Quiz time!
By sheilabub
Every year we buy a quiz from the local Rotary club in aid of their chosen charity (this year it’s Medical Detection Dogs). With 100 cryptic questions, it keeps us guessing over the festive period, and we spread it around among friends too. Sometimes I put a few questions on this site as Pamg is very good at solving them (and I’m sure others are too . . . )!
The theme this year is ‘Clothing, past and present’, e.g. “Pull them up to improve” (5) = socks.
“Stop in layby (8) = pullover
“Covers a head or an engine” (6) = bonnet.
I’m sure you get the idea . . . first a nice wintry pic,
and now for some head-scratchers:
1. A toll for very little fabric (6)
2. No dagger required (5)
3. Naval dress from G&S (8)
4. Wrong ones can be dangerous (8)
5.Mislaid paw warmers for tiny cats (7)
6.Charge those guns! (9)
7. Twisted in times of crisis (8)
8. The original woolly jumper (6)
9. Wellesleys (11)
10. Blocks up (5)
Good luck . . . prize if you get all ten!
Happy Christmas!!
12 Dec, 2014
Previous post: Family holiday in South Island, New Zealand
Next post: Quiz answers!
3 must be "pinafore"! I think Sbg is quite right about 5, and 9 is probably "wellingtons". I'm going to have a think about the others! Thanks for passing these on, Sheila ?
12 Dec, 2014
I so want number 7 to be 'Knickers'!
Balaclava for number 6?
12 Dec, 2014
Shirley, that's brilliant! I bet it's right!
12 Dec, 2014
Suprised you haven't got no 4 ?
the wrong trousers wallace & gromit!.......I think?
12 Dec, 2014
I hope so Melchi!
Of course Pam ... well done. :o)
12 Dec, 2014
Wow - you clever chaps! Yes, pinafore must be right for No.3 . . . not sure about mittens - why??
I hadn't a clue about Wellesleys, so quite happy to accept your answer Susanne!
Shirley - I bet you're right about No.7! But I haven't understood 'balaclava', sorry.
12 Dec, 2014
Charge of the Light Brigade ... Battle of Balaclava ... I think! Believe it or not Sheila, OH only said a couple of days ago it must be coming up for quiz time on GoY ... :o)
12 Dec, 2014
Is 8 sheepskin coat?
and no 2, well theres not only the sharp dagger but trimming short the back end of a sheep is called dagging?
got sheep on the brain now....
thanks for the vote of confidence Sheila but the girls are already doing very well......love the knickers one ?
no 1 I keep thinking of bell bottoms.......
and no10 drainpipes......
just ideas?
12 Dec, 2014
Sheila isn't there a nursery rhyme about the kitten that lost her mitten?
12 Dec, 2014
Just thought, we had a quiz at my art group today , none of us got question 1 right......which cowboy had a horse called Tony?.....
any ideas?
off to do the dinner now see you in the morning x
12 Dec, 2014
Pam, according to Google, Tony was the companion of actor Tom Mix in the 1920's. Unable to name the cowboy though!
12 Dec, 2014
Well done Shirley.......there was well over 30 of us there and none of us knew....except Karl who set the quiz!.....he said it was a silent film
12 Dec, 2014
Thanks again Shirley and Pam . . . but Pam, "sheepskin coat" has more than six letters, lol. In fact, because you said that, I've just this second realised that the answer must be "Fleece"!
12 Dec, 2014
For those wanting more . .
11. A decorator's upper layer (8)
12. Sounds like it should be fringed, but it isn't (4)
13. Sort of iron highway on head (6)
14. Spinner for example (6)
15. Accompaniment to black tie, not white (6)
See you tomorrow!
12 Dec, 2014
Clogs for number 10
Overalls for number 11
Bowler for number 14 (cricket/hat)
12 Dec, 2014
You're a genius Shirley . . . have a drink on me!
12 Dec, 2014
I shall have to share with OH as he thought of Clogs and Bowler!
12 Dec, 2014
1. Bikini
2.arm band
5. mittens
7. ring (Bilbo's?)
8. fleece
9. Wellingtons
10. choker
11. Topcoat
Joint effort with OH!
12 Dec, 2014
9/10 for effort Sue! The number of letters in each answer is shown in brackets . . so you've got the idea but your maths is on a par with mine, lol. ☺
(I had also thought of topcoat, but not 8 letters, so "overalls" is winning so far . . .)
12 Dec, 2014
Fiddle, hadn't noticed that bit! I really wish I'd thought of knickers! Back to the drawing board...
12 Dec, 2014
13 Dec, 2014
You are a clever lot of GoYers, not telling you how many I got!!!(wasn;t many) Going to copy the clues and set them to my family guests after Boxing Day lunch, and see if I raised a family of 'clever clogs or duffers'. Will let you know the outcome.
13 Dec, 2014
We had this quiz as art as I said Gralew, one got us going for ages....the name of the Sinclair electric car......
and for us technophobes how many bits in a byte......still don't believe Karls answer!
be back this afternoon!
