Mini Vistas 2. Not-a-Bog
By siris
Not-a-Bog is as it says, a damp corner by the conservatory. Rain from the conservatory roof, goes into the pond, but overspill continues down to the bottom of the drain pipe and enters out by this Skunk Cabbage. Behind is a pale pink flowered Astilbe and Ligularia Britt Marie Crawford. To the left is Iris pseudacorus (Krill?) with several Dracunculus vulgaris.
Further along there is a Zantedeschia aethiopica, which usually stays evergreen but was totally devastated by the Mini Beast winter freeze, and has just starting to form new leaves. Next is a new Ligularia przewalskii, and Arum italicum pictum. Lamium galeobdolon is allowed to creep throughout. I just cut out the long bits now and again. Two sunken buckets contain the rampant Houttuynia cordata ‘Plena’ and ‘Chameleon’, which do on occasions escape confinement. A couple of Ferns grow in the corner, all this backed by a Contoneaster horizontalis growing flat against the fence.
Go through the gate, which is to prevent cats coming into the back garden, close the gate and look to the left, where there is a biennial Angelica, in its second (flowering) season, with a rhubarb Timperley Early. Eccremocarpus scaber has proved to be hardy enough to survive last winter, even producing the odd flower.
The narrow strip on this side of the gate gets little sun, so contains my compost bin, rain barrels, and a Thornless blackberry. Only narrow people can get down there, so we won’t go there!
To follow:- Mini Vista 3, the East facing border, aka Ponds Border.
12 May, 2018
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Lots of work on this, Siris, with great results.
Does the gate really stop the cats ? Don't they just climb over ? Well done on the interesting variety of plants.
13 May, 2018
lovely planting Siris. I am surprised the cats just don't climb over. nothing seems to stop them coming in our garden :o(
13 May, 2018
Very nice selection of plants ... all looking fresh
13 May, 2018
I enjoyed that Sue. I love the idea of diverting rainwater to your pond and not-a-bog. I loke the look of Britt Marie. Going to look that one up. I love your well-trained Cotoneaster horizontalis..should be renamed C. Verticalis! ;)
13 May, 2018
Haha! that's what I was thinking, Karen!
I love your minivista, it's just full of beautiful growing things. I have a spot for a not-a-bog which requires some attention, but it's still only number 9 on the list. Love the lig przewalskii... haven't even made it out to see if mine survived the horrible winter. What a wondrous little haven (heaven) you have.
13 May, 2018
I like your not-a-bog very much siris
13 May, 2018
Every time you refer to your bog, not a bog it makes me laugh. I think it's a brilliant solution to your waste water. I noticed my ragged robin starting to flower by the pond today, that likes the damp.
Houttuynia Chameleon just won't grow here, like a weed in my mum's garden, in fact I took some more today and planted in one of my many wet areas, I live in hope.
Looking forward to your pond blog.
13 May, 2018
Thank you for your comments.
I like cats, but they never came thro/over the gate, just jumped from next door's shed, avoiding the fences, onto our conservatory roof. The 2 neighbours with cats have moved house, to be replaced by dog households, so no longer a problem.
Ragged Robin is in there too, and a Silver leafed Fern and yellow Primula florindae and...
14 May, 2018
We used to grow Angelica, a most interesting plant, the beast took our Spanish one! you have a great selection of interesting plants, as usual!
17 May, 2018
I enjoyed that tour Siris, so many architectural looking plants and all very lush, its peaceful isn't it...Did smile at your comment about the cats as I could picture them walking through the gaps with a cheesy smirk on their faces...
18 May, 2018
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I like your fern and love the Angelica glad to hear your Zantedeschia is coming back after the beast from the east that gate look lovely . I ll breathe in then to get through the narrow part lol. Lovely planting Siris.
12 May, 2018