Italian beauty
By stickitoffee
While the nights are still long and cold and we cant be out in the garden I have time to look back on a few older photos ~ this was a trip to Lake Garda and the surrounding lakes and mountains:
eating amongst the orange trees: [I dont think these are Seville oranges?]
Red hibiscus in the flower tubs along the street!
…and an orange hibiscus:
hanging gardens of Limone? A few steps off the ferry landing stage from Lake Garda
These are grown in the garden of my favourite restaurant on Lake Garda ~ you can wander round the garden which has grape vines and all sorts of vegetables and fruit
I wish they grew these too but perhaps they only grow the lemon part ~ there was champagne in this:
Growing in the garden which ran down to the lake were these ~ on the hedge:
The bouganvillia grows all over the buildings and fences:
growing wild around a smaller lake (yes that is the real colour!) was this pretty yellow flower:
This is Lago di Tenno ~ a small lake to the north of Lake Garda:
Here is Stripy! A rather attractive beetle ~ perhaps i should have called him Ringo??
out walking beneath the snow line of the Dolomites there was a meadow ~ the sort we all wish could be everywhere!
Amongst the wild flowers ~ is this aconitum?
another version of aconitum?
I dont know the name of this one but I love its colour
We just missed seeing these (Belladonna?) lilies all over the fields but I found this one ~ high up in the Dolomite pastures
And here is the close up (isnt there a verse about ‘the lilies of the fields’?) ~ amazing to see something so beautiful growing wild
A wild scabious, I cant help admiring them more when i see them in their natural environment
Apologies if i have shown you this one before but I just think its funny!
And back to Limone where the lemons are twice the size of ours!!
Time to book your holiday now?
23 Jan, 2011
Previous post: What month is this?
Next post: 5 white magic circles
thanks hywel
yes i think its in the gospels ~ near sermon on the mount would be appropriate!
23 Jan, 2011
Yes I think it is :o)
23 Jan, 2011
lovely sticki .................. wen we going !!! ;0))))))))))))
23 Jan, 2011
Wonderful flowers and scenery :o)
23 Jan, 2011
Beautiful scenery, those hanging gardens are fab, wish I could be there now!
23 Jan, 2011
I am just packing my bags...I am with Cristina on! Beautiful photos Sticki...What a holiday...Thank you so much for sharing...ho hum, back to Englands overcast grey skies now...\0/x
23 Jan, 2011
September in Limone everyone?
23 Jan, 2011
Oh Yes Yes Yes Please!!! \0/x
23 Jan, 2011
great blog sticki and beautifull pics to, such colour, thats one thing i love about holidays so much to see in plants, getting better here for summer planting though in towns and cities, think thats some kind of shield beetle sticki, but couldnt swear on it lol
wish it was lovely and sunny here right now and we were all in our gardens ;o))
23 Jan, 2011
Oh wow, what BEAUTIFUL photos Sticki. And just love the puppy in the sunglasses! I've never seen Scabious growing wild; LOVE Bougainvillea but don't know the names of any of the others but it doesn't matter, it's just lovely to see them. And the lakes too. We had a guided wildflower walk in the Dolomites a few years ago . . . the carpets of flowers are just amazing, aren't they. Molto grazie!!
Yup, September in Limone it is.
23 Jan, 2011
wondeful display of flowers and so much colour, fantastic
23 Jan, 2011
Lovely pictures, the lilies look gorgeous!
23 Jan, 2011
great photos Stick,it looks like a beautiful place, i could just eat one of those ice creams too....
23 Jan, 2011
It was not the sort of Italian beauty that went through my mind,however they are all lovely pictures
23 Jan, 2011
tut tut..
23 Jan, 2011
Ahh those Summer days, and holidays. thanks Sticki for the blast of summer - role on Summer.
23 Jan, 2011
Lovely sunny photos, i'm thinking of taking my lillies out as they are suppose to be harmful to cats.
23 Jan, 2011
carol only the stamens, not sure iv spelt it right, so when they open take the pollen bits out, its if that drops on cats and they lick it off, thats whats poisenous, touch wood iv been ok with angelina and casper, i take them off right away.
23 Jan, 2011
Lovely Pictures Sticki,and wonderful colours.I didn't mind seeing the bikers twice,it just made me smile..again.Lol.
