By tetrarch
I woke up very early this morning and for the first time, I could smell the coming winter in the air.
I know that this is a gardening forum and not poets corner, but I felt the winding down of the year quite strongly and felt a little down that the dark mornings and evenings were going to be with us for a while, with very few flowers and an unresponsive earth while it rested…sooo it starts like a dirge but ends with hope! (Forgive that some of the pictures are old)
Ive beaten the lark, its not evening dawning
As I arise on this October morning
The air is fresh after overnight rain
And they say we will get even more of the same
The air smells of Autumn tis the close of the year
And the seasons come around like clockwork I fear
For our time on this earth is but fleeting and soon
We will all take the trip into pastures unknown.
But now Winter will sleep with a slow beating heart
Til, after the dark days a new Spring it will start
And I cannot wait for daffodils sweet,
And snowdrops, primroses all vie to compete
For my joy and attention What is to compare?
For when Winter is over then Spring will be there.
So my dear friends whose love is the earth
That cradles our flowers and fruits at her hearth
That nurtures our wildlife that please us to see
Keep close in the cold and please God you, like me,
Will awake at the dawn of a Spring fresh and green
And our glorious gardens will bloom as we dream’d.
26 Oct, 2011
Previous post: FOR LULU'S BLUES
You should bring out a little book of poems...
26 Oct, 2011
Lovely words and pics Tetrarch ...
... nominated for GoYpedia Poems ... :o)
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks Linda..Im on a roll girls, dont encourage me lol! Seriously, thank you both and TT Im really flattered coming from you as you write great poems yourself!
26 Oct, 2011
I'm not one for poetry Tet, but I enjoyed that soooooo much. I feel the same way. Friend of mine lost her brother this week, only about 30....we need to be grateful for every single day...even the wintry ones, and spring is ever so much sweeter after a cold, dark winter. :)) Thank you...and I loved your photos, your garden is beautiful!
26 Oct, 2011
brilliant poem Tetra and lovely pics to accompany it to, clever girlie ;o))
26 Oct, 2011
Lovely Tet!
26 Oct, 2011
very clever tet, and hasnt your garden changed ~ i hadnt seen it like that.
btw ~ to make you feel better in the dark mornings ~ think of me as you make your cup of tea and sit in your warm and comfortable chair ~ i will already be at work in the chiller aisle of the supermarket!!!
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sticki..not sure whether to feel guilty or smug! Both I reckon. Still, if it makes you feel better we are on an energy economy drive..extra jumper and socks in lieu of a notch on the CH!
26 Oct, 2011
That's lovely Tet. Brilliant in fact . . . echoing our thoughts exactly!
26 Oct, 2011
Great stuff Tetra, I must admit I don`t mind the dark days of winter when I can snuggle up nice and warm and imagine what changes can be wrought next spring. Its a time too to go back over some favourite blogs for inspiration. Btw - great pics.
26 Oct, 2011
Odd, some of the postings arent coming thru at the same time. Thanks Sheilar; Sanbaz I would still prefer to be able to paint!
Karen since I beat cancer it makes you really look death in the face and be grateful it passed you by. My OH says I am morbid when I say I feel lucky to have grown this old but I dont think so..especially when you hear about younger people who werent so lucky like your friend's brother..our nephew was 19, had leukemia, its unbearably sad..so I count myself as a very fortunate lady (even tho I still moan about my aches and pains..I really shouldnt!!)
26 Oct, 2011
Beautiful, love it! Thank you!
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sheilabub, I guess we are all likeminded in not being able to "get out there" when its cold and miserable. Stroller Im okay until after New Year..then it really hits home!
26 Oct, 2011
Just beautiful Tet. such lovely thoughts. Thank you.
26 Oct, 2011
Lovely Margo, I might be able to make babies but will never put words together like that
26 Oct, 2011
Just been cursing at my keyboard cos batteries are low and it stops working in and out grrr...thought about doing it in rhyme..but i would be flagged for sure lol! But while I spout my doggerel next Spring Brian you will be gloating over your beautiful snowdrops!
Thanks Grandmage..at present my words are blue lol!
26 Oct, 2011
I like that Tetra and your photo`s are lovely, thankyou....
26 Oct, 2011
Hiya Lincslass, thanks. How's the weather over your side?
26 Oct, 2011
Thank you Tet, I am going to copy your poem into my Poetry Book.
27 Oct, 2011
Lovely poem, I can relate. Love the double rainbow and your garden.
Keep on writing. Cheers
27 Oct, 2011
Brilliant poem, wonderful blog
27 Oct, 2011
Great pics, great poem, and I feel an echo of that in my own heart - the clocks change tonight and I LOATHE it. I really wish we could stick with BST, then the evenings aren't so short, its the dark I hate more than anything. Stuck indoors behind closed curtains two thirds of the day, feels awful. Unlike you, though, my most hated month is the one that's about to start - November. Fog, frost, cold, dark with plenty more to come. By the time we get to New Year's Day, I know the days are getting longer, and my heart lifts...
I don't think you're morbid, by the way - I fully understand why you think you're lucky having had a brush with your own mortality. I never thought I'd make 60 for various reasons, but I did - so every day now's a bonus. Except, as you say, for the aches and pains...
29 Oct, 2011
Its really great to know that so many of us feel the same Bamboo..it gives the same result as "a worry shared is a worry halved". Everyone has their problems and some days are worse than others, but when you share them (with a smile and a chuckle) you do feel better...a bit of
"My word you do look well"...can work wonders, even if you arent!
29 Oct, 2011
Kind words at the right time are worth their weight in gold. I don't know how we would have coped with the loss of our 38 year old Paul last month without the support of so many people. It was good to be reminded that after winter spring always comes round again - your photos were as good as a dose of tonic Tet, and lovely words to go with them. Thank you.
2 Nov, 2011
Steragram, Im honoured that it helped a little. Im not always that serious I must admit, especially when I have a fixed determination that if I cant take my garden with me, Im not going lol! But if I must go, I will go into the garden!!
2 Nov, 2011
Did you see that NoseyP told us a while back that he'd planted a willow for his ashes to be buried under!!! Nothing wrong with a bit of advance planning!
3 Nov, 2011
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It is absolutely fabulous Tetrarch. :o)))))
26 Oct, 2011