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This is definitely the last plant purchases I make this year! lol,


Why do friends ask me to pick up plants for them on my way past the garden centre?, its just fatal and once again I talked myself into buying two roses that yes I just couldn`t do without!!!.

This ones `The fairy` ideal for planting at the foot of the Bird Bath.

and this is a shrub rose `Wild Thing` and yes it does make my heart sing,
it will also zing up the white lilac tree when its in bloom.

Looking at a new Schizostylis on Spritz`s blog I commented on how well mine had done this year as she said she had lost some of hers to the frosts. So this is for Spritz if you read this blog.

Well its been a glorious day in the Midlands but it has now started to rain so will do the planting up tomorrow.

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Those both look lovely new additions. Now you've given me an idea for planting around the base of my bird bath !
I'll have to dig out the Japanese Anemone first, a job I've been putting off for weeks as it'll mean digging sooo deep to remove all traces of it.

18 Sep, 2010


Funny that Shirley, I`ve just planted anemone `Andrea Atkinson`, by the way the Verbenia Bon are doing well they look strong so should flower next year.

18 Sep, 2010


I had a 'chat' with Spritz about the way mine invades, through the lawn, the paving cracks etc. and she has a shorter, less invasive variety which sounds perfect for me ! Just need the name of it ... lol ! I'm surprised the V.B.'s didn't flower this year, you'll just have to wait a while. : o (((((

18 Sep, 2010


Well, sigh, some people do tell such big porkies to kid themselves...last plants my foot! So, just as a punishment, you have to let me have a wee bit of that red schitzostylis Ive been trying to find everywhere!! It certainly looks ab-so-lutely fabulous

18 Sep, 2010


It looks lovely under the birdbath....the birdbath looks very pleasing to my you have a photo of the full birdbath, Stroller? If so, I'd love to see the whole thing please.

18 Sep, 2010


The Japanese Anemone variety I'm after is 'Queen Charlotte', many thanks to Spritz for that. : o )))

18 Sep, 2010


Sorry Stroller, I`m also a non-believer,LOL,theres far too many delights on offer at the moment and you`ll find a gap for that must have purchase somewhere. That Schitzostylis looks lovely.....

18 Sep, 2010


I'm sure there is a magnetic field around garden centres, I always have trouble with my car as I pass them and this site doesn't help! I had 'The Fairy' rose in my old garden and you have Just reminded me how lovely it was Stroller...........last purchases never seem to happen Lol :-))))
Also in the midlands and rain stopped play in my garden too..

18 Sep, 2010


Tetrarch will PM you when ready to send.
Whistonlass will put photo on tomorrow.
Annella your so right last purchases do not happen I`ve just ordered some lovely pink pansies of
Lincslass your so right.
Thanks to you all for your comments.

19 Sep, 2010


That will be great, Stroller. Hope your pink pansies turn out to be a happy purchase for you...I don't think I've ever seen pink ones.

19 Sep, 2010


Only 2 roses ... quite restrained I thought! ;o))

19 Sep, 2010


That's really kind of you Stroller, many thanks.
Annella, its really odd that about your car, mine has that habit too..and my OH hand is always hovering over the wheel in case I cant stop it jerking left!! They dont seem to be calling in cars for this problem tho...

19 Sep, 2010


Have a confession to make Fluff it was actually three roses, I also bought the Lady Banks rosa banksiae `Lutea`., but didn`t put it on this blog as I haven`t decided where to plant it.

20 Sep, 2010


They`re lovely Stroller but I`m sure it won`t be the last plant you buy this year. I`ve just posted photos of the plants I`ve bought in the sale in various garden centres. I`d also promised myself that I wouldn`t buy anything more for ages...a waste of breath that! :o))

20 Sep, 2010


You have to buy them if they are in the sale :-))))

21 Sep, 2010


No two ways about, could be more natural??
Have you see the pic I took at Biddulph Grange garden of their Banksi lutea Stroller?
ITS HUGE! lol!

21 Sep, 2010


lovely plants stroller, i love the sales ;o))

21 Sep, 2010


So do I San, can't help myself most of the time but when things are reduced......well :-))

21 Sep, 2010


lol, iv been trying to space things out today so to make room for others ;o( not getting far so another border will be needed haha, off to eat now, im starving ;o))

21 Sep, 2010


I knew it! You are forgiven my child ... we've all done it!!

21 Sep, 2010


Careful there Sandra or you`ll end up like me with no lawn at all lol. Thanks Fluff don`t feel so guilty now ha ha.

21 Sep, 2010


Oh my God Tetra I`ve just looked up your pics of the Biddulph Gardens. Now I must have a large Georgian Mansion to grow my Rosa Lutea up lol.

21 Sep, 2010


lol stroller, thats what hubby says to

22 Sep, 2010


I love your Schizostylis. They're on our shopping list for next season. Any advice on cultivation?

23 Sep, 2010


Knight & Rutley are the people I believe Stroller...lots of Million Dollar Mansions on their!

23 Sep, 2010


Kowhai, I don`t give mine any particular attention, they are in full sun and well drained soil and seem to be thriving.
Ahh Tetra if only that lottery would come up trumps I`d give them a call lol., unless you have a couple of spare million.

23 Sep, 2010


Nope..I can count my paltry sum easily...but when it comes to plants..I lost count at 100 and never bothered after that.

23 Sep, 2010

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