Battling the Badgers!
By spritzhenry
I smell of Jeyes fluid. It’s a horrible smell – I just hope that the badgers think so, as well!
The story continues.
Having tracked down some more tulips, I took Doctor Bob’s advice on how to treat the tulip bulbs I managed to find – this involved hot water with tomato food in it, and tulip bulbs in a bucket!
Then planting them tightly together.
And lining them up in the greenhouse, after which I tucked them up in bubblewrap. There they’ll stay until I see signs of growth. I can plant them after that.
In the meantime, I dashed off to Lidl’s and bought the last seven pots of tulips they had! I also bought a few pots of Narcissi and some crocuses (spelt ‘Krokus’ on the labels!) to replace the ones eaten by the badgers.
As we had a sunny day today, I decided to get the boxes planted up.
But I didn’t just plant bulbs and primroses – oh no – I painted the boxes with Jeyes’ fluid – and poked a piece of firelighter in next to each set of bulbs!
Oh dear – the smell! Henry was very interested in all of this – he kept coming back to sniff at the boxes!
I chose the same coloured primroses as I had last year, as they should ‘go’ with the red Lidl’s tulips, and the Narcissi too.
You can see shoots poking out of the compost – I hope the cold weather doesn’t affect them. I planted them as deeply as I could.
And what else did I do after that? I found a hammer and nails, and an old tea towel, which I cut into strips. Then I clambered up the wall, crawled to the back under the shrubs – and nailed the cloth to the fence above the hole where the badgers come through, underneath the fence. The strips of cloth have Jeyes’ fluid all over them – and I poured the rest into the tunnel.
So let battle commence! I’ll let you know if all this has any effect. I had to do something, after all, didn’t I?
23 Jan, 2010
Previous post: A Weedy Blog!
Next post: Shy - but beautiful!
No - he'd have made a lot more mess digging them out, and he doesn't eat bulbs. If you remember - there were 50 in the boxes. He'd have been a very poorly Labrador! It was just the unusual smell he was sniffing at.
23 Jan, 2010
Well fingers crossed after all that, and the badgers dont get at them again....
23 Jan, 2010
Good thinking hope it does the trick
23 Jan, 2010
if i was a badger i would be waving the white flag of surender....he he he
23 Jan, 2010
The smell has given me a headache! I HOPE it does the same to Mr and Mrs Brock! LOL.
23 Jan, 2010
Hope it works Spritz,.........
23 Jan, 2010
Oh, so do I, Ll! SIGH!
23 Jan, 2010
You have been busy , I hope the badgers get the message and leave you well alone it's certainly not the kind of job you want to do over again ..........
23 Jan, 2010
Such dedication, you deserve to succeed Spritz, what does your husband think to all of this? lol
23 Jan, 2010
here's hoping it works Spritz.Good job i'm not a badger I love the smell of jeys.
23 Jan, 2010
hope you have been careful and not over done the commando tactics. make sure you wash any splashes off yourself or you wil be sore tomorrow.
Badgers be warned war has been declared :o)
23 Jan, 2010
i do hope you win this one spritz you deserve to after all that,i hope they dont get to your new plants, they do look nice....
23 Jan, 2010
Husband asked me how I'd know if it worked! Well - if the bulbs are left alone, and there are no more holes in the lawn, I shall be dee---lighted! :-D)
What do 'firelighter flowers' look like? LOL.
Thanks, Joanella.....and everyone!
23 Jan, 2010
I don't think you could do any more other than sitting out there all night with a water pistol! Lol Good luck and woe-be-tide any badgers that do venture that way again!
23 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Ian. I should add a warning, I think - 'Don't try this at home.children'!!!! LOL. I still have a headache from those fumes. Strong stuff, Jeyes - even Tulsa might not like it concentrated as it is - plus the firelighter smell.
23 Jan, 2010
They really do get up my nose! ! ! We used to use them when we lived in Northumberland and had a REAL fire!
23 Jan, 2010
Well if it doesn't work Spritz you will have extremely clean badgers in the garden....:0)
23 Jan, 2010
23 Jan, 2010
Good luck Spritz,it's like 'Dads Army' down there ! If that lot doesn't work I can just imagine you in a tin hat,lobbing extra firelighters at them !! :))
23 Jan, 2010
Lit ones, naturally! LOL.
I'm afraid it will be 'electric fence' time next, Aster. That might give them a shock! Hahahaha...
23 Jan, 2010
The fence may work.It amazes me to see horses standing by them,they look so flimsy but obviously work.
