We're moving home . . .
By sheilabub
As some of you already know, we sold our house back in March, found a smaller one – eventually – in July, and are waiting for a moving date. The market has been extremely slow, but we are now held up because the people we are buying from had some work done and are waiting for retrospective permission (our town is unique in that you have to get permission for all sorts of things from what is called The Heritage Foundation).
They try to make sure that house frontages are in keeping with the area (good), but can be petty about small changes that are hardly seen (bad)!
Here are some plants dug up and potted, ready for the move.
But I shall have to leave a lot of stuff behind :)
I’ll just tell myself that we’re lucky to have a garden at all, and do my best to make the new one – currently a blank canvas – interesting and attractive. It is a great help to see all the lovely gardens on GoY to inspire me!
19 Aug, 2017
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What a wrench leaving your old home and garden. I do hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Think of the opportunity to design a new garden from scratch. You must keep us posted as the the new one progresses, as Hywel says.
19 Aug, 2017
It's so hard leaving your garden behind. I found it harder than leaving the house lol.
Just think of the opportunities to create a new garden, very exciting. Good luck with the move.
19 Aug, 2017
Hi Sheila...I have been waiting patiently to see your new garden! Got ever so excited when i saw you'd written a blog. But you are still in situ at your current home. ah well...good things come to those who wait! At least it gives you more time to dig out more plants to take with you. I shall miss your garden a lot, its always been one of my favourites on here. Beautiful trees and a really relaxed feel about it....sigh....I'm sure your new garden will be lovely too :) Good luck for the move when it comes x
19 Aug, 2017
Thank you Hywel, Siris, Lisam, Julia and Karen for your sympathy and positive comments!
No, not a new build, Julia, but the owners evidently weren't gardeners . . . not a flower to be seen! We plan to take out most of the old(ish) trees and shrubs that are around the edges, and then will need to add a lot of good soil improver before planting anything.
19 Aug, 2017
I feel for you Shelia , but take heart. You can start from scratch with your new garden, without the mistakes you may have made in your present garden. I detect plans are already afoot. Good luck with the move and keep us updated ☺☺
19 Aug, 2017
Sheila: Congratulations on the new house. I think downsizing is a smart move - will free up a lot of time/money devoted to housework. It will all come together. Enjoy the experience of creating a new garden - your own world. You get to play God.
19 Aug, 2017
Karen - I should have said sorry to disappoint you, but many thanks for your generous comments . . . I'll let you know when we get there!
Thank you Julia and Paul . . . I'm sure you're both right that it will be fun to create a new garden, but I'm not good at being patient! Any tips??!!
19 Aug, 2017
No tips from me - world's worst! Lets hope it won't be much longer before you can get stuck in. Its good you've managed to get so many plants potted up to take with you. Like the others I'm longing to see the blank canvas and how it develops.
19 Aug, 2017
Deep breaths!
19 Aug, 2017
I to hope you don't have to wait to long but to me it would be exciting hope you can get it prepared for spring . I would sit and draw how you want it then do a section at a time.
19 Aug, 2017
Thanks Thrupenny - yes, I'm attempting to draw a plan, and one for the front garden too.
20 Aug, 2017
Sheila we are having a solar eclipse tomorrow. Im so excited to see what it's like.
20 Aug, 2017
I've read about that, Paul, very exciting to see. Hope the sky is clear! Be careful of your eyes - but I'm sure you know that . . .
20 Aug, 2017
Hi Sheila! It's been 6.5 yrs since our move and we moved on the last day of the year 2010! What a nightmare as I had the late autumn months to decide what I could take. I left behind so many plants that I truly miss in my present garden but for the most part it's been a wonderful chance to appreciate a new site and put my imagination to work once again. I'm sure you will too!
20 Aug, 2017
Thank You!
20 Aug, 2017
A new garden project is exciting, I think. At least you will be able to make your own mark on the new place, and we will be able to watch each step of the design!!
All the best when you are established.
20 Aug, 2017
Yes! It will be great to see it develop.
20 Aug, 2017
Hi Lori - yes, it's a real mix of emotions here too!
Julia - yes, I seem to have been thinking about the new garden for weeks now - I just want to get on with it.
Thank you Eirlys. It should be an interesting project, but as we have to get rid of trees and shrubs before we can do anything else, don't hold your breath!
20 Aug, 2017
Awwww Sheila, it must be quite a stressful time, I know you have some lovely trees and shrubs to leave behind and don't forget to take your Max Min thermometer! I will miss seeing your garden but look forward to seeing your new x
21 Aug, 2017
Bless you Dawn . . . yes, it is rather stressful. If only I was a more organised person! Thank you x
22 Aug, 2017
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It's very sad leaving a garden you love so much and lots of lovely plants. It happened to me 12 years ago, and the garden I moved to was wall to wall grass. I've enjoyed making it into what it is now, and it will be the same with you.
Even though you may have some 'hiraeth' (no English word for that) after your old garden, the new one will soon take over and I'm sure you'll come to enjoy it and love it as you did your old one.
I am looking forward to seeing how you get on. I do hope you won't have to wait much longer. Good luck, ... and enjoy :)
19 Aug, 2017