By the Front Door, Now
By siris
I have tried to put scented plants where their fragrance can be appreciated readily.
Trachelospermum is planted to the right of the front door, which has a spectacular scent in summer. At the base I put my new Coronilla which has just started to flower, with many more buds waiting to open. Unfortunately it is too cold at present to notice any scent, also the yellow flowers are not that noticeable against the colour of our bungalow wall, although the glaucus evergreen leaves do contrast with the leaves of the evergreen Trach.
Mingling tho’ the Trachelospermum is a lone Clematis Étoile Violette flower, battered by the recent storm, not scented.
Below these plants, lie red petals shed by the highly scented Rosa Guinee, climbing on the left side of the door.
Through this rose Maurandya barclayana is still flowering despite being tender.
Also still flowering a cutting of Salvia Phyllis fancy, the mother plant which must be 3ft tall has had her flowers frosted. I must snip those off, but will not prune down,nor Amistad, until Spring to protect the plants.
The flowers on the Cyclamen edging the border have finished, but I am left with the beautiful silver leaves.
On a disappointing note my Red Clianthus growing against this sheltered wall is a dead? skeleton, despite my best efforts to provide the care it was demanding, one spectacular flowering! It can remain in the border in case there is a miracle resurrection next Spring.
A promise of dark delights to come, those spiky leaves around the Cyclamen are of emerging Hermodactylus tuberosa.
11 Dec, 2019
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Has that original flowered well Amy?
Although this is in the place where I put one that was spectacular a couple of years ago, I think this might be a seedling of it. It does seem to seed very easily.
13 Dec, 2019
Looks good Siris, a good potted plant by a door is one of those bush salvias, the scent from the foliage is fantastic.
13 Dec, 2019
I'm pleased your coronilla is flowering :-)
The cyclamen is a bit special, I've not seen one like that before
13 Dec, 2019
Julien, there are 4 different flower colour Salvias along this wall, S. microphylla, uliginosa & superba hybrids. I've had to stake 2 they are so tall and the wind is blowing them over, wll cut them right down in Spring.
Dawn, this border under the lounge window is bordered by Cyclamen hederafolium silver-leaved and green marbled with either pink or white flowers, seeds readily. I've carefully dug up any wee seedlings and put into a seed tray. They do tend to germinate on top of the original corms and then perish if left there.
14 Dec, 2019
I see Siris, I’ve never seen all silver leaved ones before.
14 Dec, 2019
Please could you show us a sot of the front door area so we can see the plants together? It must be spectacular!
14 Dec, 2019
Lovely! Agree with a Sue, please show us a nice pic of them all together :)
15 Dec, 2019
I still have blue Maurandya and the blue Salvia flowering although I don't think they've got much time left now. Loving the silver leafed Cyclamen.
Sorry about your Clianthus. I would say it must be dead as it's coming up to flowering time and mine have lots of buds especially the white ones. You could leave it and see if it revives in the spring or let me know if you'd like a baby replacement.
15 Dec, 2019
I still have a couple of flowers blooming Sue yes mine is from the original seed you sent me when we were at ' The Hollies ' I can see loads of seed pods I'll collect them when they are dry ..
15 Dec, 2019
Thorney, isn't that a funny time for your Clianthus to start producing flower buds now? Mine last flowered in April 2018, progressively loosing its leaves since then.
Mother plant 'Phylis Fancy' has blown over (root ball almost out of the ground) by strong winds couple of days ago so I've had to cut the tall top growth off, put 'the boot in' onto the root ball and put some more soil/mulch on top.
19 Dec, 2019
They always have flower buds about now Siris but flowering around March/April. I checked back on my photos and the old red one (now deceased but with a backup baby) actually flowered on 27th December 2015 but mostly buds in January and flowers a couple of months later.
I always assumed that if it was in the wild, New Zealand, it would be summer when the buds formed. Maybe they've got some kind of built in time clock!
3 Jan, 2020
Thorney, I cut a stem off Red Clianthus, dead as a post, but will leave the root in situe till Spring. I looked at Clianthus Pink Flamingo, doing well but no buds, nor slug/snail damage yet ! then noticed its not in my Gou garden.
3 Jan, 2020
Well done you. My Pink Flamingo ddn't make it I'm afraid. I might have another go and get some more seeds.
4 Jan, 2020
Thorney. Have you got access to a Pink Flamingo for cuttings? Or I can take some if you let me know when is the best time to take?
4 Jan, 2020
Thanks Siris and no all babies long gone I'm afraid. I took a chance and took cuttings back last year after flowering from non flowering stems. The white ones already have flower buds.
5 Jan, 2020
I will take some cuttings in Spring of Pink Flamingo, although I don't think it will flower yet this year.
5 Jan, 2020
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A lovely fragrant welcome to your front door Sue , I must check on my Maurandya b to see if its survived as well as yours , I have the one from your original seed ....
12 Dec, 2019