Underneath the Carport
By siris
I do not have a green house, so I’ve taken over the carport.
My Cybidiums are now under here for some fresh air during the warmer months. The ones in the hanging tubs are suspended from the roof beams. On the ground are potted cutting and seedlings, waiting to go into the ground or a new home.
The space in the grey tub contained my ornamental Ginger, which did not make it though last winter. Next a Duranta, a tender perennial, often grown as an annual. As I grew from seed, I would like to see it flowering. Then a Polygala, which was not happy in the garden in the situation in which I’d had put it.
The other side of the carport has trellis on which some jardinières are hanging with pots of seedling inside.
On the ground, my terracotta tubs, with Iris seedlings.
I must remove those plastic trays pushed into the voids between the panel lathes. That are they for? To break the wind coming from the west in the winter.
This is a secret between you and me…..OH going out today so I’m going to look at the grass with a view to removing a bit more, for more plant growing space in Autumn.
17 May, 2018
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Sounds just like me - wait for OH to be out of the way and shave a bit more off the edge of the grass! Of course this doesn't work where it has been edged with brick, but he didn't bat an eyelid when I said I thought I would dig up the area around the Monkey puzzle tree as it was prickly to cut the grass underneath - perhaps he's been attacked by it.
17 May, 2018
Lol. Just had my lunch before I'm about to dig up a small patch of grass. Hubby knows and has given me his blessing as he hates trying to cut it. Must be something in the air ?. The other boarders I have to widen on the quiet. Hope you get it done before he get home lol.
17 May, 2018
Siris you won't have much grass left, the way you are nibbling away at it !! a ideal use for a carport btw!!
17 May, 2018
Siris - Do you grow irises from seed? Do you 'cross-pollinate' them? Love your setup.
17 May, 2018
Ha,ha aren't we ladies sneaky!
The new lawn boundary is laid out in rope still. He might of seen it but hasn't commented. When we go for an apéro, he'll have to walk over it so.... I really need to move the concrete base in the ground into which the rotary washing line slots over by a foot or so, mmm.
Bathgate, yes I cross polinate my own Irises, got flowering down to 2 1/2 years now, that pods Sept, sow straight away, can germinate after 10 weeks cold stratification, so those seedling under the carport are last years crosses. They won't flower in those tubs, too constricted. I'll try to find an odd space to put a few of the bigger ones in the garden later this year.
17 May, 2018
That's commendable if you've done so successfully. Congrats!
17 May, 2018
Fantastic idea hanging the plants from the carport looks great and the pots on the trellis . lol bit by bit they never notice just don't go digging the home up ? Your Polygala is a beauty was tempted week before last to buy another hardy one.
17 May, 2018
What a great use for a car port! Love it!
17 May, 2018
Providing I don't extend the tubs and pots on the ground more than one depth, the car still can go into the garage, which is at the end.
3pb, the Polygala, after digging out from the garden was put in a pot and that stood in the large grey tub, now it's stood outside proper.
18 May, 2018
Comment from OH, when we went to sit on the bench in the early evening. You're not going to dig up more lawn, are you!
18 May, 2018
He reads you like a book Sue!! Lol
18 May, 2018
excellent use of the carport and my OH says the same thing to me :o))
18 May, 2018
You are making good use of your car port :)
I am all for removing grass for more growing space. Good luck !
20 May, 2018
I've started my grass removal, thunder storm stopped work today.
21 May, 2018
Grass is simply a 'place holder' for other things.
21 May, 2018
Agreed, a green swarth sets of the colourful plants nicely. It's hardly worth getting the lawn mower out, it's that small now. Just big enough to 'swing a cat' actually rotary washing line!
22 May, 2018
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17 May, 2018