Pruning ,Pruning a new haircut.
By stan510
I’ve started..But,when I finish a tree? I stand back and feel like I just got a great haircut.
I also like the instant gratification of prune a branch..and feel the sun hit you. Exactly why I let light in to the tree’s yard mate. Its like I’m so tuned in? I can feel the jump in light levels even with a small cut. Like feeding the other yard plants-lol.
Still plenty to far nothing crushed and I haven’t fallen or lost my balance. You don’t have to be on a notice as you walk around with your head up in deep study of the next can get a bit unsteady after awhile?
I do..then stop and rest and think. More light,and more mulch. PERFECT.
25 Apr, 2018
Previous post: More Flea Market Orchid..
Next post: Planting a big potted Pachypodium.
Last year we had to have two trees taken out due to one being poisonous to the dogs and one due to disease. We then had a hedge taken out that divided my garden. Know it's more drastic then pruning but the difference in light to the garden is lovely. Next door also cut their hedge finally and all in all, it has totally changed what I can now plant in my garden. Like you say, can feel the extra air and light in the garden. Only trouble with all that pruning is getting rid of the cuttings lol.
26 Apr, 2018
Shrubs along the drive are now scratching cars Will need cutting back after they have flowered.
Great difference to our back garden after the hedge was "lowered". Can now see the horses and cattle and deer on the heath. Sunsets are beautiful.
We have a massive oak still in the hedge. Dropped leaves are a nuisance but the tree is home to so many creatures and it is beautiful. Safe for a while!
26 Apr, 2018
I like to prune also Stan,Have just pruned a diseased tree,this afternoon so much light in the garden now,and it has made a big difference.
26 Apr, 2018
Lol Stan just think you can feel drunk with out drinking feeling unsteady . You ve seem to become addicted to pruning ? but I agree if brings much more light in makes the gsrden feel bigger too. I can dead head what I can reach now pruning is left to the kids. Soon my 3 biggest plants will be cut down A bayleaf tree 8 to 10ft high is one .
26 Apr, 2018
Thanks all! Growing,then subtracting in gardening-lol.
Its a funny thing..every square inch should be filled and many tall specimen plants...but I just recently start planting good plants around the rental areas. Bad tenants prevented me from trying anything but Junipers for years.
But,my not like that. If it wasn't for the always shady north side being bad for plants I like..IT too would be filled. Even then,I planted a Plum last year and then the Lemon tree a few years before that.
Its California and a city near the bay. Small homes,small yards and be thankful I have even that
I might go to a nursery this weekend. Never ends!
26 Apr, 2018
What a shame bad rentals prevented you planting what you really wanted Stan I hope you now get to have what you want enjoy the nursery.
28 Apr, 2018
Lived here for decades Penny and even if you just go back to the 90's,I never could really plant around that house. It took until the last three years. Isn't that something? Now,I plant anything I like,and it stays there-wink
30 Apr, 2018
Oh,back to the
Still pruning. I did more of the Podocarpus tree. When you start its daunting. Just me and a polesaw and a ladder vs a 40 year old tree with a heft trunk and thick ,dense foliage.
But,I'm getting there..freeing up not just more light,but room for the palms to be able to stretch their fronds freely.
I see more to do..
30 Apr, 2018
It is Stan but so glad you can plant what you like now Stan next time any one looking undesirable comes to view the rented house get horse manure down the stink will deter them renting lol.
30 Apr, 2018
The Palms will love that Stan keep pruning.
30 Apr, 2018
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I know the feeling of pruning. I've been pruning a lot this year and still have a ton to prune. :>))
26 Apr, 2018