Springtime Acrostic ~ corrected with apologies and now with prizes!
By stickitoffee
I thought I would do something for you to look forward to!
Below is an acrostic for you to fill, full of spring flowers ~ i think my last quiz was too easy for you so this time i havent put any clues ~ but i can add some later if you want them.
they are all spring flowers with the names that are most commonly used
If you want some clues please ask
You can send answers in a PM.
SOOOO sorry ~ i thought i had checked all the spellings but number 5 was causing trouble ~ thanks shirley for spotting it! ~ i got it wrong ~ very sorry ~ it is corrected now in the above picture with a clue!!
If you think you deserve a prize you can help yourself:
10 Jan, 2011
Previous post: Something's missing ~ plant quiz
Next post: What month is this?
well i did try to help you with Terra's blog!
you can have extra time so your brain doesnt get too tired ~ is that ok?
10 Jan, 2011
Another quiz - help! I have just downloaded it so will have a go as soon as possible. I have done the same with TT's so have two to attempt now :)
10 Jan, 2011
thanks gee ~ i managed [eventually] to use your idea of making the blog in powerpoint ~ thank you for explaining that ~ couldnt have done it otherwise.
sorry i should have done it at the weekend when people have got more time but i was entertaining!!
never mind ~ i will leave you all lots of time for answers
~ that will give me more time to get some very expensive prizes?????!!!!! (i exaggerate!)
10 Jan, 2011
I have got 7 so far,so brain still partially working...ooh,I wonder what the prizes will be...???
10 Jan, 2011
7 is not bad ~ only 3 to go!!
i will leave you to wonder ... and no doubt speculate!!!
10 Jan, 2011
sorry,brain just closing down..and can't count either..! only 6.Need to plug in,and recharge...Lol.
10 Jan, 2011
Is the answer to each just one word, or sometimes two? Thanks.
10 Jan, 2011
Can't even think of more than seven Spring flowers . . . your puzzle looks very pretty though!!
10 Jan, 2011
thanks sheila ~ only one word for each answer
try putting in the 7 you know??
10 Jan, 2011
I have 8, stuck on the last two, they are probally all wrong but I am trying,.
10 Jan, 2011
can I have clues for the last two please.
10 Jan, 2011
funnily enough there are clues on the page for the last 2!!
10 Jan, 2011
you was quick.
10 Jan, 2011
gone for 9 but now I am stuck.
10 Jan, 2011
i do try!!
stuck on ten?
another name for this one is associated with a festive season!??
10 Jan, 2011
Thanks Sticki. Please may I have clues for 2, 5, 6 and 7!! V tired today (my feeble excuse :)) - just been talking too much . . .
10 Jan, 2011
I would love to have a go at this but I am useless at this kind of thing, even if you gave me some clues, so I will leave it to those that can looks very impressive though.
10 Jan, 2011
Good Lord Sticki!!
um er
think I will go downstairs, light the fire and have a glass of wine, I will cheat later when everyone has posted their answer! Lol
10 Jan, 2011
nicely done sticki will have a go, a couple more letters would have helped lol
10 Jan, 2011
sorry sanbaz ~
last letter for number 2 is S
first letter for number 5 is C
6 is really a tree
7 is a shrub
does that help sheila and sanbaz?
i admire your honesty DD
Lulu i love your style!!!!
10 Jan, 2011
have 3 to now but will try again with these clues thanx sticki
10 Jan, 2011
10 Jan, 2011
Thanks Sticki . . clues definitely a help. Have now got No.6, and POSSIBLY No.5, but hadn't thought of it as a Spring flower never having grown it. :(
Still no sign of No.2 or No.7, so giving up and going to watch Uni Challenge. Good fun though. :))
10 Jan, 2011
5 is definitely a spring flower ~ early spring ~ looks lovely in the snow
2 you will definitely have heard of ~ also early spring
7 nice and bright and fresh ~ cheers up the day
10 Jan, 2011
sticki im done my brain hurts now lol cant get anymore so giving in hahah, just dont know enough names of flowers, hope someone gets them all :o) going to watch tv so catch up with this tomoz and see who gets them, nite x
10 Jan, 2011
Think I have found 9 ... stuck on number 5 though!
10 Jan, 2011
5 has another common name ~ i think ~ something to do with the snow ~ its a blue flower
10 Jan, 2011
Hmmm - variations in the spelling ?
10 Jan, 2011
I `ve given it a go Sticki and sent a pm, thanks I enjoyed it, must learn more about all these various progs on this laptop, I liked the way it is set out....
10 Jan, 2011
thanks lincslass ~ its in powerpoint ~ gee told me how to do it after her very nicely presented blog
10 Jan, 2011
Oh!!!!. My grandson was giving me a lesson on powerpoint only last week, parents meeting tomorrow and he`s coming for his tea so I`ll have to show him your blog and beg another lesson, he`s 10yrs and likes teaching Nannie new tricks.....
10 Jan, 2011
those 10 year olds are very good! ~ dont they say if you cant work something that is technical ~ ask a 5 year old!!
you will easily be able to make things in powerpoint the tricky bit is the saving i think ~ you save as normal with a name but then underneath there is another box ~ make sure you scroll down till you find the jpeg option and use that to save it
then when you want to use the page you have made ~ open it up as you would a photo.
hope that makes sense
11 Jan, 2011
im very sorry ~ i spelt the 5th one wrong ~ thought i had checked it ~ i have corrected it now and put a picture clue on ~ very sorry
some of you got it right anyway cos you spelt it the same way as i did ~ its a very funny spelling!
i shall have to do an even bigger prize now ~ cos its all my fault!!!
