Flowers in the sun
These were enjoying the warmth of the sun yesterday, as was I, but today is definitely cooler with occasional sunshine.
The Roses do seem to be flowering a little earlier than last year, but I’m not complaining about that at all!
Here is ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ with the first flower opened but surrounded by so many buds
This is ‘Irish Eyes’, a repeat flowering Floribunda Rose with shades of red, yellow and orange depending on the weather.
A favourite Rose of mine is the wonderfully scented ‘Champagne Moment’ which has grown so well this year.
This climbing Rose is ‘Perennial Blue’ and started off as a cutting from Karen about six or seven years ago … just look at it now … fabulous!
Another Rose that is growing well is ‘Together Forever’, planted in memory of my dear Mum.
This Rose may be ‘Arthur Bell’ but I felt sure when the new fence panels were fitted that poor Arthur was no more! It certainly looks and smells gorgeous though.
Moving away from Roses to some of the cuttings I took last Spring.
Sedums and Fuchsia ‘Lady Boothby’ … hopefully they will grow well enough to be planted in the garden next year.
This dark Heuchera has sent up lots of flower spikes this year and, unlike some other varieties, seems to stay put in the ground rather than trying to escape!
Judging by the amount of white blossom on this Pyracantha there should be enough berries later on to keep the birds happy for some time.
I wonder how many GoY folk remember Motinot … she gifted me a cutting of Geranium magnificum many years ago … it never fails to delight. The Clematis ‘Guernsey Cream’ has been nibbled by some critter … grr!
Finally, Michael helped me to plant the little wheelbarrow and concrete boots with Nemesia and Antirrhinums two weeks ago … a very colourful sight now.
Thanks for looking in … enjoy the rest of the weekend.
28 May, 2022
Previous post: Spring clearing in the garden
Next post: Shaping some shrubs today
I agree ..your roses are beautiful!
I had the Rhapsody in Blue but it was too big to move when we moved to Cleethorpes.
I do love the climber Perennial Blue!
Do you ever hear from Karen?
Your garden is looking so full now and I have a few clems which have been eaten by earwigs or snails!
It's so annoying!
Your wheel barrow and boots are very pretty !
Take care and don't overdo it! xx
28 May, 2022
what beautiful roses Shirley, only a few of mine have started blooming yet. I really do need to get and sort out the British natives that are outstaying their welcome tomorrow. I don't think we have rain forecast.
I used to have Lady Boothby but lost her in those really harsh winters. I love the colours of the flowers.
Very pretty planters too.
28 May, 2022
Your plants are nodding in the direction of summer, Shirley, and all look very healthy and colourful. I've been really disappointed with the large-flowered clems this year, too. My arches are all lopsided as only the viticellas are doing any thing much and the others keep collapsing as soon as they push out a few flowers.
The birds should be happy with the Autumn pyracantha offerings and the decorative annuals are fun.
28 May, 2022
You have a beautiful collection of roses, Shirley. I can almost smell the gorgeous scents from here.
Your Mum’s memory rose is a pretty colour, and the gifted rose from Karen is doing fantastically well!
Love the fuchsia variety too, the colours are attractive. I must take a pic of one of the sedums you sent me last year - one in particular is doing amazing!
Your blooms are all impeccable!
28 May, 2022
I like Raphsody in Blue and Arthur particularly, but they are all beautiful.
28 May, 2022
Sue, thanks for awarding the gold star to OH! He's slowly learning about gardening, never really took an interest before, just admired the flowers ... :o) I looked at Motinot's profile and was surprised to see she last posted a photo on GoY back in 2017. I think she and her sister were running a florists shop, perhaps it left her less time for GoY?
Rose, Karen has posted a blog and some photos very recently, have a look and you'll see her latest news! I think the damage to those Clematis blooms has been made by tiny slugs. I pulled up the last Forget-me-nots, put them in the Dalek composter and next day the lid was covered in tiny creamy-white slugs ... yuk!
Sbg, sending you a PM.
Anget, I have lost far too many Clematis plants over the years ... one I really liked was the handsome 'Bill MacKenzie' with his yellow blooms and taselled seed heads. Hmm, may just have to grow him again!
Kate, that Rose from Karen has done, and is doing, so very well against the fence. Thanks so much for your kind words and I look forward to seeing a photo of the Sedum.
Siris, thankyou so much for looking in ... :o)
29 May, 2022
You have some beautiful roses Shirley and I love the picture of your heuchera. The wheelbarrow and the boots look very pretty - a very good joint effort!!
