Winter CAN be interesting! part 1.
By spritzhenry
Each autumn, it’s my normal practice to cut back most of the hardy perennials in my garden, as a kind of ‘tidy up’.
This year I decided to leave some seedheads on – to see if it was true what some experts suggest – that seedheads can provide winter interest.
I went round the garden this morning, in a brief lull before the wind and rain came back. I found an enormous number of fascinating shapes and sizes amongst the seedheads.
You’ll recognise some immediately! Honest(l)y! (Sorry – terrible pun!)
Lunaria annua, aka ‘Honesty’
Here it is back in the spring.
How about these seedheads? Do you grow this plant in your garden?
Lychnis coronaria
And here they are in flower in the summer – I have this bright pink one, a white one, and my favourite double version called ‘Gardeners’ World’ which has sterile flowers, sadly.
Oh – this seedhead is too obvious! Do I need to tell you what this is? OK – just in case there’s somebody that doesn’t recognise it!
Verbena bonariensis
It looks like this from late spring until a couple of weeks ago – and I think there might actually be a few blooms around, still!
How about this next seedhead? Isn’t it wonderful! I love the plant – and I’m glad I didn’t cut the flower stem off!
Cynara cardunculus
The flower was pretty spectacular, as well – like a huge thistle. The foliage is always a pleasure, too – it’s grey-green and appears early in the spring, well before the flower starts to lift its head up.
Now the last one for this first group of seed heads – and I’m going to leave it anonymous. I wonder if you know what this is?
I think it looks like a group of furry insects all clustered together! But what’s its name?
I’ll tell you tomorrow in part 2.
24 Nov, 2009
Previous post: An intelligent dog!
Next post: Winter CAN be interesting! part 2.
lovely pics barbara, isnt honesty surpose to be bad luck to have in the house, so i rememeber being told when younger,
love the giant thistle to,, havent a clue what the last seed head is, takes me all my time to regognise the flowers lol,
im sure someone may guess, maybe sea.. as shes good on plants :o) good blog as usual B.
24 Nov, 2009
That was interesting, why do I think this last one is a climber? Dare I suggest Honeysuckle or Clematis?
24 Nov, 2009
Ah-ha, Denise! Wrong, I'm afraid. :-( Want another guess?
Is Honesty meant to be bad luck? I know a lot of people use it in winter flower arrangements, so that's a surprise.
24 Nov, 2009
Looked like a clematis leaf to ne tood Drc.
Didn't know about bad luck with Honesty. My aunt used to make us sit and peel the seed heads then she put the stems in a vase. Come to think of it she didn't have a wonderful life maybe it was the Honesty
24 Nov, 2009
well i think it was honsety, was long ago lol, is the last one salvia,, just a wild guess lol
aww your poor aunt pip ;o(
24 Nov, 2009
My second guess is phlox
24 Nov, 2009
Wrong, Pip and Sandra. :-(
Well, I'm making you all think a bit, aren't I?
24 Nov, 2009
Honesty brings bad luck in the house as does Lilac?
The leaf is so familiar is it Buddlia?
24 Nov, 2009
I keep telling my friends the same - please do not cut the flowers - it is really nice to have something going on in winter in the garden.
24 Nov, 2009
i was right then,, thanx Drc, a childhood memory gardening with my grandad ;o)
24 Nov, 2009
Welcome to GoY , Okasia!
I dunno what the last one was, Spritz, but it looks really creepy! I thought it WAS insects!
24 Nov, 2009
The leaves look a bit like mock orange but never seen the scary seedhead before.
24 Nov, 2009
ive even been looking at your pics to see if i can match it up lol no chance, youve covered your tracks barbara lol
24 Nov, 2009
That's cheating San LoL :~))
24 Nov, 2009
i know pip lol
24 Nov, 2009
I think Barbara is winding us up and she's married the seedheads to another plant :~)))
24 Nov, 2009
Bad girl, Sandra! Lol!
24 Nov, 2009
lmso mari :o)) think your right pip
24 Nov, 2009
Hi Marie
24 Nov, 2009
Anything's possible, Pip!
24 Nov, 2009
Pictures can and do lie !
24 Nov, 2009
True! They do!
24 Nov, 2009
lol, barbara has vanished, left us with this on our minds, think your getting your own back barbara lol, im going to bed thinking of blue flowering berberis and creepy crawly seed heads now lol ;o)
24 Nov, 2009
Well that'll be me with another restless night then LoL
24 Nov, 2009
Dont laugh have just been round the garden with a torch - its not Aster or Rudbekia but had to come in its so windy I still think its a climber but what?
