Irises - singing in the rain
By siris
What a wet and windy fortnight it has been in the south! I have had to stake the stems of all my Irises in flower, particularly the tall ones. The large flowered ones turned soggy and sad, but when the sun came out the survivors sang.
Laurel park. Had this for years, bought in a packet from a garden store.
Golden muffin.Took years to reach flowering size, from Parkers
Concertina. A space age from Chaileys.
Immortality. Went a bit transparent in the rain.
Prince Charming. Bought 5 different bare rooted from a nursery in Provence years ago, needs dividing.
Caliente. Another old variety, bought in a packet.
15 May, 2014
More blog posts by siris
Next post: Iris - A change of face
Thank you scotkat. The weather is supposed to be nice until the weekend. I await with anticipation for more buds to unfurl.
15 May, 2014
Lovely iris Siris, I have Immortality too gorgeous one, Prince Charming's a beauty!!
Its not the rain that's bothering mine but slugs chewing the leaves and something, assuming the magpies, pecked every stem except one off my Langport Storm assuming they just didn't like that one as a yellow one nearby they left alone completely !!!!
15 May, 2014
Welcome to Goy Siris, your Iris might be a tad wet but they are still gorgeous...
15 May, 2014
Wonderful pictures, especially Concertina and Immortality. So glad to hear you say they sing after the rain - just how I feel but have never heard anybody else say it! Some photographers carry a spray bottle to put water drops on flowers just for the photos, but Mother Nature did it for you. Do you find Immortality really is repeat blooming?
15 May, 2014
Aren't they beautiful :o) I love the rain drops on them too :)
15 May, 2014
have you managed to ID the other one from your question?
these are gorgeous. the avatar does remind me of Red Zinger but as I said in the answer to your id question, its only about 75cm tall as it is a germanica. having said that some of the ones in the back garden are even taller.
16 May, 2014
Hi, Scotkat - thanks for your comments
Lincslass. "
Hywell. "
Steragram - 1 out of 4 rhizome clumps of immortality flowered last Autumn
Seaburngirl - still searching my plant seems blacker/ red than the pictures in on-line catalogues. I have other iris which are not as sold, not a problem except if I put a taller mislabeled Iris in front of a smaller one where it overshadows it.
Simbad - Don't get magpies in my garden, but Humbug snails. Ps. Sorry for the pm, see my note below.
Thanks for your comments/ queries. Sorry for the mass reply but I thought that it was possible to reply individually. If it is I have not found the right button yet! Siris
16 May, 2014
You're doing fine Siris this is how we all reply to lots of comments:-), it takes a bit of navigating round the site at first you'll get used to it ;-)
Wonder if it is snails there's certainly a lot about this year, humbug snails like that :-) I don't think I'll try sucking one though lol.
Immortality has rebloomed for me but only once in the 4 or 5 years I've had it and like you only one rhizome.
Forgot to say welcome to GOY :-)
16 May, 2014
Humbug snails - is that a recognised name for them? its very descriptive.
16 May, 2014
Thanks for your original comment, sorry I didn't reply,as a new blogger it has only just clicked with me how to reply individually. I had sent all the answers to one person! 1 out of 4 small clumps of Immortality flowered in autumn last year, probably November, but had not flowered earlier. All three clumps are flowering prolifically now.
Humbug snails - think I heard this originally on TV Gardeners world or Spring watch in which they were doing a viewer survey on different colour variations.
17 May, 2014
Just a fun name describing the stripes then - very apt too.
17 May, 2014
Lovely. Iris there...I think I like the second one the best. They look beautiful with the rain on them. my new Jane Phillips is just sending up a bud for me...I am so excited! Sir is, I love the scent of bearded Iris. :))
20 May, 2014
Thanks cottagekarer, although none of the Iris pictured have much of a scent.
20 May, 2014
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Beautiful sorry you have had so much rain.
15 May, 2014