My Beautiful Boy 'Fudge'
By simbad
Sorry this is a very teary blog, know a lot of you have come to know my lovely chocolate lab Fudge, unfortunately he became ill around 3 weeks ago with a really bad cough, the vet thought he had bronchitis, but after 2 different courses of antibiotics he was still no better so the vet decided to do a chest x-ray and found he had an enlarged heart and his lungs were full of fluid, he came home with quite a few different tablets, 13 a day including his epilepsy ones, and for a few days he did perk up, even eating dead birds in the garden (typical Fudge) and raiding the bins in the kids bedrooms, but last Thursday he started to become really ill collapsing and coughing , and his tummy was really bloated just couldn’t find a comfortable way to lie down so on Friday we took him back to the vets who could do no more for him, the water tablets weren’t getting rid of the fluids from his body, so we cuddled him while he was put to sleep, broke my heart and just can’t stop crying at the moment.
Fudges favourite hobby, stealing tea towels.
20 Jul, 2011
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Bless your heart, we lost our beloved black lab Lucy a couple of years ago now, but you never stop missing them, she too had the Lab trait.. eat everything and anything, I think she would have eaten me if I had fell in her bowl!! Best thing you can do is let it out cry as much as you want to, they are after all, part of your family.
Thoughts are with you simbad, so sorry x
20 Jul, 2011
So sad to read this, Simbad ...
You gave lovely Fudge a wonderful life ...
and when the pains of grief heal a little ...
... you'll have so many happy memories of a fabulous dog ...
20 Jul, 2011
I am so sorry Simbad, take care xxx
20 Jul, 2011
I'm very sad and sorry to hear about lovely fudge. You will have some wonderful irreplaceable memories but for now I can understand how very sad you must be.
20 Jul, 2011
Simbad you and your family are in my thoughts, you wouldn`t have wanted your lovely Fudge to suffer, I know its heartbreaking but you all loved and cared for him, so take heart in knowing he loved you in return..
Take care xx....
20 Jul, 2011
20 Jul, 2011
Ahh...Im so sorry to hear that news Simbad....thinking of you at this sad time..xxxx
20 Jul, 2011
So very Sorry Its all very sad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
20 Jul, 2011
So sorry Simbad.
20 Jul, 2011
I am so sorry to hear that. At least he is at peace, and you have nice memories and pictures of him.
20 Jul, 2011
tears from me too. I am so sorry Simbad xx
20 Jul, 2011
so sorry Simbad, xx
20 Jul, 2011
So sorry Simbad, xxxx
20 Jul, 2011
read the 'rainbow bridge' Simbad I found it helpful, you're in my thoughts x
20 Jul, 2011
No no no, not Fudge, Kathy, I know you must be heartbroken, I've joined you in the tears. x
20 Jul, 2011
How very sad for you ... brought tears to my eyes too ... thinking of you
20 Jul, 2011
I am very sorry too,Simbad..take care...
20 Jul, 2011
so very sorry take care
20 Jul, 2011
I'm so sorry Simbad. Thinking of you.
20 Jul, 2011
I am so very sorry to hear your sad news, having lost two labs I know how you must be feeling, take care xxx
20 Jul, 2011
Oh dear, Simbad, that's so sad, just know you're in my thoughts, I know you loved him to bits. Take care, xxx
20 Jul, 2011
I am sorry to hear about Fudge. It's a very sad time for you and you'll miss him very much. I hope you're feeling just a bit better by now.
Sorry this message is late but I haven't been on for a few days
22 Jul, 2011
Thankyou everyone for all your comforting words, the house just seems so quite, even though he hardly ever barked, we all miss him so much his toys scattered around and him stealing the tea towels so we'd chase him, even miss his bad habits like raiding the bins and eating anything that didn't move, but it wouldn't have been fair on him to watch him suffer anymore after all the joy and love he's given us,as hubby keeps telling me he had a fantastic life and was greatly loved and we have lots of lovely memories of a really gentle giant. xxx
23 Jul, 2011
God Bless gentle Fudge.. xxx
23 Jul, 2011
I'm so sorry Kathy I know that awful feeling ! as you know we lost our lovely puss Marmy recently and like you we are finding it very difficult to come to terms with the house feeling so empty it seems that every cupboard you open has a toy or brush in it , the worse thing is not having that little face greeting you when you come home from anywhere , sorry It's making me sad again , we know they couldn't have had a better life and must take comfort in that xx
26 Jul, 2011
So sorry to hear you lost your lovely Marmy Amy, haven't been on here much recently so hadn't seen your blog, know exactly how you feel, Rob got up early the first morning and moved all Fudges things into the garage so I didn't get upset seeing them, even though he's just as upset as the rest of us, know what you mean about them coming to greet you, every time I went out I had to bring Fudge a chewy bone back and he'd search the bags till he found it wouldn't take anything else though, except one day I forgot so he ran off with the bread buns instead!!!!, wouldn't dare forget again :-)
Sure in time when the pain eases a bit we'll both be left with lots of happy memories xxx
26 Jul, 2011
Oh Kathy that made me cry and laugh all at the same time , sorry I can't see for tears xx
27 Jul, 2011
I have just joined and yours was the first post I read. I am so sorry to hear about your boy. I'm in a similar situation at the moment with my cat Jetex, shes 13 or 14, another rescue and I think it's her time to visit the vet. Very low in our household at the moment. I wanted to ask you about hemerocallis so when you are up to it, drop me a line.