23 Jan, 2010
Henry and I have each had a 'belt' from one - touched inadvertently, of course! He yelped - and I squeaked!
Seriously, we are considering borrowing one from our neighbour and if it keeps them out, we'll buy one for the whole length of the fence. We'll have to turn it on at bedtime and off again in the morning - a hassle - but well worth it. These badgers are an absolute menace. :-(((((((((
23 Jan, 2010
Oh dear!!! Am having visions of you, camouflage sweatband around forehead, knife between teeth, warpaint on, creeping along a wall!!! Can even "smell" that smell. I do hope that you don't have any more night raids, after your further expense and efforts. :-))
23 Jan, 2010
If all else fails Spritz, I recommend using more of those lovely red and yellow pots in photo 4. They really brighten up the place...forget about the bulbs and flowers;-))))))
24 Jan, 2010
good luck, with all that dedication, you deserve to win the battle :))
24 Jan, 2010
Gee, thanks, Ba!!! But would the badgers enjoy a munch on them too? LOL.
Thanks, Grindle. :-)
24 Jan, 2010
Only one problem with your defence planning. What if, like me the badgers love the smell of Jeys Fluid? It's ok considering an electric fence but some badgers are qualified electricians and would probably use the power to install lighting so that they can see when raiding at night.
24 Jan, 2010
Great blog Barbara,
The bulbs look good. I treated dozens that way at a property on Thursday, unfortunately We were only there for 4 hours so they only had about 3 hours soak, not as long as I would have liked but they are tucked up in big pans in their greenhouse. I'm sure they will be very successful. Hope the headache goes soon, the rags don't look very attractive and the smell is awful but it should be only for a short time. Good luck.
24 Jan, 2010
Clue - Lidl - German - Krokus - German. I'm sure you'll win round 1 but the War? Doubtful. Formidable enemy, probably eats firelighters for breakfast.
24 Jan, 2010
I notice quite a few people like the smell of Jeyes fluid. I always used it when mopping floors (old house) 'cos I loved the smell and it kept ants out of the house, they hate it:-) Toto, they'll probably use the fire lighters to keep warm while they're doing it too:-))
24 Jan, 2010
I hope all your effort pays off. It must be disheartening to have your bulbs stolen like that. I like your polyanthus. They should look a wonderful sight with all the bulbs in flower. The smell may wear off after a while so it won't be so bad then. I hope the badgers will have learnt their lesson by then !
24 Jan, 2010
Hope it all works 4 you.............
24 Jan, 2010
do you think it would work with rabbits, last year they decimated pots of bedding plants-- seemingly trying to burrow out of the bottom!--
24 Jan, 2010
Pam - I bought an 'Animal Repellent' spray from B&Q which I sprayed around when a rabbit decided to dig a hole in my flower bed - I filled it in, then sprayed. It seemed to work. He didn't return. :-) I don't want the Jeyes smell all over the garden - It's horrible!
Hywel - I shall have to keep spraying the Jeyes fluid on the boxes, I'm afraid - I can't let the smell wear off! (Did you know you can buy it in a spray bottle now?)
I STILL want to know what flower will grow from my carefully planted firelighters, though! LOL.
Wagger - could 'Krokus' also be Dutch, do you think?
24 Jan, 2010
maybe 'firethorn' (pyracantha) Spritzh :-) and thanks for the tip, i'll try it in the spring
24 Jan, 2010
I have not seen the spray bottles. I might get some. I like the smell of Jey's fluid lol. It reminds me of summer :o)
24 Jan, 2010
Oh HYWEL!!!! Yeeeeuuuuugggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
24 Jan, 2010
lol :D
24 Jan, 2010
I wonder if i sprayed some jeyes fliud in my front garden it would stop the flippen cats pooing on my lawn...... ive had them doing this 4 the 5 years ive been here....they are a real nuisance........... will try and get some when i go out.... ive tried everything else and they still come back.....
24 Jan, 2010
Don't know about Badgers but I once had rabbits sneaking through my fence. I sealed off the holes and they started a tunnel. While picking up Barnaby's poo (he's not fussy where he goes) i placed some at the entrance of the rabbit hole, never seen one again.
24 Jan, 2010
Just an afterthought, Jeyes fluid isn't what it was, they've removed all the coal tar (EU again) It was the same coal tar that made it go like milk and give it it's distinctive smell. You could kill two birds with one stone and use Amatillox which has the coal tar and is a very good soil cleaner also. It's also very good for treating soil to prevent Rose Sickness.
