What month is this?
By stickitoffee
Its a little bit sunny, there’s blue sky outside
I’m not one of those who can – stay inside … [apologies to Elton John]
I cant quite believe that this is supposed to be winter ~ the sky was blue:
the robin was singing his heart out!
Even Minty who loves the warm was considering a little rest on the sunny seat, while I drank my tea ~ outside!
There were bluebells coming up ~ are we in April?
The allotments were busy:
And catkins, although not yellow yet were swaying in the breeze:
a tiny yellow bulb lit up the flower bed:
and a Hamamelis mollis firework lit up the sky:
Just one more thing to add to the confusion: and this is as much a confession as a photo ~ Terratoonie found me out, this is what she discovered:
A lovely day and all the more appreciated for being so unexpected!
18 Jan, 2011
Previous post: Springtime Acrostic ~ corrected with apologies and now with prizes!
Next post: Italian beauty
they are in the shops TT ~ actually i have eaten a small tub of those little crunchy shell type ones today!!!
18 Jan, 2011
...Ah, Sticki... the truth is out now !
This blog is some kind of justification for the number of easter eggs you've consumed in January !!! x
18 Jan, 2011
um well
if i have to confess then
yes i have sinned!
18 Jan, 2011
i wasnt going to tell anyone that bit TT ~ you will have to keep it a secret!
18 Jan, 2011
I promise I won't tell if you don't :o)))
0000000 there's some more eggs for you....
in case you get hungry ...
18 Jan, 2011
but they are hollow eggs?!
if im very hungry i might tuck in!! ~ many thanks!
wish i had thought of them before cos then i would have added the photo ~ but now its too late ~ ive eaten them all!!!
maybe tomorrow?.....
18 Jan, 2011
A nice winter's day. It isn't always bad :o)
18 Jan, 2011
OOOOOOO... and there's some chocolate hobnobs for you, Hywel.. to make the winter's day even better :o)
... except Sticki will say they are hollow hobnobs :o(
18 Jan, 2011
lovely pics Sticki,things are much further advanced than here in the North,which is the norm,I only have crocus and snowdrop foliage showing yet,but lets hope the sun keeps shining,and they shouldn't be long...so,been eating Easter eggs,have you..? did you save me one ? :o))
18 Jan, 2011
Just read your last comment..obviously not ! some friend :o))
18 Jan, 2011
its been ok here but nothing great sticki, we have had lovely days though, surpose to be getting colder again come weekend, but at least when its cold its normally blue sky to, i do hope we get a lovely spring and summer this year, love your pictures :o))
18 Jan, 2011
thanks sanbaz and sorry bloomer ~ but im going to buy some more tomorrow!
i want to paint the chocolate on those hobnobs TT ~ here are some swirly ones:
@@@@@@@ ~ how many in a packet?
18 Jan, 2011
Not enough,Sticki..Lol.
18 Jan, 2011
Sticki I can`t eat chocolate at night, its stops me sleeping but I`ve really got a longing for some now (sighhhh)
Its been a grand day here as well, birds galore on the feeders, I`ve been out looking for my Aconites but none showing yet, I`m hoping I haven`t lost them again...
Lovely photo`s.....
18 Jan, 2011
thanks lincslass, i only have 2 aconites and they have only come up in the last few days. i have seen great tit, blue tit and robin out of the window and seen crows, pigeons and heard the jay in the woods, they sound so busy and pleased to be out!
sorry bloomer ~ here are some more
18 Jan, 2011
It has been nice here in Newcastle as well a bit breezy but I got some bit's and pieces done in the garden, and the birds enjoyed my home made suet cakes.The jackdaw helped himself to a couple but as he has a dodgy foot I didn't mind. :o)
19 Jan, 2011
I had to check where you live, Sticki, in case you had moved to sunnier climes! We did have some sunshine yesterday (which made a change from rain). Lovely photos, very cheering. Daylight is extending a little in the evenings which is promising and today has started cold and frosty. Hurrah :)
19 Jan, 2011
no i havent moved! i did begin to wonder tho Gee ~ cloudy today and a frost last night.
19 Jan, 2011
Beautiful blue sky and love the Robin and cat too wonderful photo's I would say its January lol. tut tut tut all those easter eggs are you a member of weight watchers with all those sins then lol.
19 Jan, 2011
probably should be but im not ~ more like a member of 'chocoholics and proud of it'!
19 Jan, 2011
LOl its cause my eldest daugher she goes to weight watchers and they use sins hehe so I caught onto you sin bit :o))
19 Jan, 2011
Lovely photos and blog, its a lovely day here today, yesterday morning it was really while on roof tops cold but nice with it.
19 Jan, 2011
thank you ~ frost here this morning clarice but the sun is out now and the sky is blue!!
19 Jan, 2011
Ive put some eggs on for you all now!
19 Jan, 2011
Lovely blog, looks more like spring where you live, cloudy and cold here and frost expected tonight;0( Love your Robin and pussy cat pictures;0)
19 Jan, 2011
thanks PP, sorry robin is a little bit blurry but its the nearest i can get with my camera! i expect the blue skies are on their way to you PP
19 Jan, 2011
great captures ST, love the allotment shot & the first photo through the tree branch's to blue blue sky, perfect.
20 Jan, 2011
Sticki...you've captured the glorious blue sky perfectly. It is misty here today, but bright. We took a drive out yesterday and it was most glorious...the sun was so bright it was blinding! I was, like you, questioning if this really was January!
I can't do much in the garden as it's not been turfed yet so too wet and muddy with just topsoil for now....roll on spring!
And....I'm not a chocolate fan but I really do love those small chocolate eggs....you've got me hankering after some now! :)
20 Jan, 2011
I'm chocaholic too but as we're still working through the christmas ones I've ignored the easter egg aisle! Those are my favorites-- the crunchy little ones.....
20 Jan, 2011
Love the photo's we have had a little bit of blue sky too but that has now disappeared and been replaced by frost and mist! :-( My cat has glued herself to the fire side rug.
20 Jan, 2011
its been lovely here today but very cold in the shady places the frost hasn't lifted at all
20 Jan, 2011
its been cold all day here and the morning was freezing fog i think ~ i was near a canal tho so maybe the water made it worse!!
not a chocolate fan WL? ~ i love the stuff!!
thank you all for your kind comments.
20 Jan, 2011
I think i'm addicted......but its a fruit isn't it?
20 Jan, 2011
yes ~ from the cacao tree! glad you pointed that out pam!
20 Jan, 2011
wow wot great photos ................ have had some nice days here , but lots of frost now ... and fog urggg
21 Jan, 2011
we had fog too ~ not nice!
21 Jan, 2011
Gorgeous blog, Sticki! Stunning photos...I almost popped my nose out of my hibernation cave this morning..but still tooooooo chilly for me.....Loved this! Tut tut on those eggs, but yum yum....\0/x
23 Jan, 2011
that cave sounds a great idea. if you market it i would like a time share in one please ~ and can mine have a nice warm kitchen and a rocking chair?
23 Jan, 2011
One Bespoke Hibernation Cave coming up, Sticki! Would you like Val Doonican in a knitted cardi too, singing 'Paddy McGinty's Goat' too??LOL!\0/x
23 Jan, 2011
OH says ive already got one! not sure if he means the val or the goat
23 Jan, 2011
23 Jan, 2011
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Lovely photos...
it must now be time to buy Easter eggs :o)
18 Jan, 2011