I'm not used to this !
We were expecting a little snowfall overnight, down here on the South coast, but this is how much fell ….
The poor birds are finding it hard to get their food without having a cold surface to land on ….
and as for having a drink of water, not a hope ….
The recently planted Eucalyptus, Lavender and grasses are under this lot ….
Here’s hoping the Cordylines survive ….
My new propagating items ….
How about this for ‘before and after’ ….
I have topped up the bird seed, put water out for them, and swept some of the snow away. Well, we certainly have changing seasons on this small island we live on! Keep safe and warm. : o )
2 Dec, 2010
Previous post: Barrington Court, nr. Ilminster, Somerset.
Next post: Docton Mill Gardens in North Devon
those grasses still manage to look beautiful peeping thru the snow, i love that before and after photo ~ can you put a snowman on the bench?
2 Dec, 2010
I thought you may be under a white blanket Shirley I've just been looking at some from Hove-- nothings moving in the town i understand.
As to the cordyline hopefully the snow will act as insulation up here in the midlands we're promised -8 to-10 tonight.....
2 Dec, 2010
Tt, within minutes of putting the seed out, we had some birds in, plus I swept the snow off the Pyracantha berries for the Blackbird, hope they appreciate just how cold I was! There'll be no snowman, Sticki, I hate the stuff, never mind playing with it!
Hi Pam, not one Southern rail train operating this morning, buses not going into centre of Brighton, just the flat outskirts of the city, Gatwick still closed until tomorrow so who knows if our son & daughter-in-law will get home on time from Tenerife! They're due to land tomorrow evening and will have a very cold shock to the system when they do land. : o (((
2 Dec, 2010
It can't last much longer Shirley maybe thats been its swansong.....
2 Dec, 2010
Oh, I really hope you're right, Pam. I'll keep thinking positive thoughts, even though it's started to fall again.
2 Dec, 2010
The snow is really hitting you hard. I hope all the plants and trees /shrubs in your garden make it through. I agree, Shirley...no snowman for me either, although we do have a lot less snow than in your part of the UK.
You are good to feed and water the birds in all that snow.... they surely need it.
2 Dec, 2010
Sit and hope Shirley, hope everything survives, if not then we all start over again, don't we. we are a resilient bunch, hope everything comes through.
2 Dec, 2010
Oh Shirley :o(( How horrible for you. Well I can never understand why people think it's 'pretty'. To me it looks very depressing and bleak :o((
I hope you can get to your mother's all right. Take care and keep warm !
2 Dec, 2010
Oh dear Shirley...that's more snow than we've had here in over a week! Goodness....warmer weather forecast for the weekend here....hope you too!! :)))) Chocs eaten yet? I'm finding it increasingly difficult to do anything other than eat!!
2 Dec, 2010
W'lass ... the birds were eating within minutes of me being back indoors : o )) Only Spring will reveal any losses, Littlelegs, I live in hope!
Hywel, Wellie boots on, trudging through the snow to visit Mum, she's much better today, was a bit fed up yesterday.
Karen, I wish you could see my halo, that box of chocs remains unopened as I settled for a 2-finger Kit Kat! There is, however, a medium size bar of CDM choc in the fridge, no, wait a minute, it's right beside me now ... lol !! Our son just rang from Tenerife, they may be forced to stay there an extra day in the 22 degree heat as Gatwick remains closed, oh, lucky things.
2 Dec, 2010
Poor things eh? ;)) cdm....yum! Now, where did I put those mini snickers?
2 Dec, 2010
We seem to have got off lightly around here for once! Still horrid though!
2 Dec, 2010
Strangely though, Meanie, the temps are set to rise to 9 degrees over the weekend before the Arctic winds arrive on Monday. I just need to hibernate now and return in the Spring!
2 Dec, 2010
I just need to emigrate!
2 Dec, 2010
Sorry Shirley,I didn't mean to send you so much.Lol
2 Dec, 2010
It's no laughing matter, Sandra! I have sent you a PM : o )
2 Dec, 2010
Can I hibernate with you Shirley forcast is -10 for the West Midlands cant stand much more of this, I just keep sitting and eating, shall need bigger chairs shortly.lol.
2 Dec, 2010
I think we should have prepared to hibernate a while ago, Stroller, while it was warm, you remember, WARM !!
2 Dec, 2010
OMG Shirley you have had a lot of snow....no wnder you dont want any more...i do hope your cordyline survives....mine had two or three inches on them for a few days last year and came through ok....
i've just been out to check the polytunnel and it -4 in there so its about -6 outside i think..we might get our snow on the weekend i think....we'll see....
2 Dec, 2010
I knocked a lot of it off with a broom ... desperate measures ... Starlings come in for the berries left up in the top ... still snowing a little at 10pm tonight. : o (((
2 Dec, 2010
Lovely photo`s Shirley and the birds appreciate your efforts, its chocolate time here every night at the moment, trouble is we bought them for xmas,lol......
3 Dec, 2010
poor you..i hope it stops soon ..
3 Dec, 2010
Today we have a blue sky, the sun is shining and no snow is falling - yippee!!
3 Dec, 2010
forecasting +1 here overnight-- fingers crossed!!! ( better than last nights -8)
3 Dec, 2010
No snow for us today either.Not got above -5 all day,but a bit of wishy washy sun...
3 Dec, 2010
Snow has gone from the South facing rooftops ... icicles beginning to drip ... rain forecast for Sunday.
3 Dec, 2010
still none here......
3 Dec, 2010
your garden looked like mine with all the snow...... lets hope all the plants will be ok...
6 Dec, 2010
Only time will tell, Holly! Sometimes I think the snow insulates them, it's the hard frost, like the one this morning, that does the most damage. : o ((((
6 Dec, 2010
how about -11 thats what the bbc site is forecasting for tonight.....
6 Dec, 2010
Quick, Pam, get under your duvet and stay there until the big thaw begins! : o ))
6 Dec, 2010
they were right -11 and freezing fog
7 Dec, 2010
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Wow... that was a dramatic change in the weather...
I hope your garden plants aren't damaged, and that the birds manage to eat and drink....
2 Dec, 2010