Street Party at Teds Corner
By teds
Hi Everyone, yes its me Teds!
Sorry I haven’t been around of late but I just didn’t seem to find the time to log on – and now there is so much to catch up with I just don’t know where to start!
All your gardens are looking great and the trips out have been so interesting. It is going to take me a long time to read all the blogs and look at the photos. Paul and I have been decorating for my 90 year old dad in his house in Essex. Then when we got back, we tidied up the front porch as the rose and clematis had taken over. There was a lot of cutting back to do and trips to the local recycling centre.
We then had some friends to stay so my time was taken up showing them around Devon.
This time of year, as all GoY members know, is a busy time for the gardener, with seeds to sow and potting on, so a lot of my time has been taken up at Teds Corner.
I also had our street party to organise for the Royal Wedding. We all had a great time at the party with a hat and pudding competition and lots of games. The weather kept fine for us and we all enjoyed the BBQ!
Here is our day in photos
The night before the big day
Michelin star chef in action
Egg and Spoon race
Sitting down for the BBQ
Ed rushing for the puds!
Raffle prizes for Help the Heros – we raised £73!
Queuing up to get the salads in Teds Shed
4 May, 2011
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Hello Teds! Glad to have you back! Looks like you had a great day, and well done on raising all that money for a well worth cause. Teds Corner looking good too! It'll take you a while ploughing through all the great blogs and pictures, but don't worry about it...the rest of us can hardly keep up either, and we haven't been away!
4 May, 2011
well done teds, glad you all enjoyed it ~ that must have been a lot of hard work.
4 May, 2011
Glad you had a good day in Teds Corner. Everyone looked to be enjoying themselves. It will take a while to get ploughed through all the blogs and pictures. Hope you are getting some nice weather as we are in Lincolnshire, cold at night though.
4 May, 2011
What a great party, looks like everyone's enjoying themselves, especially the boys on the barbeque! Glad the weather stayed nice for you all! That was a grand sum of money you all raised, well done to all who took part!
4 May, 2011
Great stuff! Raising money too....excellent. There were loads of people and lots of them very young....well done Teds, what a brilliant street party! Good for you doing your old Dad's decorating and then all that work with friends....I'm exhausted thinking about it!!
5 May, 2011
Well done for raising all that money Teds and having a great street party too, you all look like you had so much fun. :o))
5 May, 2011
Teds, it is great there is such a good neighbourly spirit in your part of the world...looks like everyone was enjoying the party! :)
Your wicker planters look like they had daffs/tulips which have died off that right? What are you going to put in the wicker planters for summer...or am I totally misguided in my viewing of them? lol
You've been very busy with the decorating at your dad's; I bet he really appreciates your help too.
6 May, 2011
Recent posts by teds
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Hiya Teds, thankyou for sharing your day with us, it all looks well organised and good to see everyone enjoying the day, you all did well with the raffle, thats a very good cause..
Lovely photo`s....
4 May, 2011