24 Jan, 2010
I had an old-ish can of it, and we bought a new spray. I've used up all the can now - so I'll look for Amatillox...thanks. :-))
I will throw some of Henry's offerings down the tunnel as well - why not? Saves using a bag for it! You never know - if it keeps my 'friends' away, I shall be happy, and the farmer won't be bothered by it. :-))
24 Jan, 2010
After trying all that Spritz I have just found 'Get Off Crystals' cat and dog repellant,which claims also to repel 'foxes,squirrels and badgers'. I might try some for the entrance to our drive, which seems to attract the local dog population ! Has anyone else tried this ?
It may be better for your lawn than jayes Hollyeves :)
24 Jan, 2010
Where did you find it, Aster? On line?
24 Jan, 2010
Yes,I googled 'dog and cat deterrents' (uk) as we have dogs fouling outside our gates(on pavement)
Also there is mention of renardine oil,but that has been banned since 2005.(EU) It was the only legal chemical to use to deter badgers !
24 Jan, 2010
Thanks - I'll do the same. It beats a shotgun, doesn't it - especially as I haven't got a licence and don't want to get arrested! LOL.
24 Jan, 2010
Have a look at on the 'gardeners' page,'chemical deterrents' it does actually say that you shouldn't use jayes fluid as a deterrent either !
There's always Ralgex !!
24 Jan, 2010
Or even Radox!
24 Jan, 2010
Aster - thanks for the link. I know it's illegal to interfere with their setts in any way, and I'm certainly not doing that!
I'll have to do something rather than 'welcome them in' or 'put up with them' as the site suggests, though. I can't handle the damage they're doing any longer. ;-(((
24 Jan, 2010
It seems to be a good site as it does recognise the damage caused to gardens.I did notice that if you suffer financially ie as a business you can get someone to move them away !
24 Jan, 2010
I have now read the ruling on the site Aster has found, and I am not doing anything wrong. It definitely refers to interference with the actual sett with any chemicals, and that is illegal - which I knew already.
I'm not doing that - I have no idea where their sett is. Presumably, it's somewhere on the farm - fortunately, it's not in my garden!
24 Jan, 2010
You're right, Spritz. Krokus is Dutch too!
24 Jan, 2010
Aster, i have tried everything... all sorts of crystals and things.... cats still come back.... and this morning they have done there business in the gravel by my front door again.....
25 Jan, 2010
have you suffered any more damage or iis it working? fingers crossed for you spritz.
25 Jan, 2010
Well has it worked Spritz ???? I also love the smell of jeys it reminds me of washing down my horses stable, long ago :0))))))))))))
25 Jan, 2010
Today I popped into my potting shed and found that something has eaten my BBQ fire lighters!
25 Jan, 2010
So far, so good! Something has scrabbled a bit in a small bed of violas - but that could well have been a cat. Boxes still intact as of this morning....:-)))))
Heron - that's unbelieveable!
25 Jan, 2010
did you get the pm yesterday? or am I having troubles again? :o)
25 Jan, 2010
Spritz some very interesting reading in The Telegraph (Saturdays) An ill wind blows for Mr Badger. Geoffrey Lean. You will be amazed at what you can and cannot do !!! you should be able to get the article on the internet, let me know !!!
25 Jan, 2010
I'll have a go, Dd - thanks.
Sbg - sorry, I missed it. Found it now - I'll answer properly later this evening - got to cook now.
25 Jan, 2010
I like the smell of Jeyes fluid too.I used to put drops on used Teabags,and where I had trouble with cats digging in the soil,I found it seemed to be a deterrent.They did get the message eventually,as must have got fed up trying to find a Jeyes free place! I have also tried olbas oil on them least they
probably were very clear headed,after sniffing that,and I know it wouldn't have harmed them . I can just imagine the little dears breathing deeply and saying "ah,thats better":o))
26 Jan, 2010
So will this work on badgers too, do you think?
Strange how many people like the smell!
26 Jan, 2010
i love the smell of jeyes fluid barbara, fresh and clean,, hope this works for you, after all your planting along the fence, should look lovely when all in bloom to, good luck my friend :o))
27 Jan, 2010
Hi Sandra - welcome back and thank you. I missed you!
Yes, it'll be an electric fence if the Jeyes' doesn't keep them out. A great pity that they don't stay 'their' side of the fence, isn't it! Too easy to find tasty food in my garden. LOL.
27 Jan, 2010
Is it wrong that i like the smell of Jeyes fluid, Creosote, Tarmac etc. ? I like Chanel No. 5 too !
