Teds Corner
By teds
Finally got round to planting up the baskets with the plants I brought back from my trip to Dads. It has been an absolutely gorgeous sunny day here, first time this year I have had too wear my old battered straw hat. It was too hot in the potting shed so I sat outside to plant up. Potted up the three wall baskets for the back garden first, then went on to do the hanging baskets for Teds Corner. I was joined by my friend’s daughter Lily and her sidekick Emily, Lily lives in one of the other cottages and comes to help me at Teds Corner sometimes.
Clenatis Macropetala’ Jan Lindmark
My two littel helpers
Me in my old straw hat on a local walk, I use it for gardning too!
7 Apr, 2011
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Hi Teds - your baskets look as if they have some very interesting thing in them. Did your helpers have a good time ? I love the picture of the lady sculpture - how pretty she is. Happy Gardening today.
8 Apr, 2011
Lovely blog, two lovely helpers and I have straw hat like that one, I forget to put it on though.lol
8 Apr, 2011
Lovely pictures Teds, and your garden looks lovely. I like the look of your potting shed too with the curtains to keep it looking tidy. I was looking at Clematis Jan Lindmark in the GC on Tuesday, I thought it was going to be more pink, but yours looks purple colour. Your baskets are going to look great.
8 Apr, 2011
I LOVE that lady statue she looks gorgeous with her hat of pretty blue flowers, and i love your hat too Teds :o)
8 Apr, 2011
Cinderella the Clem is a purple one and chances to a light blue as it ages. I'm glad you all liked the lady statue. :-)
8 Apr, 2011
Now.. that is a very posh shed, Teds! Everything is looking just lovely and fresh! Hubby is digging a new border for me this afternoon!
9 Apr, 2011
Haven`t got round to my baskets yet, yours look good and goodness me what a tidy and bright looking shed.
9 Apr, 2011
Your garden is looking very pretty :o)
13 Apr, 2011
Keep looking and wanting but holding off with mine until after April, no where to stash them and frightened we might get some cold nights still to come.
13 Apr, 2011
You have a magical touch, Teds....everything looks so lovely...even down to the pretty curtains in your potting shed!
Your baskets, and the lovely lady's face are very nice :) I will have to wait to plant up baskets as I'll not take a chance yet to keep them outdoors.
14 Apr, 2011
All very pretty Teds and I love the lady's head planter
5 May, 2011
Recent posts by teds
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Nice to have helpers :)
Your garden looks lovely and the baskets will be very colourful soon :)
8 Apr, 2011