Passion Fruits
By siris
Passiflora caerulea, the blue Passion flower has beautiful flowers on a twinning vine like plant.
Followed by green fruits, which mature to orange when ripe.
Inside the inedible hard shell is edible seed. What more could one want from a plant.
TASTE!!! Has a texture like frog spawn, and no particular flavour, although I have read it can be added to a pie with a taste vaguely like blackberry.
26 Sep, 2015
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Having never been inclined or desperate enough to taste frog spawn!! I can only imagine!:-[ But I am one of the few people who like the fruit, weird I know:-D
27 Sep, 2015
Was it P. caerulea you add to fruit salads Gertrude?
Dd, when we were in Madeira earlier this year tasted various different Passion fruits, they were delicious. I have tried caerulea raw here, was not impressed.
27 Sep, 2015
It is an acquired taste!!
27 Sep, 2015
Sorry Siris but use the shop bought ones which have a dark purple skin. Don't like the smell, it's a bit acrid though the flavour is good.
27 Sep, 2015
We were served frogspawn fore school dinners sometimes, but it turned out to be tapioca...
28 Sep, 2015
Gertrude, I think there are scores of different varieties, all tasting different, unfortunately the only one we can grow outdoors in the Uk has little flavour.
Steragram, I remember tapioca, never had it since I left school, thank goodness.
28 Sep, 2015
Neither have I revolting stuff!!
28 Sep, 2015
I believe these fruits are mainly used for making a jelly!
28 Sep, 2015
Ah Paul, but what do you flavour the jelly with?
28 Sep, 2015
Not sure' Siris, we have never made it as I don't grow these plants (I'm not a lover of them, I'm afraid)but I have seen /read of them being used to make jelly/jam.
All the recipes online seem to be for the purple skinned fruits though.
29 Sep, 2015
Mm, that's not these tasteless ones then, Paul.
29 Sep, 2015
No, but I'm sure I've heard of people making Jelly from the yellow/orange ones!
2 Oct, 2015
Passiflora edulis is the best eater that is hardy and fruits in the UK.
P.antioquensis has the best tasting fruit that I have tried but will require an exceptional summer here in the UK.
A word of warning though - Passionfruits can be toxic. They should only be eaten if they have fallen from the plant or they come off with the most gentle of tugs. The worst that should happen with the common forms is a really bad stomach but never ever eat green and under-ripe fruits.
27 Oct, 2015
Thanks for the warning, but shan't try again as no taste to the ripe orange fruit.
27 Oct, 2015
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I like to add passion fruit to a fruit salad and just stir it through. Love the flowers too and have a small one in a pot hoping to transplant as I get this garden sorted
27 Sep, 2015