30 May, 2022
Thanks Chris, that Heuchera is one of the few in my garden that doesn't seem to grow up and out of the soil!
Michael is definitely my garden helper these days ... :o)
30 May, 2022
I like Rhapsody in Blue & Arthur also, though everything is very lovely.l like your planted up wheelbarrow & boots.
1 Jun, 2022
Thanks Josie, the Roses are wonderful this year. The wheelbarrow was inherited from an Aunt and the boots were a lot at an auction.
1 Jun, 2022
Your roses are delightful Shirley. I love the colours in your . Irish Eyes. My Arthur Bell is flowering really well this year too. I remember Moti from the old days. You have some lovely plants.
2 Jun, 2022
Thanks Hb, I wasn't too keen on Rose 'Irish Eyes at first, too Jaffa orange for my liking but now it seems to have turned to more of a soft red colour.
Arthur Bell is a fabulous Rose isn't it? Good colour, form and scent ... just perfect!
2 Jun, 2022
You have lots of really beautiful roses in your garden, Shirley!
Rose 'Arthur Bell' was planted in my church's gardens a few years ago to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the new building! I didn't know it had a scent but I love the colour & shape!
4 Jun, 2022
David, I'm glad you like the Roses. You really must get up close and enjoy the scent of 'Arthur Bell' one day!
5 Jun, 2022
Getting up close is no problem - enjoying the scent may be something else! 🤣
6 Jun, 2022
Poor sense of smell??
8 Jun, 2022
All looking lovely and healthy Shirley, and I bought Nemesia's again this year,arent they so colourful,and long lasting ? So glad you have a extra pair of hands to help you ,and Im sure M is doing a sterling job..Lol. I either didn't realise you had so many Roses,or it could be I had forgotton..? (more than likely ) ! Anyway,it's a credit to you both..Happy Gardening. :o) x
9 Jun, 2022
Not so much a poor sense of smell, Shirley, but like a great many men sticking my/our noses into a flower is not generally the first thing that occurs to me/us! 😂😂😂
9 Jun, 2022
Sandra, I have bought some more Roses over the past year and some are in pots, others in the ground. Michael is slowly learning about the plants in the garden ... he even used a hedge trimmer on some large (ish) shrubs yesterday. I was watching like a Hawk ... :o))
10 Jun, 2022
David, now I understand, but you shouldn't worry about it as so many Rose breeders are male ... :o)
10 Jun, 2022
I think you are right to keep an eye on him,Shirley.If he is anything like my OH, it could be mayhem ! Although I couldn't blame the annihilation of the Choisya on him,some years ago ,to be fair .ha ha.
10 Jun, 2022
Sandra, I think many of us remember your very hard pruning of that Choisyia! The trouble with Michael is his lack of patience with gardening ... I would take my time to shape shrubs ... they almost got 'flat-topped' at one point ... :o((
11 Jun, 2022
Shirley, The Choisya has just about forgiven me ,after all those years ago,and is a lovely big shrub now.:o) ..It's had so many flowers this year too,although I don't like the smell ! I think it's getting it's own back for being so near to our front door ! lol Revenge is sweet,so it's said. .ha ha.
Oh dear,I'm with you on 'flat topped' shrubs !:o((.
11 Jun, 2022
Sandra, I dislike the smell of Choisya too, such a strong scent. Years ago I used to visit a friend who insisted on 'flat-topping' all the shrubs ... just so weird. She moved to Wales and we lost touch.
12 Jun, 2022
I didn't see any evidence of your friend in North Wales ,when we went on a 'House and Gardens ' Holiday last week Lol. . Bodnant Gardens was tastefully trimmed, so I presume she is in the south ? .:o).
12 Jun, 2022
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Its cooler here as well, keeps getting very cloudy but no rain which the garden needs, I've been planting out a few bits and its so dry makes you wonder how things are doing so well Shirley..
Your roses are beautiful, Blue Moon I planted years ago never did do any good, refuses to go away though, I think you recommended Rhapsody in Blue to me in the past, seeing yours has made me think i should treat myself, yours is gorgeous.
Everything is doing well for you Shirley, I simply cannot do fuschia cuttings at all, I try but never have managed them, yours looks a strong one, both my Pyracanthas are full of blossom as is the elderberry that grows at the back of us...
I do remember Motinot, although haven't seen any posts from her for a very long time, love the colour of the geranium, not seen one as dark as that looks good with your clematis, shame about the nibbles..
Michael did a good job planting up, very attractive, tell him he has earned a gold
28 May, 2022