23 Jan, 2011
I can hear the raining beating again my windows again and I feel decidedly chilly tonight. How lovely to see your gorgeous, colourful photos - brilliant, thank you :)
23 Jan, 2011
I love Italy - so thanks for the memories and lovely photos. :-)
24 Jan, 2011
thank you everyone ~ sorry to disappoint you Bjs ~ it did occur to me that some may have a different image in their minds ~ thats the fun of headlines/titles i think!!
24 Jan, 2011
superb - - - just the tonic we need ST. Quality photo's & for all of us who know a little of Italy it brings back brilliant memories. Also an incentive for folk to pay a visit if they have'nt popped over for a break as yet. Be prepared for lots of hugs n kisses ;-))
24 Jan, 2011
thanks bampy!
24 Jan, 2011
gosh quite a contrast from the wet wind i can hear right now and the disaster that is the garden..excellent pictures
24 Jan, 2011
This is on my bucket list Sticki..would love to afford to travel the length and breadth..cant understand folks who spend two weeks or more and just lay on the beach! Ive just not spent enough time in this country.
25 Jan, 2011
bucket? thats not bucket and spade then.
we went on a tour in a coach twice then went on our own ~ i loved the coach tour ~ everything sorted out for you; OH sat at the front and listened to the guide ~ i was at the back ~ not listening!! but i did look at the views!
25 Jan, 2011
i was thinking it would be nice to have music to go with this ~ i cant find the track i would like but here is one option:
its Il Divo
25 Jan, 2011
Bucket list...things to do before I push up the daisies...
25 Jan, 2011
oh dear ~ good plan but sounds depressing! but then there are books and calendars called 100 things to do before i die!
25 Jan, 2011
I dont want one of those, my list must be way over the 100! I have no plans for pushing up daisies. The thing at the top of my bucket list is to be able to garden for at least the next 40 years!
25 Jan, 2011
Enjoyed this trip sticki, fed up with winter. Loved the verbascums, amazing seeing them growing wild:-)
29 Jan, 2011
thanks BA, i know what you mean
im not good at going on holiday ~ think i will forget something!
if only someone could 'beam me up!' i would be on holiday now!
29 Jan, 2011
I know...let's have a Goy trip to somewhere warm and lovely......who could organise us though? It's bad enough finding a Goy day for Malvern:-( We could all go and visit Terry60 in Italy. Have you seen her pics and blogs....sigh? I have a little house near hers in the hills....well it's empty.. and I want it, so nearly mine:-)
30 Jan, 2011
Lets club together and buy it BA, then we can book the odd week away...any ground so we can camp out if its overbooked??
30 Jan, 2011're a genius! What a brilliant idea:-) Have you seen Terry60's pics and blogs? It's the most fantastic place, do look if you haven't. Now I think , as it's your idea, that you should organise the venture. I'm not sure about camping out, but I'm sure no Goy member would see another without a bed to sleep in and I'm equally sure that Terry60 would be first in line to offer help. How pleased she will be to see us all:-)
30 Jan, 2011
im going to look at that straight away - lovely escape for us all, thanks BA and T.
Escape to the garden with GoY?
30 Jan, 2011
Oh Stickitoffee. I love Lake Garda and your photos. We have been going there for our annual holiday since 1997. We have a caravan pitch right on the lakeside at San Felice del Benaco near Salo on the west bank. I'd love to know where your favourite restaurant is. Our favourite is ristorante da umberto in Castelletto.
Have you been to Isola del Garda? Apparantly the gardens are now open to the public although I haven't made it there yet.
2 Feb, 2011
no i havent been there but im glad you told me about it cos i would love to visit gardens there. the favourite place for a meal ~ and ice cream is in limone ~ you walk up those steep steps and along a concrete path which i think boards a hotel, then eventually you come out past the houses onto a little german hotel which overlooks the lake and has a lovely garden. sorry i dont know its name but it has red table cloths!!! dont suppose thats much help unless you happen to have seen it.
you must have found a few good places in your visits
oh, best lasagne ever was from the refugio at the top of monte baldo!
2 Feb, 2011
Beautiful flowers and scenary
8 Feb, 2011
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Nice to see sunny photos :o)
I think the first yellow flower was a
Mullein (?)
The verse about the Lilies of the fields is from the Bible.
23 Jan, 2011