New Daylilies for 2012
By simbad
Well its that time of year again, I like to do a blog every year around now to show all the new daylilies flowering for the first time,cheers me up on gloomy days like today :-), its been a challenging year for all of us with all the rain some daylilies have been better than ever with many showing extra petaloids which I’ve never seen on many of them before, others haven’t done so well,did still had a good show though, the daylily bed is so large now(174 named varieties, oops) it was impossible to deadhead every day, something that can take well over an hour now, not that I mind its great to get in there and view them close up, the soil was just too wet to walk on.
My favourites are the spider and unusual forms the bigger the better!!!!!, here’s my biggest so far at 14inches across!!!
‘Watchyl Digital Scream’
All the Watchyl series have huge flowers I have 3 now this ones called ‘Watchyl Lavender Blue’ this didn’t do so well this year even though it was covered in flowers most just didn’t open fully due to lack of sun.
I love this next one only 2 fans but it was covered in flowers for weeks, so bright and cheery despite the weather, the first flower opened on my mother in laws birthday :-)
‘Grandma Kissed Me’
‘Apple Swirl’
‘All American Windmill’ love the colour of this one.
‘Dick Kitchingman’ this ones been amazing another thats only 2 fans but its flowered all summer and still has buds now!!!
‘Curly Cinnamon Windmill’
‘Milady Greensleeves’
‘Selma Longlegs’ wanted this one for ages, its was voted best performer by members of the BHHS a couple of years ago, well deserved too :-)
‘Greywoods Nautical Nellie’
‘Wild Horses’ reblooming at the moment, a lot tend to look ‘washed out’ at this time of year, not this one it looks just as good as in the summer,
And this is my absolute favourite newbie, searched for it for a couple of years, everywhere had sold out but eventually found it last year, it was in flower ages with lots of polytepal flowers ( daylilies have 3 petals and 3 sepals but some varieties quite often have extra petals and sepals they’re called polytepal)
’Tomorrow’s Song’
‘Chinese Cloisonne’ this is one that showing extra petaloids in the centre.
‘Handsome Dylan’ this flowered the first year I bought it then nothing for 2 years, made up for it this year though.
‘Hemstitched’ named because the edges look like they’ve been stitched, lovely variety.
‘Outrageous’ I bought this one last year after seeing Motinots picture, love it so bright you need your sunglasses :-)
‘Real Wind’
‘Sanford Star Search’ very hard to capture the colour of this one its described as almond shell overlaid with lavender with a patterned pewter blue lavender eye, stunning in real life, one of my more expensive buys, ssshhh, lol.
And now some of those lovely little minis that are always covered in flowers,they vary from a couple of inches across to 4inches and a lot have lovely patterned eyes
‘All American Baby’
‘Changing Latitudes’
‘Siloam Tiny Tim’
‘Cosmic Hummingbird’
I’ve never really liked the doubles but they’re growing on me :-), they can often take a year or so to settle before showing their double blooms this one has been double from the first flower.
‘Land of Cotton’
And finally this is my first seedling, I’m so excited about it, I grew quite a lot from seed a couple of years ago just as the cold winter hit, I lost every one except for 2, hadn’t been able to get on the allotment for weeks with the rain and when I did I was greeted by this, 4ft tall with huge flowers and cascading petals loads of buds in its first year and despite the weather they all opened beautifully, its a cross of ‘Star of Fantasy’ and ‘Iktomi’ needless to say its now moved safely into the garden :-)
Hope you enjoyed my blog and its inspired you to grow some of these lovely unfussy plants, they’ve come on so much in recent years so many colours and forms to choose from, just give them a sunny spot where they’re not crowded by other plants, a feed in spring, and don’t plant too deeply, and they’re happy, their only real pest is the hemerocallis gall midge which only affects early flowering varieties, you too could have a display like this, excuse the washing.
Only problem now is where to put this years 150+ seedlings :-)
22 Oct, 2012
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these are all stunning simbad. I have 8 I think. do you have golden zebra, its a variegated one?
22 Oct, 2012
Beauties everyone.
22 Oct, 2012
This was a revelation - no idea there are so many. You must be thrilled with your cross, its very striking and deserves to be named after you."Simbad's Variety"??
22 Oct, 2012 have lots of lovely daylilies! My favourite is Milady Greensleeves. Beautiful. I put three different daylilies in last year & have just recently ordered three more online, not here yet. I thought I was doing well with six! Still, lots more garden beds to dig out yet, so I imagine a few more will find their way into our garden. I was looking through an online catalogue specialising in daylilies just yesterday & spotted a gorgeous spider daylily called Midnight Magic, so I think I will be ordering that one too. Lovely photos simbad. Great to have as reference.
22 Oct, 2012
What a wonderful collection. That last one is really beautiful !
22 Oct, 2012
A lovely display of colour Simbad, I`ve only started growing them since joining goy and mine were kindly sent to me by other members but I am hooked, seeing all yours I have a long way to go yet, lol....