11 Jan, 2011
LOL, Sticki, my prize mustn't involve food as I've eaten far too much over the festivities! Some of number 5 would be nice . . . . : o )))))))
11 Jan, 2011
oh ok, a slimming healthy prize? for garden lovers?
11 Jan, 2011
Phew. No harm done . . . kept us all out of mischief for a while, anyway. Thanks Sticki. :o)
11 Jan, 2011
thanks for being so understanding.
11 Jan, 2011
Ooh thank you for this one Sticki! I'm stuck on No1 & no 6. I found that I'd put another name for 2 in no 7 - til you gave the shrubby clue.
11 Jan, 2011
If I've got them all right, I'll have some sticki toffee pudding please :-)
11 Jan, 2011
sticky toffee may be on offer for those of you who like unhealthy things [like i do]
possibly celery for those who want something healthier???
1 is a yellow flower
6 is a tree!!!
does that help beattie?
11 Jan, 2011
Are 1 and 2 plurals, Sticki? Yes thanks for 6 - PM coming up!
Please can I have something in between sticky toffee pudding and celery on the "healthy" scale? How about a meringue with fruit salad? That's got VIRTUALly no calories ;-)
11 Jan, 2011
yes at least one is plural
a doughnut has no calories in the middle!!??
12 Jan, 2011
OK, thanks, I'll have JAM doughnut middles :-)
Not what you meant? Pity! All your doughnuts have holes in now.....
12 Jan, 2011
polo mint ok?
dont they make the jam ones any more??
12 Jan, 2011
Okay, I give up. What am I supposed to do?
Is it like a wordsearch without the words?
I like quizzes and things but I dont think I have come across anything like this before. It must have taken you hours to do this!
12 Jan, 2011
Ok, thanks Sticki, I like mints so I'll have Polo holes! I've never seen a jam Polo.
Geraniumdad, you fill in the boxes with letters to make the names of spring flowers. One letter in each name has been given already, and the given letters spell out "SPRINGTIME". I expect you're looking for more complication than there is. There are picture clues for some of the flowers. When you've guessed what the flowers are, PM the list to Sticki and she'll award virtual prizes or give clues, as appropriate!
12 Jan, 2011
no didnt take hours
if you can think of some spring flowering bulbs, plants and even a tree try putting their names into the grid
4 of them are pictured on the quiz
i cant remember what they call these type of quizzes ~ sorry if it looks a bit baffling ~ i think perhaps its easier to make than to do? no one got them all right straight away.
12 Jan, 2011
Ive put your prizes on ~ can i trust you to take what you deserve?
21 Jan, 2011
Lovely prizes thank you Sticki! You HAVE been busy. :-)
I'll have a slice of the GoY golden fruits cake please. I deliberately haven't looked up the recipe in case I'm tempted to make it, and having made it, to eat it. One slice would be OK, a whole cake not!
21 Jan, 2011
i have been very naughty today ~ i bought some golden crispy cake bites ~ only little and reduced but i ate too many!!!!
21 Jan, 2011
Thanks for all those tasty prizes, Sticki, but I'll have to resist . . . made a fridge cake the other day, and we've been EATING it! :(
21 Jan, 2011
oooh fridge cake is nice ~ is that melted chocolate with bits of crunchy biscuits, cherries, sultanas, etc??
you could have the flowers sheila!?
21 Jan, 2011
Yes of course - thanks, yellow tulips will do nicely! Fridge cake is so easy (too easy?) the recipe I have is melted choc, then stir in bashed up digestives with raisins and a few nuts, then a good glug of c.... milk (not evaporated, but begins with C. thick and sweet anyway - like me lol.) Sorry, my mind not in good nick today. :))
21 Jan, 2011
A good way to get rid of the calorie free centre is to stick one of those little choccy eggs in the hole - yummy, thanks Sticki :)
21 Jan, 2011
Not really one for sweet things Sticki but will accept the flowers, thankyou very much.....
21 Jan, 2011
you're very welcome gee and lincslass ~ you could have the cheese straws? or the chille?
good idea gee ~ if i had any left!!
i know what sort of milk you mean sheila ~ you will be horrified to know that when i was little we were once given a tin each for christmas [my sister, brother and i] we had them in the pantry with a spoon in each and could go and get some when we wanted!!!! Phil vickery has done a nice recipe book called 'a passion for puddings' using that milk as an ingredient in all of them!!
i rather think you are sweet sheila ~ but definitely not thick!!!!
21 Jan, 2011
Sheila, I had to make my eyes jump over your post above - don't mention the dreaded C-word - the 9 letter one, that is! Three-plus weeks of The Diet are bringing on cravings...
21 Jan, 2011
thats what i should be on beattie ~ i soon wont get into my work uniform ~ and its too embarassing to ask for bigger trousers! i am waiting for the builders to finish then i can put my keep fit dvd on and start my diet
if i was really sensible i would start it now but its so cold!!
son getting married in august is another incentive!
22 Jan, 2011
mmm,the C word,the only thing to use in Banoffi pie.:o)
22 Jan, 2011
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Are you trying to make my brain explode,Sticki..? I have only just finished Terra's...:o)))
10 Jan, 2011