Having fun with that HUGE space!
By spritzhenry
Remember when my Eleagnus took poorly and had to be removed?
I loved it – it was a spot of sunshine even on dismal days. It was 12’ wide, 8’ deep and high. A very large spot of sunshine!!
Then some of the leaves turned a goldy-colour and fell off on one side. I pruned it back to healthy growth, fed it and it seemed OK – for a few months.
Sadly, though, the other side did the same thing last autumn, so I knew it would have to go. I didn’t dare to plant another one, in case it had been a virus, but I did make enquiries as to why this should have happened. The concensus was that the Eleagnus was old (true) and couldn’t handle two wet summers with a wet winter in between. Well, we managed to remove it and replaced it with a Ligustrum lucidum ‘Tricolor’. That still left a HUGE space, though!
Since then, I have been busy filling the gap. I actually made a plan!! I am now on plan – about – F, though, as I kept amending it with a rubber. It’s a mess, all muddy and crumpled. Here’s what I had to work on.
In the middle of the area is where I grow sweet peas on my obelisk. That wasn’t going to change, but we took it off while I worked on the rest. There was a lot of digging and composting to do before I started planting. The first plants to go in were Polemonium ‘Apricot Delight’ and another P. ‘Bressingham Purple’ to add to the two already there. There was also a beautiful pink Silene that would stay. Sadly, the border of Osteospermum jucundum are also getting old and woody – and some had to go – that’s why I put a few violas in. The Aquilegias were already there – I love them – they can stay, with pleasure!
I bought several plants from Garden Centres and ordered others from Nurseries all over the country! When you make a plan which says ‘white Lavatera’, you have to find one… it hasn’t arrived yet.
But I found a few gems at Garden Centres (which explains the plan changes!) The new Astelia ‘banksii’ has gone in instead of a planned blue oat grass which will go the other side – when it comes!
I tracked down Persicaria ‘Red Dragon’ at a Nursery up towards Bristol and collected them yesterday. I have planted five around and through a group of pink Delphiniums.
At the back behind that beautiful variegated Viburnum tinus I’ve planted three Artemisia lactiflora Guizhou. The foliage is already a lovely bronze and they will flower later in the year.
I’ve also planted three Centaura montana ‘Amethyst in Snow’ which are white flowered with purple centres. They arrived earlier from Penrith! Great plants – arrived within three days of ordering them, too.
So what else is in there? Two clumps of Allium Christopheri, Three Jasione, two Catananche, three lupins from last year, a new climbing rose – ‘Handel’ and a new Clematis ‘Avalanche’, plus three Geraniums, that new Heuchera ‘Crimson Curls’ which fitted neatly in at the front – oh, and the Obelisk is back with sweet peas planted round it and two Clematis which were already there.
There are still some plants to come – three Papaver orientale ’Patty’s Plum’, three purple Phlox, the blue oat grass and the elusive white Lavatera – ‘Lisanne’.
I just hope it looks like my vision (and plan F) when everything grows!
With the arrival of the last delivery, the HUGE space will be – well – a full bed!
17 Mar, 2009
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Goodness Spritz, it will be chocablock with wonderful plants especially by June, they will have filled out then won't they? You must let us see it in Summer when everything is established. I grew white Lavatera last year but it was the annual not the shrub, a lovely clear white which glows when it's dusk.....:o)
17 Mar, 2009
Goodness Spritz thats a lot of planting but the more the merrier,thats my motto especially in the garden, leaves less room for weeds,lol.Its certainly not a space anymore and is a grand selection and yes I hope it will look like your vision.........
17 Mar, 2009
Great Work Spritz cant wait 2 see it all in flower this Summer :)
18 Mar, 2009
it looks great. i get to garden all day today. yipee..;-))
18 Mar, 2009
Good for u Sandra il be out doors to :)
18 Mar, 2009
Wow! It's certainly true what they say, isn't it, out of every cloud there's a silver lining!!! (not for your bank balance tho'!!! lol!) Some stunning plants you have there, can't wait to see how they all get on, hope they all do well for you!
18 Mar, 2009
I have to admit I've enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to seeing it all in flower - but I still miss my beautiful Eleagnus! I'd love to have a new one somewhere else...now let me go out and see...hmmm.
Thanks for your kind comments, BTW! Yes, my credit card is moaning at me. Husband understands, luckily, as long as it's MY credit card and not HIS!!!!