27 Jan, 2010
hi barbara, aww missed you to :o)) x
27 Jan, 2010
Of course not! Each to their own. Some people hate the scent of Lilies, and I know someone who dislikes the smell of sweet peas. too. I like tarmac, actually. I just got a headache from the Jeyes' fluid - too much of it neat at close range was pungent to say the least! :-(((
27 Jan, 2010
Ooops, Sandra - sorry, I was answering Megan! :-) xx
27 Jan, 2010
no probs ;o) x
27 Jan, 2010
My fingers and toes are crossed that your measures deter the naughty badgers.
29 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Dawn - I had to wash my gardening jacket and my gloves this evening, as I got yet another headache from the smell just on them! It really does linger.
29 Jan, 2010
you will have to pop some vic on cotton wool and pop up your nose barbara, that should help keep your head clear ;o)
hi dawn hope your well ;o))
29 Jan, 2010
I could try, Sandra!
29 Jan, 2010
I'm not keen on wearing perfume as I end up with a headache, very annoying. Jeyes is very strong isnt it. My greenhouse will need a good dose this Spring, maybe I'll put a peg on my nose.
Hello Sandra, yes fine thanks, hope you had a good holiday.
29 Jan, 2010
they do that in mortuary`s barbara lol
i had a great time dawn, just what i needed, no phone with me either :o)
i like jeys fluid myself
29 Jan, 2010
OK, OK, cotton wool up my nose, then - how am I supposed to breathe, please? LOL.
29 Jan, 2010
lol barbara, your mouth but watch out for bugs flying about , cant have you choking, and dont answer door without first removing cotton wool :o)
29 Jan, 2010
LOL. Oh Sandra - I just can't imagine this at all! LOL. What a picture this conjures up......:-D
29 Jan, 2010
Spritz you could get one of those Aussie hats with dangling corks to keep the bugs away whilst you breath through your mouth :)))))))
Or make that chunks of fire lighter instead of corks,then you keep badgers away as well !!
29 Jan, 2010
I'll ask Bernie to send one over, shall I? LOL.
29 Jan, 2010
I do so wish you success. I think the best solution would be the
Pyracantha, nothing can get through that. It stopped the cattle getting into
my back garden.
Freesiaperson x
29 Jan, 2010
I'm afraid they'd just tunnel under the fence a bit further along, Freesia, as the boundary fence there is about 40 metres long. :-(((
30 Jan, 2010
barbara you will look a picture with your cotton wool,aussie hat and firelighters dangling as aster suggested and a couple of cans of fressia spray in you holsters ready for war lol :o)))
30 Jan, 2010
I shall have to get husband to take a photo, won't I! That would be the most laughed at picture EVER on GOY....:-D Heehee!
30 Jan, 2010
Oh,spritz,what a picture that conjures up,..I can't stop laughing at the
thought of your Badger deterrent outfit.Lol.At least it would be humane,and may even send them packing, without you having to do all that work in the garden.Its strange,how what sometimes starts as a serious blog,ends up being
so funny.Thank goodness for humour on here.Just what we need.:o)))
30 Jan, 2010
oh yes plez get us the photo we need a good laugh barbara ;o)))
30 Jan, 2010
Ah! Only if Bernie or Marguerite send me a PROPER Aussie hat, or it's no good. :-(((
30 Jan, 2010
thats the best excuse ive heard barbara lol
30 Jan, 2010
I've got the hat if you've got the corks, Spritz.
30 Jan, 2010
But the badgers would know it was me unless I wore a REAL Aussie hat, Sandra! It's all part of the disguise, you see. LOL.
30 Jan, 2010
Nope, Wagger - no corks here, I'm afraid. :-(((
Anyway - is the hat GENUINE??
30 Jan, 2010
Absolutely - bought it myself in Sydney. Perhaps if I have a few bottles I can provide the corks too! I'll enjoy that!!!
30 Jan, 2010
Ooohhh! The badgers won't know what's hit them!
30 Jan, 2010
haha barbara now what can you say to that offer from wagger ;o))
30 Jan, 2010
I shall challenge her to produce it first...then make a comment!
How do I know if the hat would fit me? Her head might be bigger...hahaha. Sorry, Wagger. That wasn't meant to be rude, honest!
30 Jan, 2010
lol barbara
30 Jan, 2010
She's gone quiet - I hope she's not cross with me! :-((((((
30 Jan, 2010
Me? Quiet? That'll be the day! No, I'm not cross - just busy digging out THE HAT. Pictures just uploaded for your perusale, Spritz.