Chin up
17 Aug, 2011
Thankyou Rolliekins, we all miss him so much.
So sorry to hear about your cat Jetex, my thoughts are with you, know what an awful time it is, just wish our pets could live as long as us.
We're having some computer problems at the moment, just sneaking a few minutes on daughters laptop :-), would love to have a chat about daylilies, could talk about them all day:-), love the one in your avatar, is it one of yours?
I'll drop you a line when the computers fixed, nice to have another daylily fan on here :-)
19 Aug, 2011
My avatar is Daring Deception flowered last month and was a stunner. I have 52 named varieties and about 25 unnamed. None of the unnamed have flowered yet. Only been collecting since last year!
Jetex is getting better, I think her food was just too much for her, she's on senior pouches now and seems to be doing well for it. Fingers crossed
20 Aug, 2011
Just found this blog, so sorry to hear about Fudge... i know how you feel as i losr both my yorkies within a year of each other aged 16. Wasnt going to get another dog, then 6 months later kayleigh came into our lives.....she cant replace them but she has brightened up our lives.
5 Sep, 2011
Thankyou Holly, remember you loosing your gorgeous little yorkies, can't imagine what it must have been like for you loosing them both within such a short time.
We've said just the same no more dogs, its just so heartbreaking isn't it, miss him so much and as you say you can never replace them, they all have their own little ways, when we lost our last dog, Penny,it was only 3 months before we got Fudge, so who knows.
So glad Kayleigh's helped to ease the pain a little, she's beautiful:-).
5 Sep, 2011
Thanks simbad.....yes kayleigh has certainly made a difference, now i have to go out for a walk in all weathers but it keeps me fit...
Take care x
12 Sep, 2011
I know this message is late but I must have missed it while I was off poorly. I am so very sad to hear your news about Fudge, it sounds a very similar condition to the one Polly had, so I know how distressing it must have been for you, hope you are feeling a little better now, but it takes along time for the tears to go away. Take Care love Carole x
2 Oct, 2011
Thankyou Carole, yes think it was similar to what Polly had remember reading your blog about her, feeling a bit better thanks, little things still keep setting me off though, I was weeding the other day and came across one of his favourite chewy bones in one of the borders, and there I was again crying my eyes out.
2 Oct, 2011
i know Kathy still cry over little things that jog the memory, but it just means we cared so much!
2 Oct, 2011
I'm pretty slow getting to this...just started reading your blogs from the top of the list down...and had a big lump in my throat reading this. Awww, I have lovely memories of my Mandy, who left us in June of 2011. Sorry for your loss, Kathy.
25 Aug, 2012
Thankyou Lori, we have lots of lovely memories but we still miss him terribly as I'm sure you miss Mandy too, we've been thinking of getting another, still can't decide, know there'll never be another 'Fudge' but we've always had a dog and the house seems so empty without toys scattered everywhere :-) we'll see.
I will get round to looking at your blogs and pictures Lori, busy Bank Holiday weekend :-)
27 Aug, 2012
Hope your holiday is good...enjoy!
Our Mandy was a large dog..she weighed 80 lbs...(well medium-large, lol) and I have been thinking that I would like another dog, but perhaps a small one...a Yorkie maybe.
28 Aug, 2012
Wow Mandy was a big dog, we were thinking of a smaller one too, do love my retrievers though.
29 Aug, 2012
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So sorry to hear that news Simbad. It sounds like Fudge gave you much joy while he was with you.
20 Jul, 2011