18 Mar, 2009
That is going to be a lovely sight, Spritz. Look forward to seeing more as it matures. I'm still thinking what to replace my ceanothus with! I've had a look round a couple of garden centres but nothing jumped out at me that was small enough to fit :)
18 Mar, 2009
Hi, what a super lot of plants you have bought. Nice variety.
I think you have spent your pocket money for a few months!
You will have the fun of watching them grow.
I have a white laverta in my front garden. It comes up every year, and dies down in the Autumn, when it gets cut down, if I don't its stems flop all over and it damages itself.
I will photograph it for you when it reappears again.
Enjoy your new bed. love marge.
18 Mar, 2009
Wow , it,s going to look fantastic Spritz , so many different plants to enjoy , I have the Persicaria " Red Dragon " it normally grow up to about 3/4ft, and needs support as the stalks can snap down and droop ,I love the colour of it .
You might still find room for a Eleangus :o)
18 Mar, 2009
that is going to look fantastic when they are all in flower, look forward to the photos!
18 Mar, 2009
Looking good spritz. I usually reckon any newly planted area needs tweeking for the next couple of years before I'm happy with it - but that's part of the fun :-)
18 Mar, 2009
Well...you certainly have been busy Spritz.Love your obelisk ; perfect for the sweet peas to scramble through.
We also planted a small white lavatera last year,which,surprisingly has survived the hard frosts we have had.Hope to see some blooms on it this year !
18 Mar, 2009
you have a lovely eye for colour and form. hope it flourishes well and the weather is kind. dont forget more photos as time goes on.
18 Mar, 2009
Great blog Spritz, and as always excellent choice in plants, a few you have there are already on my wish list, Persicaria 'Red Dragon' is one - if you ever want to swap cuttings or anything ;-) (cheaky grin!) and the varigated tinus. i think i may also be adding Astelia 'banksii' - another beauty. oh and i already have Blue oat grass, - it's a stunner should finish this area off just nicely. look forward to seeing the progress.
19 Mar, 2009
I think it will be a few years before the tiny dragons are big enough for cuttings, Angie! LOL. They are only 2" high...hope they groe up before June! LOL.
Nice to hear that the grass is a good choice. Thanks.
That Astelia is really special - it glows in the sun and stands out so well! It will need fleecing like the 'Westland' does - a small effort for a lovely plant, though.
19 Mar, 2009
Your garden is going to look great with all the new plants.....
19 Mar, 2009
The artemisia lactiflora "ghizhou" you will love!...it will do nicely in a background it grows very tall with a lovely lacy frond of tiny white flowers.... looks very lacy and light. I've had it in my garden the last two years and bought it originally because the stems are black! It is a marvelous contrast plant... I repeat you will love it!
19 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Lori! I found it in a book and loved it - I hope it does grow tall. It's at the back.
19 Mar, 2009
Mine grew to between 5 and 6 feet tall....In fact the flower stalks of one clump are still standing after all that winter weather and strong winds!
19 Mar, 2009
Wow! I seem to have chosen a tough plant!
19 Mar, 2009
Yes you have!! I just posted two pics of it...went outside and took the shots...so they are current...lol. this plant is very beautiful...and the stems in the first pic are totally dried but still standing...they snap off with a twist of the finger...but the birds use it as a perch!! wait till you see those lovely black stems!
19 Mar, 2009
A smashing selection of plants there Spritz, some of my all time favourites, looking forward to seeing the photographs, agree about the fleece on the Astelia, nearly lost mine, luckily for us it was a very big plant.... think we have saved part of it, it is in the hospital corner!!
Do you buy from the same sellers every year....and who would you recommend please.
19 Mar, 2009
Wow I will have to have a sit down after all that hard work you have done! what a tremendously exciting variety of plants you have selected it will be really something to see when it starts to mature and flower!
I know how you must feel after losing you Eleagnus they are such striking shrubs, I have one and unfortunately it appears to have the same problems that yours had, it was also an old plant as it was in the garden when we moved here, I am leaving it until Autumn as it screens my garden from the houses at the back of us. Well looking forward to seeing your photos and feel sure that your new plants will more than make up for the loss of the Eleagnus.
20 Mar, 2009
Oh dear, Pp - well, at least you know what's caused it!It isn't a virus, so if you wanted to, you could plant another one - or have fun with your space like I have!
20 Mar, 2009
Wow, you have put much thought into this Spritz, I reckon the result will be stunning.Can't wait to see the end result.
24 Mar, 2009
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Well you've done a great job - I'm looking forward to seeing it as it all matures and I hope it matches or even surpasses your vision. You have so many interesting plants in here so I hope you keep us posted as it grows.
17 Mar, 2009