Visit to Pershore horticultural college in the sunshine.
By stroller
The sun came out today and hubby took me to pershore and treated me to four little gems for my Birthday. We got back at around 4.30pm and I couldn`t wait to share them with you all. These will be going in my new garden arrangement as soon as I`ve moved my fruit trees.
Sarcococca confusa Evergreen shrub. Fragrant flowers in winter followed by shiny black fruits. sun or partial shade grows to about 1mtr.£4.99.
Buddlea davidii `White profusion`£3.99.
Escallonia `Apple Blossom¬ Evergreen shrub. Early to mid summer apple blossom pink flowers amid glossy dark green leaves. grows to about 2.5mtrs.
Osmanthus delavayi. Evergreen bushy shrub with glossy dark green leaves and very fragrant white flowers from mid to late spring. grows to about 2.6m.£3.99.
As you can see from the prices I think these were a real bargain.
27 Nov, 2009
Previous post: A new pot for autumn,
Next post: Clematis not yet known
Happy birthday and happy planting
27 Nov, 2009
happy birthday and hope you enjoy many more, as your plants grow too.
27 Nov, 2009
Happy birthday Stoller that was lovely of your hubby treating you Pershore is where my son use to have his holidays when he was a child.
27 Nov, 2009
Hope you've had a lovely birthday Stroller.......lovely pressies!!!!!!
27 Nov, 2009
Thanks all for the wishes, just waiting now for a day of good weather to plant out.
28 Nov, 2009
Happy birthday for yesterday and i love your presents so happy planting.
28 Nov, 2009
happy birthday stroller and love your new presents, will look great when planted :o))
28 Nov, 2009
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Ah, I now know the i.d. of the top pic.... I had asked you on your photos page.
Happy Birthday......and yes, you've got some lovely purchases there :o)
27 Nov, 2009