Winter CAN be interesting! part 2.
By spritzhenry
Well, I got you all thinking about the ‘mystery plant’ at the end of part 1, didn’t I! It was this one….
Here’s another of the seed heads. I still think they look like a group of little furry creatures!
So what is it? It’s the prettiest shrub that I grow, flowering in May and June. Its name is Kolkwitzia amabilis, aka ‘Beauty Bush’.
Its flowers look like this:
Kolkwitzia amabilis
So now you know! Are you any the wiser, having seen what it is? If you haven’t come across this lovely shrub – I can recommend it.
OK – on to the next seed head. I think that most people will recognise this one instantly!
Nigella damascena
Nigella from the top
And here’s the flower – it’s dificult to say exactly when Nigella are in flower, because mine seed themselves, and I get two sets of flowers each year! So although they’re annuals, I don’t have to keep buying more seeds each year. It’s a good one for a gravel garden!
Nigella damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’
The next one is such a distinctive shape that many of you will recognise it, too.
Acanthus mollis
Here’s the stately spires of this highly architectural plant. It can be more than a little difficult to restrain in the place you want it – and its roots go down to Australia – so be warned, if you want a clump in your garden!
Acanthus mollis
On to the next seed heads. These look like little fluffy mops, don’t they! Now please don’t tell me off for not knowing the exact cultivar – it was a gift from my friend up the lane, and she didn’t know its name!
Here are the flowers, though, and very pretty they are, too. They flowered in late September, into October.
Another familiar seed head, I think. I do leave these on every winter, as they look wonderful touched by the frost.
Sedum spectabile
And a close-up of the flower – as you know, this is a butterfly magnet! It also flowers in late summer into autumn.
Sedum spectabile
I think it’s time for the mystery seed head – so here it is! I hope it’s not too easy, this time.
I’ll reveal all tomorrow – unless someone recogises it before I post the next instalment!
25 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Winter CAN be interesting! part 1.
Next post: Winter CAN be interesting! part 3
one of the mentha?
and i didnt think to look at shrubs. I am so cross with myself. but i suppose you never said it was herbaceous.
25 Nov, 2009
Is it a Clematis?
25 Nov, 2009
I don't know the mystery seed head sorry :o((
I think it's nice to keep the dried heads. I get ideas for pottery from them.
Why do plants that grow rampantly in other people's gardens not grow atall for me. I refer to Acanthus this time. I tried it after moving here. It grew into a nice plant for one season, but then died :o((
25 Nov, 2009
Echinops! Sorry, not swearing at you Hywel, :-)
25 Nov, 2009
that was one wagger i just couldnt think of name though, so i went for another :o))
25 Nov, 2009
Another fab blog Spritz i think the seed head is of Chives :) ??
25 Nov, 2009
Looks like that blue thing in my front garden - Hywel was going to get one so he knows what it's called!
25 Nov, 2009
I'm with Jacque on this one - Chives.
25 Nov, 2009
if those leaves in the shot belong to it it wont be chives. but i have been 'fooled' by spritz before!!!!!
25 Nov, 2009
Wagger I agree Echinops ritro, pity I have not got a torch , so I could rush up the garden and have a look...........will look tomorrow lol
25 Nov, 2009
Another great blog Spritz. Thank you.
25 Nov, 2009
Oooh yeah - can I change my mind ? Echinops ritro ! ! ! How many times can I change my mind ? Tee hee !
25 Nov, 2009
So my idea that it was a Clematis is a non starter then?
25 Nov, 2009
a none starter ian,, they are more fairy like from what mine look like anyway :o)
i still think scabiosa or echinops :o) fingers crossed lol
25 Nov, 2009
spritz is being very quiet dont you think? she is probably sitting in a corner rocking with laughter:o)))))
25 Nov, 2009
If she is, I'll smear her with dog food and set Henry on her - he'll lick her to death.
25 Nov, 2009
i agree wagger. she is such a tease.
25 Nov, 2009
think your right sea,, she will be giggling away there keeping us in suspence again lol
25 Nov, 2009
Great blogs Spritz...keeps us all on our toes........Knautia??/
25 Nov, 2009
I am hopeless at this sort of thing but can I guess cornflower.
25 Nov, 2009
Is it Ceratostigma .. Hardy Plumbago Spritz .....
25 Nov, 2009
Sorry - we've been out at a Historical Society meeting - all about a street in the village up the hill - and who lived there, their trades etc. All true and fascinating!
OK - what have you all been suggesting?
Scabiosa? No.
Mentha? No.
Clematis? No.
Echinops? No.
Knautia? No.
Coneflower? No.
Sorry, all wrong! Think again. LOL. Oh, your poor brains must be hurting!
25 Nov, 2009
if it is a shrub again i will scream!!!
so kerria thats a shrub. and on that note i am going to bed.
night night.
25 Nov, 2009
Agastache ?
25 Nov, 2009
It looks like something that has a fluffy flower head?
you might give us a clue..........I hope it is not a weed........
25 Nov, 2009
Tired again tonight so only the one guess Thrift/Armeria :~))
25 Nov, 2009
Allium of some kind?
25 Nov, 2009
I've been trying to figure out what the leaves are but I can't see them properly.
It must be something with a globular flower head - is it Astrantia ?
26 Nov, 2009
26 Nov, 2009
how about verbena rigida? that has a globlar flower head.
26 Nov, 2009
I won't be posting any weed seedheads, I assure you, DD!! I'd be too worried about the seeds going everywhere in the garden!
Not Verbena, Cirsium, Astrantia, Allium or Armeria. :-((
26 Nov, 2009
what about Ceratostigma, amy suggested it.
also other suggestions from me sweetwilliam or the phlox that has a smaller more delicate flower.
eryingium but foliage doesnt look ok for it either.
oh spritz this is brill for keeping me occupied. bless you.
26 Nov, 2009
another shrub possibility caryopteris terminal panicle.
26 Nov, 2009
Can I have another guess monarda?
26 Nov, 2009
dont see why not dd2 as i keep having another go. she's gone very quiet again!
26 Nov, 2009
looks also cornflowerish, but cant see the back of the flowerhead.
so how about catananche or even Jasione? really struggling now.
26 Nov, 2009
dont knoe the seed head but great blog.......
26 Nov, 2009
Thanks - and I've just published part 3 - because two members got the right answer! :-))))))
No more struggling, Sbg - well, until you see part 3....harharharhar......More evil laughter down in Somerset!
26 Nov, 2009
Ginelli said I should know what it's called because I was going to get one - so is it Ceratostigma ? ( I'm still going to get one )
26 Nov, 2009
Yes, it is - It's C. willmottianum, Hywel. You can see it in part 3 in all its glory. You'll enjoy growing it - it's lovely. :-))
26 Nov, 2009
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lovely blog barbara, is it scabiosa seedhead?
ps, wouldnt have known the last one at all :o)
25 Nov, 2009