap. I liked most of the music, but not Led Zeppelin. At one point though, I did wish Kirsty had let him go on . . . "he said I only had to sing one line . . . " and then she asked him another question. :(
The Gardeners World show is not too far from you I suspect? Someone from here is organising a coach trip, but I'm afraid I don't like coaches or crowds much. Hope it's a lovely day for you though!
13 Jun, 2011
yes i agree about kirsty jumping in too quickly, usually she is ok but for some reason he wasnt allowed as much time i thought?? i didnt like all the music ~ it amused me that he chose such a variety!! none of it lasts too long which helps i thought! although i would be happy to listen for longer to some pieces ~ it does at least introduce you to some new pieces.
no the show is not far ~ just down the M42 ~ about 25 minutes?? getting in and out of the car park takes nearly as long tho!! i would prefer there not to be crowds ~ just so that i could see better but otherwise they dont bother me ~ its not quite as bad for this one cos some of it is outside which helps. saturdays show is sold out!!
13 Jun, 2011
Hello girls, well I too have listened to many of the progs now and while I am on goy, its great! at least if there is one piece of music you dont like you can move it forward to the next, now that idea I like because I dont like all the music they choose. Sticki, I like LBC sometimes, its a phone in prog, but the presenters on there also like the sound of their own voices and that can get annoying. At least on Iplayer, you can pick and choose!
15 Jun, 2011
is that a local london station GM?
15 Jun, 2011
Oh sorry Sticki, think its a local London, 97.3 chat station, my hubby says you may have a local one where you are though!
15 Jun, 2011
i shall have look ~ thank you.
15 Jun, 2011
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Thanks Sheila. I listen to Radio 4 a lot during the week. I think it was yesterday she had on Alfie Boe, which was lovely. I missed this though, so thanks. xx
11 Jun, 2011