13 Dec, 2014
Well done Loosestrife ... 'Cloak & Dagger' reference eluded me!
I think Sari for number 12 ... sounds like Surrey ( with the fringe on top)!
13 Dec, 2014
Loosestrife - well done, that's lateral thinking!
Good luck with that Gralew - hope the family won't be mad at you for not having the answers at hand?!
Good thinking Shirley - l'm glad you're there.
Many thanks to everyone for joining in . . . keep up the good work!
13 Dec, 2014
Darn and blast, I was out yesterday so missed this, I do so love a quiz.......
13 Dec, 2014
You haven't missed out completely, Lincslass, no-one has solved Nos. 13 or 15. But here are a few more, just for you!
16. Error (4)
17. Everything under this is in full working order (4)
18. Bacon and egg for members at Lords (6)
19. Nit's mum behind second letter (6)
20. Joint on bishop (5)
21. Draw up troops in proper alignment (5)
OK . . . I'll shut up now. "that's all folks!"
13 Dec, 2014
Mitre for number 20.
13 Dec, 2014
15-tuxedo, 13- tresse
13 Dec, 2014
21 - "dress"
13 Dec, 2014
Ooooh, I'm foxed (but grateful!).
Why Mitre, Shirley?
Why tresse, Loosestrife?!
Thanks Susanne - I understand that one!
13 Dec, 2014
Erm, because there is a mitre joint in woodwork and a Bishop's ceremonial head-dress is called a Mitre ... see how my brain works Sheila!!! Number 1 is really bugging me ...
13 Dec, 2014
I was hoping you'd have all answers by then and I'd PM you for them??
13 Dec, 2014
Shirley, thanks, that sounds logical. Someone has suggested bikini for No.1 (A toll = atoll??) which is brilliant.
Gralew . . we don't get the answers from the Rotary Club until FEBRUARY!! Sorry! But maybe we'll have a good number of the answers from clever GoYers . . .
13 Dec, 2014
Thank goodness, I can stop fretting over it now Sheila ... lol!
OH is helping again and reckons 16 = slip ... and 17 = hood (US word for car bonnet).
He's wondering if number 18 ... Lords ... is cricket related!
13 Dec, 2014
My answer for 13 was tresse was derived-right or wrong-as follows: an " iron highway" is a train track. A train track in the context of a head (hair) would not be a band of iron , but a band of hair, example, a braid. Needing a six letter word , I chose tresse which is a braid or plait of hair.
13 Dec, 2014
Hmmm, I like slip for 16 Shirley, and hood is certainly possible. Yes, I'm sure the Lords question is cricket related, and I'll find out tomorrow! My OH and I have been doing this separately, but on Sunday afternoon (when we light the log fire) we're going to compare notes (and I know he's 'got' this one!).
Loosestrife - thanks for the explanation, but the answers are all supposed to be some form of clothing, so 'tresse' is marginal! I'll see what OH has, and get back to you . .
13 Dec, 2014
Couldn't do any of them lol ! :D
13 Dec, 2014
13, crowns, as in crown of the road?
14 Dec, 2014
18, possibly Blazer
Lords cricket club colours are called bacon and egg.
14 Dec, 2014
Sounds very possible Diggin!.....didn't know about the bacon & egg, is it maroon and yellow?
14 Dec, 2014
Thanks Digginfit . . . I have a feeling their ties are pink and yellow?? Blazer sounds good.
Oh Hywel, you're obviously not a fan of cryptic crosswords!
Thanks Pam, that's a possibility.
I've just found two more, for anyone who hasn't got a headache yet . . .
22. Samuel's line (8)
23. Ancient shinpads make modern footballer (7)
14 Dec, 2014
Plimsoll for 22 ... Samuel Plimsoll devised the Plimsoll line on a ship.
Greaves for 23 ... a greave was a type of shin-pad in Greek times. Mind you, my OH wouldn't put Jimmy Greaves as a modern footballer!
14 Dec, 2014
Wow Shirley . . . a prize definitely coming your way! I've just bought some Eschscholtzia seeds (pink bush) from Chiltern, and will decant some and post them to you. I would never have thought of your last two answers (not to mention some earlier ones) so Thank You Very Much!!
14 Dec, 2014
Shirley you are really on the ball....?????
14 Dec, 2014
All credit to OH ladies ... he knew the Plimsoll line immediately ( memories of a lesson at school!) ... and being an avid reader of David Gemmell historical novels he knew the term 'Greave' ... I hope he'll appreciate the seeds as I much as I, Sheila ... :o) Many thanks.
14 Dec, 2014
"You're worth it" Shirley, lol. And Blazer was what OH had for the Lords question.
You did well too, Pam!
19 was apparently blouse. We have just compared notes, and there are three more(!) which neither of us have solved yet . . .
24. A chef with a clock will tell you it's not a tique (5)
25. This one symbol includes modern casual wear (5)
26. Needed on day three of three day event (6)
More seeds anyone?!
