Early morning wonders
Today began with a thick fog and revealed some wonderful webs.
So much a sign that we are in the month of October … chillier mornings and earlier sunsets.
This web is on a yellow berried Pyracantha …
Many more on a Holly …
Some were huge … as on this Choisya
The garden must be full of hard working Spiders!
Rosemary in the front garden …
and finally on the Osmanthus (False Holly) too … I doubt these webs would have shown up so easily without the water droplets on them. One advantage to the foggy start!
Almost afternoon now … there is a clear blue sky with sunshine … time to get outdoors!
27 Oct, 2016
Previous post: A walk around RHS Wisley September 2016 ...
Next post: An Autumnal walk
You've got some cracking weavers there Shirley! And they aren't easy to capture in photos. Well done, and thanks for sharing :) x
27 Oct, 2016
Some great photos Shirley, never been able to capture a decent photo .......
Jen I can truly sympathise with your husband, I also have a spider phobia, even a photo of one can make me feel sick! if OH isn't about I have to vacuum them up using the longest attachments possible!!
27 Oct, 2016
I do feel for you Dottydaisy2, there is a advert on the Tv about selling watches and I have to tell him when the spider is gone. My daughter in law is the same but she was bought up Buddhist so she can't bring herself to hurt them. I did find a spray that is just supposed to deter them, not kill them. Don't know if it works but made her fill better as the house they are renting up here had been empty for a while and was full of them. My daughter was going away for a few days last month so they sprayed the whole house before she went and I told my daughter in law that if she needed me I would come over.
27 Oct, 2016
Lovely photos Shirley - sometimes it IS worth getting up early. Great to see such a variety - thanks!
27 Oct, 2016
I'm weird, petrified of spiders but love to see the webs, ones covered in dew or frost I find really attractive, used to spend ages with a bent twig collecting the webs on the way to school, was never late though, too scared of getting into trouble, lol.
I collected my fresh supply of conkers a couple of weeks back and they are strategically placed around my home, out of the way of Brynner obviously, I was reading a report yesterday that said Mint teabags also work as a deterrent against spiders and mice, haven't tried so no comment as to whether it does work, was thinking about cadging a couple off my daughter to place near my apples to see if it'll stop mousey from eating them in the coming months..
Great photo's Shirley, I'll have to try getting up earlier to investigate my garden in the mornings.
27 Oct, 2016
Wow lovely webs,I have never seen seen anything like that before.
27 Oct, 2016
I have really enjoyed reading through the comments ... I detest spiders and hated clearing out the Greenhouse a while ago as I was sure one was living in there!
Sure enough ... there were two of the big 'house spiders' so I used a soft broom to move them right to the back of the garden. Don't think I've run across the grass so quick in years! I scream if I think a spider has dropped on me/my clothing yet can happily pick up a frog or a mouse.
It really wasn't that early when I saw these webs ... 8ish I think ... but the fog had left them with a lot of moisture so they were easily seen.
27 Oct, 2016
Beautiful pictures. Turn your back for 5 minutes and there are webs everywhere, very industrious creatures.
27 Oct, 2016
8ish is early Shirley . . . "some of us" were still sipping coffee in a warm bed, lol!
27 Oct, 2016
The webs stand out beautifully with the water droplets on them. They're a work of art :)
I hope you made the most of the nice afternoon you had.
27 Oct, 2016
I have my hours all mixed up again, don't go to bed until the early hours, consequently I am later getting up on these darker mornings, I have to set an alarm if I need to be up early.
Shirley I haven't seen the culprit thank goodness but one critter has to leave a biddy trap for me just inside my g'house door, windmill dance on a regular basis here, frogs and worms I can do, gerbils, hamsters and pet rabbits have always been ok with, mice big no-no, I am able to rescue them with the aid of a dustpan and plantpot, if cat brings one to the patio but only if they are also frightened and do not move, if they run so do I, know it doesn't make sense but heyho !!! that's me, lol.......
