Last chance to see.
By siris
I made the difficult decision to remove some of my climbers this Autumn.
Campsis radicals grown from seed about 10 years ago. It suckers onto the fence. Although deciduous if it gets any bigger it’s in danger of pulling down the fence. I cut it nearly to the ground, drilled into the stem and put Sodium chlorate down the stem centre. A month later I dug down about 60cm, dug out the roots as best I could then reapplied weedkiller to any remaining (I know Sodium chlorate creeps) so have left the hole, to fill in later. I’ve ‘plugged’ the hole temporarily with a bag of wood chippings in the bag. Don’t want any hedgehogs falling into the hole.
Rosa Mermaid on the corner of the bungalow. It extends completely at gutter height along the drive side, dripping honeydew onto the car in Summer from Aphids.
I can’t be doing with going up the ladder frequently, so I’ve cut off the side. I still need to bite the bullet and remove it completely, as I have another from a cutting now growing in the back garden along the top of the left fence.
Pic taken from the top of the ladder.
Clematis tangutica, not that old but completely creeping up the trellis screening the compost bin has been removed completely.
Although I said a couple of years ago I was going to take out my red mop-headed Camellia when I had replacements I just can’t bring myself to do so, despite having 2 cuttings of flowering size already now growing in the garden.
I would need to get someone in to get the root out, the wood has such a dense structure.
I have drastically pruned my Camellia Donation, a second pruning to be done next year.
Telekia, a hardy perennial growing to 1.2m needs to come out. The leaves are enormous and although the yellow Daisy flowers are pretty they don’t last long enough to warrant the space. That would be simple.
I do hate getting rid of plants, it seems like loosing old friends. Two out of 5 gone, that not very positive.
4 Dec, 2019
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yes needs must. I am going to take out the wisteria. its been in for 20+ yrs and only produced 6 flowers in all that time. despite pruning according to the books.
4 Dec, 2019
Karen, that Clem was from seed from a friend's plant along the road.
SBG, that sounds like a big job. It's not so much the top growth, I shred that, then compost it, also the thinner branches, then use them for winter mulch, but the roots cause I want the ground space for smaller-growing replacements.
4 Dec, 2019
Sometimes it has to be done, especially living in the South, everything grows so big, so quickly,as you know we have removed several thugs over the years!! and still at it , this year has seen us remove several large shrubs from the back and the front garden.....good luck Siris!!
4 Dec, 2019
Never an easy decision to make. Your Rose 'Mermaid' is a very pretty one so I hope that your cutting takes, so that you won't be without it.
Our Tangutika is also taking over on one of our trellises. Other climbers are suffering because of it.
4 Dec, 2019
I have to smile as your plants in the south are like triffids, alot of mine in cold improved clay can take time to establish.
Your campsis lives on in my garden :-) it's still small and in contrast to yours, it's very slow growing.
I have Clematis tangutica too and it is a bit of a nuisance and doesn't have many flowers, not sure if it layers itself or seeds around too.
I love the camelia :-)
I have telekia around my pond where it can do as it pleases, you're right the leaves are huge.
You're doing a good job, you'll be relieved for them to be gone next year.
4 Dec, 2019
Such a difficult decision so more power to your elbow. Room for some other things now.
4 Dec, 2019
I would have a hard time removing any one of these. I can't blame you for wavering.
5 Dec, 2019
I also have difficulty getting rid of plants. You have done a brave thing to remove some lovely ones, but sometimes there is no alternative.
6 Dec, 2019
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Needs must Sue. That clematis was a beauty though. :)
4 Dec, 2019