22 Oct, 2012
Oh Simbad...such beauties...I love the last pic of the daylily cross, its a fabulous colour.....
22 Oct, 2012
Thank you Kathy, wonderful blog.
23 Oct, 2012
What a magnificent collection you have Kathy and such a lot of work involved, I love the Hem Stiched one and the the Mini ones are very pretty like Tiny Tim especially.;0))
23 Oct, 2012
You have been holding out with photos for this blog. Some real winners. I can see why you wanted Selma Longlegs; I really like the cascade form. And your cross is a terrific shade of purple.
23 Oct, 2012
Thankyou Rose :-), over 50 000 registered cultivars last time I checked but more are being introduced all the time, not all available in this country though the USA is the home of the big hybridisers, but I think Wylieinthe azores a member on here is the next big hybridiser ;-), so expensive to import over here with all the phytosanitary costs, thats why a lot of the newer varieties can sell for large sums of money, out of my reach :-), shame about your daylily a few people tell me they have problems with them flowering, all I do is give them a sunny spot, not plant too deeply just level with were the roots join the leaves, too deeply can prevent flowering, and feed in spring with a seaweed fertiliser, divide every 3-5 years depending on variety, some are more vigourous than others, there are some that take a year before starting to flower again after splitting.
Thankyou Homebird, I always like to see which are peoples favourites, I just love them all, OCD I think,lol :-)
Thanks Sbg :-), yes I do have 'Golden Zebra' love the foliage on it when its just emerging in the spring :-)
Thankyou Drc glad you like them :-)
Steragram would love to produce one thats good enough to register so I'll be monitering this one, I'll keep your name in mind :-), its really expensive to register them though think around £200.
Oooo Dwyllis first signs of addiction,lol, I started off with just a few now I have the usual gardeners problem the ever decreasing lawn,lol, just checked out 'Midnight Magic' fabulous colour, I'll look forward to your pictures :-)
Thankyou Hywel and Motinot glad you like my seedling, was told by a member of the BHHS to guard it with my life,lol.
Lincslass which varieties do you have ?, I'm trying to be good and stop my finger hitting the buy it now button,lol.
Aaaw thanks Diane glad you enjoyed it :-)
Thanks Carole how are yours doing, any more flowers this year ?, 'Siloam Tiny Tim' is one of my favourite new ones too such lovely colouring, maybe thats what I should do buy more minis then I could fit more in,lol.
Thankyou Wylie :-), the cascade forms are beautiful aren't they, I'm hoping when my seedlings start flowering I get some as good as yours, I've so enjoyed looking at your pictures this summer, have yours all finished now ?
23 Oct, 2012
I am wondering when mine will finally finish. There are 2 first year seedlings getting ready to open, and suprisingly El Desperado should be open by the end of the month for the 3rd time. I did post 2 photos today, and there are lots of named varieties reblooming or with scapes. I have 2 sdlgs with 5 scapes on each.
23 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that Simbad, perhaps I have planted too deeply! I could always lift it and this time check its not too deep.
23 Oct, 2012
Wow Kathy what a sight when they are all in flower stunning ! and as you say hard work but the pleasure you get from them makes up for it all , I would be very hard pushed to pick a favourite from them all I'm not even going to try :o)
23 Oct, 2012
Beautiful varieties you have there
23 Oct, 2012
I'm betting you still have some open at Christmas Wylie, you lucky thing :-)
Thankyou Amy, summer seems so long ago now doesn't it, another gloomy dark day here, quite glad though I'm still sorting out my living room busy painting, the carpets being fitted next Monday, its such a huge room its taken me 3 days !!!! final stretch today :-)
Thankyou Sixpence, nice to see you back on here, haven't seen you for a long while :-))
24 Oct, 2012
It's a horrible time consuming job Kathy you will be pleased when it's finished and you are back to normal it will look lovely at christmas time that is if you don't let Coco chase poor Symba through the house :o))
24 Oct, 2012
Your welcome Amy .
24 Oct, 2012
Just finished the painting Amy, just the doors, skirting and beams to wax now :-)
Oh heck think Symba would be up the Christmas tree if Coco came round again :-)
24 Oct, 2012
Lovely, Lovely Lovely, the mini ones especially Tiny Tim, are very pretty but the colours are stunning on all of them. :)))))
2 Nov, 2012
Thankyou Gralew glad you like them, Siloam Tiny Tim seems to be a real favourite, the minis are great for smaller gardens and will happily grow in a big pot :-))
3 Nov, 2012
I love your own cross Kathy, yes you must guard it well.
20 Nov, 2012
Hi Pam, lovely to see you back :-)
Yes the seedlings safely planted in the middle of the daylily bed now, can't wait to see how it developes next year, glad you like it :-)
23 Nov, 2012
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They are absolutely fantastic! I never knew there were so many varieties. I only have one yellow one and it hardly ever flowers. any ideas Simbad? I have never seen such a lovely display as this.
22 Oct, 2012