By sophiejo
Hello all.
I was going to show you all how my garden has improved after being under several feet of water a few months ago. On Tuesday I arrived home just after 1pm and although it was quite sunny it was also very windy.
My Passion flower at the bottom of the garden was looking good along with my 2 clematis, I also have some very pretty shrubs that over the past couple of weeks were running away with themselves so I was going to get some photos to show you.
All of a sudden there is an almighty crack and this very large tree comes down straight over my garden, and the rest is history. Take a look for yourselves.
Well what can I say other than another fine mess. I had to wait for Christopher to come home before we could make our minds up as to the best way to deal with it. So the next day out comes the saw and away we go. Once the tree was cut into smaller bits we were able to remove the rest by hand over my plants. Luckily the damage wasn’t too bad, I will have to cut back the passion flower and clematis as they were damaged but I am sure they will be fine. The shrubs also will need cutting back, the bulbs I had there will be fine as they had finished flowering, but hey ho it could have been worse.
On a happier note take a look at this little fellow he/she is just a day old, mum, dad and the other 2 goslings have just jumped into the water to have their first ever swimming lesson. This little one is not to sure whether he wants to go for a swim just yet.
Here is a new mum with her 4 little ones just a few hours old. Christopher say the last one hatch and then the baby started looking around this bright new world. I know that alot of people don’t like the geese but we love them , they are so good at fetching up the youngsters. They have a crech where 4 or 5 adults will look after all the youngsters and some times there can be dozens to look after.
Number 4 is there underneath mum.
Now this plant was already in the garden when we moved here so I haven’t a clue what it is. I wouldn’t call it a tree as it is more like a shub/bush. I cut it back each year and then in the spring it has these very nice clusters of white flowers. The next photo shows you how big it is.
I took a cutting from it last year and that too has flowered this year.
Can anyone tell, do holly bushes flower? I have a very sad looking holly tree which I call my up-side-down tree as all the branches grow up-side-down, they are growing towards the ground and not towards the ski. Well this poor tree is covered with what looks like flowers. I have had several people say that holly bushes do not flower and this is a fungus. I must admit the tree does look sad as most of the branches have turned yellow. Should I take it down is the question?
This is what is growing on the tree at the end of its branches. Alot of its leaves also have black spots on them.
On this sad not I will say goodbye untill the next time, when I hope to have some photos of my garden.
All the very best Sophiejo :-)
7 May, 2009
Next post: My Grand-daughters holiday with us and her trip to the Butterfly Park.
Aw look at the little fellow on the edge...so sweet!!!!
Hope your garden recovers from the falling tree, must have been quite a shock!
7 May, 2009
Hi Sophiejo well so glad nothing and no - one hurt always sad to lose a tree but sometimes the extra light brings added bonuses to some plants that have struggled in their shade.Occassionally plants appear that you didnt know you had ..
That little goslings are charming and in small numbers I could live with Canada geese trouble occurs when large groups of them arrive .I used to work on large estate in hotel grounds and guests used to find it highly amusing to see me being chased by so many of them as I tried to cut grass around them !
As for the holly well yes they do flower as some hollies need male and female varieties to fertilize and produce berries so clearly flowers required for pollenation.
The drooping branches may be a result of someone taking the crown out of the tree to reduce its height at some stage and branches extending sideways till they droop.
The leaves certainly look a healthy green so wouldnt give up on it .. does it produce berries or is it your only holly tree?
7 May, 2009
Wow, that is quite a hefty lot of tree you were landed with! I'm glad no-one was hurt and the damage minimal.
The photos of the geese are great - the gosling was probably waiting for one of his sisters to come along and show him how to leap in. It is probably quite daunting for the first few times, especially if you are that size.
7 May, 2009
What a shock for you! I am sorry you've had disasters, I know all too well about them.
7 May, 2009
Enjoyed your blog and pics, know your part of the world really well, we came from Kinver, we had many a friend with narrow boats.
7 May, 2009
Oh, Sophie. What an absolute bummer about that tree. I'm glad it didn't do too much damage and you were able to save your plants.
The Geese are just gorgeous. Awwww!!
As for that fungus? Well, if it is a fungus it's the prettiest one I've ever seen, lol.
7 May, 2009
Oh no ! what a desaster but I love the geese !
8 May, 2009
Wow its a good job the tree did'nt do any damage to any buildings or anything, but love the geese.
8 May, 2009
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- My Grand-daughters holiday with us and her trip to the Butterfly Park.
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- Hello everybody
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Well, Sophiejo ~
What an eventful blog !
Lucky that the tree did little long term damage because, as you say, the bulbs had finished flowering, and the clematis and passionflower will bounce back...
and.... I love the pics. of the baby water birds :o)
7 May, 2009