What a difference . . .
By sheilabub
. . . a few days makes. Suddenly everything is blooming, and giving me plenty to smile about :)
I love the colour combination of this magenta Lewisia next to the pale blue Phlox
The Viburnum plicatum Mariesii glows brighter each day.
Viburnum close-up (sorry it’s a bit blurred)
Cornus “Eddie’s White Wonder” with Anthriscus ‘Ravenswing’
Buglossoides atropurpurea . . this wasn’t flowering two days ago!
Viburnum sargentii Onondaga
Raised bed with Pieris ‘Forest Flame’ and Azaleas
Pieris bract
Sprig of Lilac on kitchen windowsill – lovely scent
Cool here again today, but hope you are all finding something to enjoy in your gardens; thanks for visiting.
14 May, 2016
Previous post: Sunny day in May
Next post: Sunday in the garden with Sheila . .
Thank you Marjorie - it's a great time of year, isn't it?
14 May, 2016
Everything is so colorful and magnificent Sheila, even the view from your kitchen window. Enjoy!
14 May, 2016
Thanks Julia - yes, you can just see the Cornus behind the Lilac.
Thanks very much Paul - I do enjoy my garden!
14 May, 2016
Lovely photos Sheila ... I do like the raised bed planting. I noticed many Aquilegias in bloom here today ... need to take out some Forget-me-nots to make space for Cosmos ... think I may leave it a week as the 'blue haze' is so pretty!
14 May, 2016
Lots of colour in your garden now, what a difference a warm week has made.
14 May, 2016
Lovely - hope you get chance to sit and enjoy it!
14 May, 2016
Looks wonderful Sheila. Weather still hot here in the frozen north.
14 May, 2016
Hopw lovely....and, your Viburnums are unusual and spectacular.
14 May, 2016
Sheila, I agree, its amazing how the garden comes to life mid May, I'm always pleasantly shocked! I was thinking of you today when I looked at my Viburnum plicatum Mariesii, hoping you would post a pic. How many years was it before yours started to rise upwards? Mine is wide and low at the moment still.
I must check my Viburnum sargentii Onondaga, no flowers yet I don't think.
Always a pleasure seeing your garden Sheila x
14 May, 2016
Awww, what a lot of lovely comments - thanks so much everyone.
Shirley - snap! I was thinking today that I'm going to have to take out a mass of forget-me-nots, but then decided to wait a week 'cos they're so pretty . . .
Dawn - when I bought my V. plic Mariesii it was fairly mature (nearly dead in fact!), so I didn't have to wait for it to grow upwards. It steadily gets taller and wider each year, but I won't let OH prune it! That's a very kind comment, thank you. x
14 May, 2016
Thanks Sheila, I will have to be patient then. Just been outside and I cant remember where I planted my V sargenti Onondaga, lol. I will have a proper look tomorrow. I leave my forget me nots too, they are so nice - until they seed everywhere. I dig them up and put them in the wood then.
14 May, 2016
Your view from the kitchen is beautiful Sheila, very special garden to enjoy your time in.
15 May, 2016
Many thanks Klahanie . . . it is my sanctuary.
15 May, 2016
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I really enjoyed my visit to your lovely colourful garden.
14 May, 2016