27 Oct, 2016
Great photo's
I have a huge orb spider in the greenhouse .... funny enough right above the pitcher plants ... and it had caught a wasp !!!
Did anyone see "Autumn watch" Those ladybird spiders just amazing ...
27 Oct, 2016
No it scared me so I gave up, lol....
27 Oct, 2016
Fabulous pictures. I've always found spider webs fascinating, all that work into something so delicate... and deadly.
27 Oct, 2016
Did you all see the Ladybird Spider on Autumn Watch? Absolutely incredibly beautiful little things....sorry DD2!
27 Oct, 2016
Tiny works of art!
Love the web on the choisya, it is perfectly formed - how remarkable it is!
Really lovely photos Shirley.
27 Oct, 2016
Great photos Shirley. One of natures miracles aren't they?
27 Oct, 2016
Lovely pictures, love to see the spiders webs in Autumn shining among the plants. :O)
28 Oct, 2016
I don't think I could have watched spiders on Autumn Watch ... how pathetic is that?
Thanks to everyone for looking in ... :o)))
28 Oct, 2016
It isn't pathetic Shirley. I never watch wildlife programs because I have a bird phobia. It's just the way we are :)
28 Oct, 2016
I am amazed by your captures, Shirley. I can very seldom make spider webs look good in my pictures. They are certainly work of art. Some years we have tons of spiders but this year it was not as bad (or good?)
29 Oct, 2016
A very interesting topic, Shirley! I didn't see the programme & I had never heard of the Ladybird spider before.
Unlike other Goyers here I don't have a phobia of spiders but neither do I like to get too close to them - unless there is a glass window in between!
Many years ago I was much more afraid of them - in London, where I lived for my first 15 years, we had an outside toilet. There were often spiders on the toilet door or even inside the toilet. I would wait & wait in the hope that it had gone before going to do a wee! I had to do it on occasions in the garden as it hadn't left!
My wife, especially when we lived in Spain, often had to remove them from the bedroom. but over the years I've been more accustomed to them - though don't ask me to pick one up! My wife plays with them on the end of their silk!
I can even go to sleep with one on the bedroom wall not more than 18" from my face! But our grandkids are petrified by them & will run a mile before letting one get near them or being in the same room as one!
29 Oct, 2016
Give me a big far frog or toad, even a snake any day!!
30 Oct, 2016
Hywel, I agree, we all have different phobias!
K, it was thanks to the fog leaving so many water droplets on those webs.
Oh Balcony, sent shivers down my spine reading your comment :o((
Lol Dotty !
31 Oct, 2016
Beautiful web-images, Shirley. Like many here I do not like spiders and, after seeing all those webs, am grateful that our native spiders are not that big!
As our father was Australian my sister and I were brought up to be wary of spiders. He would never put a hand inside his gardening boots or Wellies!
31 Oct, 2016
I LOVE, yes, LOVE spiders; and all other creepy crawlies. I even owned a snake once, a Californian Great Grey rat snake. He loved spiders too though he would only eat rats (humanely killed prior to eating).
In times gone by, spider's webs were used to bandage wounds...they were collected early morning as they were easier to find!
Love your photos, ST; thank you for sharing :)
31 Oct, 2016
Great pics Shirley they are works of art, made me wonder if they stayed up all night busy spinning or do they start at the crack of dawn.
1 Nov, 2016
Same here Eirlys ... boots get shaken out before my feet go in them!
Hmm, White horse, thanks for liking the photos :o)
Hello Phyl, thanks for popping in. I like to think they work through the night on their web spinning.
1 Nov, 2016
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Webs can be so beautiful to look at, hubby who is petrified of spiders can even gaze at them in wonder from the house. As long as they stay in the garden :-). He has been known to wake me up to save him from a Tegenaria-giant house spider. He even learnt all the names to try and stop his fear but it didn't work.
27 Oct, 2016