24 Nov, 2009
lol Drc, hope the neighbours didnt see you, may have thought you a little strange or a burglar heeheh
off to bed now to dream of strange plants lol
24 Nov, 2009
No one could see me Im strange anyway? Goodnight all
24 Nov, 2009
nite Drc lol
24 Nov, 2009
Sorry Denise, had to laugh at that! Prowling round the garden with a torch!
Night San! SWEET dreams!
24 Nov, 2009
Night, Denise!
24 Nov, 2009
Not laughing Drc, I went out and pulled off Salvia leaves LoL Good night
I'm too tired to think anymore now good night
24 Nov, 2009
Night Pip! Sweet dreams!
24 Nov, 2009
The thought of GOY people wandering about in gardens trying to identify plants at gone eleven thirty on a windy cold November night is mind boggling to say the least. night everyone p.s you were not really mooching about in the dark were you?
25 Nov, 2009
I too love the giant thistle the last one I thought was foxglove leaf.
25 Nov, 2009
Good night Mary Ellen - Good night Jim Bob - Shut it John Boy, were trying to sleep here !!!!!!!!
25 Nov, 2009
Wakey wakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Par
25 Nov, 2009
Hop dop flopadop little weeeeed :-)
25 Nov, 2009
Andy pandy comming to play la la la la la
25 Nov, 2009
The biggest spotty dog you ever did see !!! They don't make 'em like that anymore. Did you hear about the country boy who thought Muffin the Mule was a sexual offence ! ! ! I'm off to bed before I'm banned from GOY. G'night
25 Nov, 2009
Lmao here he he hahah nighty nite sleep tight mind the bugs don't bite he he
25 Nov, 2009
interesting blog Spritz :) I don't recognise the mystery seed head, but I know I'll kick myself when you tell us what it is LOL
Most years I leave all my perennials until spring, but with the ongoing battle with so many slugs, this year I cut most of them back, makes for a boring winter garden though
25 Nov, 2009
I'm sure it isn't but it reminds me of Burdock.
25 Nov, 2009
Great Blog Spritz im so glad u showed a Pic of Honesty as i collected sum seeds a while ago from a piece id found blown into my garden & i couldnt remember its name :) I think the Un-named Flower Seeds r Borage ? :)
25 Nov, 2009
Nice blog Spritz. Where are yo when I need you to put me out of my misery.
25 Nov, 2009
Good morning, GOY-ers! I went to bed...and I DID tell you I wouldn't tell you before the next episode! That will be this evening, so you'll just have to wait!
No, I didn't cheat - promise! I'm sitting here laughing at the thought of people creeping about in the dark - oh dear! LOL. :-D
25 Nov, 2009
Cant wait 2 see what Plants uv got in part 2 Spritz :) il be all eyes this eveing :) LOL :)
25 Nov, 2009
25 Nov, 2009
I think it's borage Spritz .. I love the before and afterwards photo's ..
25 Nov, 2009
Nope, Amy - sorry. Not even warm!
Thanks for the nice comment. :-))
25 Nov, 2009
That makes me rong to Amy as i thought it was Borage :)
25 Nov, 2009
Soorrrryyyyyy Jac! LOL.
25 Nov, 2009
:D im off into my garden2 see if iv this Spritz as the Suspence is getting to me now lol :)
25 Nov, 2009
See you later, then!
25 Nov, 2009
i didnt see this lovely blog last night as I went ot bed early with the misery of a slight touch of shingles in my face :o(.
my first thought was something like tryctis toad lily but i am not convinced.
25 Nov, 2009
Nor am I, Sbg.
Sorry about the shingles, though - you poor thing! OUCH!
25 Nov, 2009
i know it isnt tryctis or how ever the name is spelt as the leaves are wrong now i look closely. I dont recognise it and the seed heads are not a typical salvia/geranium either. I will have to admit defeat for the moment.
As for the shingles it isnt as bad as when i have had it in the past. It is around my eye socket and thankfully not in my eye though i did think so at one point.
25 Nov, 2009
Brunnera ?
25 Nov, 2009
one of the campanulas?
but which one?
is it C. glomerata as they form a terminal cluster?
25 Nov, 2009
I now think it's Cerinthe Major.
25 Nov, 2009
Seaburngirl, I think you've cracked it !