31 Jan, 2010
Well, what can I do or say but go over and take a look! ;-)
31 Jan, 2010
so how's it going? are they staying away with all the jeyes fluid around?
1 Feb, 2010
I haven't checked this morning, Grindle, but up to yesterday, yes! I put two sticks across the tunnel yesterday so that I can see if they've been disturbed - I'll climb up the wall and take a look later. :-))
1 Feb, 2010
Can we have a photo of you climbing up the wall please??? :-)))
1 Feb, 2010
Haha! I peered across just now without mountaineering, and the sticks are still in place! YAY!!
1 Feb, 2010
No little furry arms waving white flags?? :-)
1 Feb, 2010
Nope. That's really good, isn't it! It is going to rain overnight though and possibly all tomorrow, so the 'smell' might get diluted.
It's almost 10 days now though - do you think they've got the message that I don't like them? LOL.
1 Feb, 2010
i hope so spritz but keep ever vigilant :o)
1 Feb, 2010
Oh yes, Sbg - I can tell if they've been - apart from eating bulbs this year, every other year theyve torn up the lawns - not pretty. So I must indeed keep looking and working on it.
2 Feb, 2010
sounds like it might be working then Spritz, I'm going to have to get some and see if it works the same for all the cats
3 Feb, 2010
Don't forget thet the old version ingredients got banned by the EU (!) so the new stuff is slightly different - not as powerful. I have a new can. so I'm hoping that when the 'smell' wears off, it will still be effective. Fingers crossed for us both, Grindle. :-))
3 Feb, 2010
Spritz...sounds like you've been having fun. I'm glad the jeyes fluid seems to be working. Could you erect a temporary covering on the boundary hole to stop the rain from washing the JF off. It might reduce the amount of repetition of application, and presumably if they are only using this hole as the access point then they might not get as far as the bulbs? Wishful thinking..maybe.
We have badgers that come and dig up the sea-holly in the front border. I think someone once said that it tastes of licorice...not sure. Anyhow, the badgers and the foxes keep the bunny numbers down :o)
Badgers are also not totally nocturnal so you would need to keep the fence switched on for most of the time...just to be sure...they're dead sneaky!
3 Feb, 2010
Thanks for that, Treeman - husband says he'll look into doing something. Don't forget that they also wreak havoc in the lawns! I need to keep them out permanently - I've had more than enough hassle from them. :-((((
Neither of us has ever seen one in the garden, and of course Henry is outside a lot of the time during the day, so maybe that would put them off other than in the night?
3 Feb, 2010
Still finding my way around the site and come across your badger blog - did you finally get rid of them? I have been having trouble too - not as bad as yours, but last year they had all my tulips and this year have scraped everything off the face of a rather steep bank. I have tried surrounding the plants they seem to like with chilli pepper, and also putting it liberally around the place where they come in nd it does seem to have stopped most of the trouble, though it did look rather strange! I dislike Jeyes fluid - smells like a cross between public toilets and cat urine, but if it did the trick that's great.
4 Apr, 2011
Yes, Steragram, and what bliss to open the curtains every morning and see green grass and not a ploughed field! I actually saw all my tulips flower this year, too.
In the end, OH erected an electric fence across the area where they were getting in. He went to a farm shop where they obviously sell such things, and set it all up. :-))
The new EU version of Jeyes fluid doesn't smell - so it doesn't keep them out.
5 Apr, 2011
someone recommended chilli powder to deter squirrels and I tried it on the worst trough affected by the rabbits and even after the rain the've stayed away for a few days....X... fingers crossed!
5 Apr, 2011
I have used chilli powder to deter a badger and though he still visits other parts of the garden he hasn't done any more digging where it put the chilli. The red powder looked very odd on the garden though.
6 Apr, 2011
mine is an old tin that just looks reddish brown-- and its just on one sandstone trough-- but its better than a war zone.......
7 Apr, 2011
As you've read, it really was a battle of wits. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with them any longer. Interesting about the chilli powder, though.
7 Apr, 2011
its still ok ( fingers crossed) and I can see some seedlings appearing.... maybe this is the answer....
12 Apr, 2011
Good for you! :-)
12 Apr, 2011
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Oh my !!!
Those badgers will be determined creatures if those measures fail !
You don't think Henry could have been at the bulbs do you ..... when you mentioned him being very interested it just flashed through my mind :-/
23 Jan, 2010