14 Dec, 2014
I am late to the party.
24 is toque - the traditional headgear for professional cooks
Jeans for 25 ?
14 Dec, 2014
Better late than never Klahanie . . . and you've come with a gift! Thank you :)
14 Dec, 2014
26. Helmet?
14 Dec, 2014
13. In prime railways times Fedora was popular head cover. Just guessing.
14 Dec, 2014
Why helmet Klahanie? We're all doing a lot of guessing!
But you're right about 'Fedora', for a different reason: I just told OH and he said 'Fe' is the symbol for 'iron', and dora is an anagram of road (highway) . . . so you have brilliantly given us the right answer!
14 Dec, 2014
Dear Sheila, I had a very late night last night so please can I do this another day?! Thanks!!!
I will try I promise!!!
14 Dec, 2014
Of course Chris, you're welcome whenever you have time. (I hope the late night was worthwhile!)
14 Dec, 2014
Not sure on these:
Levis ... as in the make of denim jeans ... for 25.
Shorts ... as the last day of '3 day eventing' is a short course ... for 26.
14 Dec, 2014
Sheila, I am thinking "equestrian triathlon"
Day One: Dressage
Day Two: Cross-Country
Day Three: Show Jumping
And I changed my mind... not helmet
on the day 3 they need a JUMPER
14 Dec, 2014
Brilliant Klahsnie......I kept thinking show jumping but it didn't click!
15 Dec, 2014
Wow - that's impressive thinking - many thanks!!
15 Dec, 2014
Have they all been solved? I've come a bit late:-)
15 Dec, 2014
Hi Bornagain . . no problem. There have been many intriguing answers, and some of them probably correct! But I'm still puzzling over
No.25 This one symbol includes modern casual wear (5)
so any bright ideas welcome :)
15 Dec, 2014
Could be:
Brace } mathematical symbol
15 Dec, 2014
Thanks to uni challenge I know the chemical symbol for iron is Fe
wonder if any 'brains' out there could link the periodic table to clothes?
16 Dec, 2014
Which one's that for Pam?
16 Dec, 2014
Alpha has a value of one and is a company that makes casual wear, but I think it's wrong lol. It's making my brain ache:-)))
16 Dec, 2014
Ba,I know just how you feel! The best I can come up with is: Onesy ... !
16 Dec, 2014
They're so last year Shirley:-) :-) :-)
16 Dec, 2014
Lol Ba - that explains why they're all half price now! :o)
16 Dec, 2014
Shirley, you have just earned those seeds all over again . . . you must be a regular cryptic crossword fan?! I can't believe I didn't see the answer in the clue: "one sy" ..mbol etc. Brilliant, thanks!
17 Dec, 2014
Thats so clever.....I was overthinking it!
17 Dec, 2014
Oh my word Sheila ... I honestly thought the spelling of those ridiculous garments was 'Onesie' ... just shows how wrong (and right) I was! I do like crosswords and word games. The seeds arrived yesterday ... thank you so much ... they will add a splash of colour next Summer. :o)))
17 Dec, 2014
I think the spelling of 'onesie' can be any old way . . . hope so anyway. These clue-setters are not infallible and have even been known to make mistakes! :))
17 Dec, 2014
Have they now?!!! Do you have all the answers now Sheila?
19 Dec, 2014
Well, I have 'something' answering every clue Shirley, but we don't get the official answers until February, when we will have forgotten all about it!
Now that I've looked again, there is one query against "Containers for iron fists (6)" against which we've hopefully put 'Gloves' with our fingers crossed . . .
When we've completed the form, we have to think of a tie-break question: making up a clue of our own for any one of the 100 answers. "Judges will select on the basis of wit, aptness and downright silliness!" so we'll attempt that when we have imbibed something festive, lol.
19 Dec, 2014
I would have put 'Gloves' too Sheila! Good luck with making up a clue ... :o)
20 Dec, 2014
Thanks Shirley . . . we'll need our 'wits' about us :))
20 Dec, 2014
I might try "Does this cat's lives number ten instead of nine?!"
the answer being 'Socks' . . the cat who lived at No.10 Downing Street.
22 Dec, 2014
Ooh, I like that clue Sheila ... and I had no idea about the cat named Socks!
How about a clue of 'Turkish Delight' with the answer of 'Fez'?
22 Dec, 2014
22 Dec, 2014
Does fez something other than a hat Shirley? I used to love cryptic crosswords, but haven't done one for years now. I preferred The Guardian ones and found Rufus the easiest:-)
22 Dec, 2014
Well, apart from being a felt hat, it's also a video game apparently! Perhaps not such a good clue after all .....
23 Dec, 2014
The fez bus in turkey, a hop on hop off tourist bus for which you can buy a Turkish delight ticket which allows you to tour the whole of western Turkey. The compiler must have been to there on holiday
24 Dec, 2014
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is number 5 mittens?
not very good at cryptic things not really a lateral thinker.
12 Dec, 2014