25 Nov, 2009
not until spritz confirms it. i have been 'shot down in flames' before. but its the closest i can get going on the leaf and seed arrangment.
25 Nov, 2009
It does look like it Seaburngirl.
25 Nov, 2009
come on spritz put me out of my misery :o)
25 Nov, 2009
She said tonight a woman of her word look above hehe at her comment.
25 Nov, 2009
I just thought she meant if no one had guessed correctly. ah well patience has never been a strong point.
25 Nov, 2009
Patience is a vertue lol , I wonder what prize she is going to give to the winner hehe there must be a prize for you having to wait for so long lol
25 Nov, 2009
STILL no closer, Sbg - sorry! Yes, Morgana - patience, as you say. I shall post the answer at the beginning of episode 2 this evening......unless someone gets it right before that!
Heehee....I am horrible, keeping you all in suspense!
25 Nov, 2009
oh well, no ideas left now.
25 Nov, 2009
what about a perennial Lobelia?
25 Nov, 2009
I think Spritz is holding out on us & 1 of us already got the Answer!! lol :)
25 Nov, 2009
JACQUE!!!!! You should know me better than that! Tsk, tsk!
Nobody has come anywhere near the answer, so far.
25 Nov, 2009
sorry about your shingles SBG it can be very painful
Senecio? Sanvitalia? Salvia?
Can you at least say its not a climber?
25 Nov, 2009
how about a lysmachia?
or is it a very special plant that very few of us would now of?
thanks drc it isnt as bad as the last time i had it in my chest area.
25 Nov, 2009
I think its in most of our gardens but cannot get it?
25 Nov, 2009
LOL :)
25 Nov, 2009
Ha ha ha. Being relatively new on GOY tell me, is this a regular item ? If not, then maybe it should be ? I'll tell you one thing though, if this is something I already grow in my garden, I won't half feel a twit ! ! !
25 Nov, 2009
25 Nov, 2009
Hi MW yes this happens from time to time I think we all enjoy as a kind of brain training I dont feel silly but do enjoy it.
25 Nov, 2009
what about scutelaria? I have even been out to check on the phygelius heads but its not that either. spritz you tease ........
25 Nov, 2009
The mould looks like the mold I get on some geranium cuttings but not the leaf?
25 Nov, 2009
Mould? What mould? No, it isn't a climber.
MW - I'm planning a series of these seedhead blogs - so you can have a guess every day on the 'mystery' one! LOL.
25 Nov, 2009
Sorry Spritz didnt mean to cast aspersions lol
25 Nov, 2009
is it a globe artichoke.......
25 Nov, 2009
I am graspin at straws here. good job i am off work or nothng would getdone.
also is it a recent photo?
25 Nov, 2009
right here are 3 more that might fit.
echium though you said the borage was not warm so perhaps not.
amsonia laf is similar and you get clusters of flowers but are they hairy?
cyanoglossus [havn't that spelt right]
25 Nov, 2009
Denise - you didn't! I just couldn't see any mould, that's all! lol
Not even close with the guesses, I'm afraid! Yes - I took every photo yesterday. :-))
You are a trier, Sbg! I hope it's taking your mind off the shingles. :-)))
25 Nov, 2009
Is it a Foxglove Spritz? :)
25 Nov, 2009
How about Omphaloides,
or Alkanet
or Horminum?
thanks for keeping my mind off things.
25 Nov, 2009
Thanks very interesting blog and photos
25 Nov, 2009
None of them, Jacque/Sbg! (You're welcome, by the way, Sbg and Clarice!)
Oh, and Clarice, do you want to have a guess?
25 Nov, 2009
I have already said foxglove Jacque lol as the pattern on the leaves look the same. he he.
25 Nov, 2009
The seedhead doesn't though - does it? (evil laugh!)
25 Nov, 2009
whatever it is its only got tiny flowers, the clusters make it seem bigger i thinks and also the close-up to. :o)
25 Nov, 2009
Haven`t got a clue, but a great blog.
25 Nov, 2009
Great blog as usual Spritz and I say Antirrhinum or Violet as my guess, am I anywhere near?
25 Nov, 2009
Thanks, all - and I just published the answer, Ian! :-)))))
25 Nov, 2009
lol... i was looking at the wrong pic......
26 Nov, 2009
Try part 3, now, Holly! A challenge....:-)))
26 Nov, 2009
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This is an unusual before and after blog its a good one I dont recognise the unamed seed head.
24 Nov, 2009