A few seed heads
By surreylad
Today as i had a day off i though i’d have a closer look at what’s out there in the garden…
A few bulbs poking up but this cold snap has put a lot on hold..
Then i noticed the few seed heads i’d not trimmed off yet and at a distance they look nice..
Bunny Tails ( Lagurus Ovatus )
Carex Brunnea ‘Variegata’
Dwarf Aster
Ice Plant ( Sedum Spectabile )
then i decided to look closer at a few….
only close up did i realise just how beautiful the end product of a plant can be, and just how amazing nature really is… :-)
i thought i’d share this and hope you all enjoy the final throws of these plants…
thanks for looking ..
3 Feb, 2012
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very nice indeed
3 Feb, 2012
Thanks for sharing the photos. :o)))
3 Feb, 2012
Grea pics of close ups!! They do make great photos :)))))
3 Feb, 2012
thanks everyone, i like doing these close ups, sometimes the detail you get is amazing.Thanks :-))
3 Feb, 2012
Wonderful pics..yes it#s all quite amazing isnt it :)))))
3 Feb, 2012
make a good quiz ~ which seed head is this but it would be too hard for me
on the other hand close ups of food would be a lot easier!!!
3 Feb, 2012
it it, Thanks Pixi..
Sounds good Sticki, but your right that would be hard..Oooh food my favourite subject ;-)
3 Feb, 2012
mine too ~ did you guess?
3 Feb, 2012
Lol :-))
3 Feb, 2012
Yer lets get Terra to do a foody one,
3 Feb, 2012
i can do a foody one!! so could you yorkie and SL and a few others on here but its a gardening site.
how about edible plants??
3 Feb, 2012
yer, S for nettles
3 Feb, 2012
soup nettle???
3 Feb, 2012
no you silly thing, Stinging nettle,
3 Feb, 2012
you can make soup with them though
3 Feb, 2012
Careful though SL I find close ups fascinating since I did the wild carrott seed head I can't stop taking them.
3 Feb, 2012
i know what you mean Pimpernel, it is addictive :-))
You can make wine out of it too Sticki, i used to do that :-))
3 Feb, 2012
oh thats true, never tried it though.
3 Feb, 2012
very nice it is, tried lots when i was younger ;-))
3 Feb, 2012
no wine when i was younger ~ very strict!!!!
didnt you ever get stung when you made it?
3 Feb, 2012
no i'm used to nettles Sticki, pulled so many up in the past my hands are nettle proof... started as a teen helping my dad make it, then when i was 15 he let me sample it :-)
3 Feb, 2012
i hate nettles they hurt for ages when i get stung!!
when i was 7 or 8 i rolled down a hill covered in them!
3 Feb, 2012
We don't always take the time to look closely at plant life in the winter , thanks for showing us Slad , a lovely set of photos ......
I dry Nettle leaves in the spring to make nettle tea ,it's good for some conditions , skin ailments / Psoriasis Rheumatism .. I wear rubber gloves to pick them in the spring when they are young ,they need a good wash and dry as much as possible , then I dry them in the micro wave but you have to watch them every second because they easily burst into flames, when they are dry I scrunch them up like tea leaves and fill a jam jar , it tastes awful until you get use to it , they contain a high concentration of Iron and vit C and a high content of Chlorophyll
3 Feb, 2012
Blimey i bet that hurt Sticki...your right there before my hands got used to them it did hurt a lot....
3 Feb, 2012
Thanks Amy, the nettle wine is an acquired taste too but like you say it is good in many ways...
3 Feb, 2012
i tried jasmine tea recently ~ it was very nice! not so many stings either!!! [only the price]
3 Feb, 2012
Lol, i've not tried to many green tea's, i prefer coffee (probably why i can't sleep well at night), if i have tea i make a pot with tea leaves..
4 Feb, 2012
to be honest we were out for a chinese meal and i was so bored i wanted something to do ~ even pouring the tea helped!! thats terrible isnt it!!!
anyway it was a nice refreshing drink
otherwise i tend to have coffee in mornings and tea in afternoons, i dont know why but it seems all wrong the other way round
4 Feb, 2012
Jasmin tea..yum!
Great photos, love those seed heads.
4 Feb, 2012
is it easy to buy lulu? to make at home i mean
4 Feb, 2012
not sure Sticky! I used to buy a green tea with roasted rice in it, best tea I ever tasted but the shop stopped selling it :(
4 Feb, 2012
shame when that happens
4 Feb, 2012
Thanks Lulu.
i must have a coffee in the morning Sticki otherwise i'm like a bear with a sore head.... very grumpy :-))
4 Feb, 2012
have to call you grumpylad if its before 12 then SL?? if you havent had your coffee!!
4 Feb, 2012
more like grumpy old lad Sticki... just ask my kids how grumpy i can be.... one standing next to me know nodding :-))
4 Feb, 2012
thats what i like about children ~ they are so honest.
i had my haircut once and one of the five year olds [bright little girl] said
'Miss did you ask them to do that to your hair?'
i assume she didnt approve!!!!
4 Feb, 2012
lol Sticki, i shaved my goatie beard off a few years ago and when my eldest saw me she burst out laughing and said grow it back you look silly !!! bless her ;-)
4 Feb, 2012
you have to smile dont you!!
4 Feb, 2012
My boyfriend of (eeks nearly 30 years ago!) shaved his beard off and I didn't notice, my 4 year old friend did though!
4 Feb, 2012
did you get in trouble for that lulu?
4 Feb, 2012
Lol Lulu :-))
4 Feb, 2012
So long ago...can't remember!!! It was dark!!!
5 Feb, 2012
Seed pods etc can be fascinating, just as much as the flowers very often.
9 Feb, 2012
yes that's very true Hywel.. :-)
10 Feb, 2012
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i agree, they look really lovely, i do like macro photos for all those amazing details
3 Feb, 2012