By tetrarch
As part of our Welsh Border holiday, we made a quick sortie to Powis. Not so quick, as gardens go on and on, lower and lower.
I do hope you lot appreciate it as I wore my legs to the knee joints (which no longer work!!) getting these pics lol!
To give you some idea, we went almost as far as the sheep (left of pic) at least 6 levels down
The borders were fabulous, and the containers just to die for…
Simbad gave me a Lobelia Tupa which is growing nicely but didnt flower this year, so now I know what it will look like!
Magnificent yews…
And this is how you trim them!!!
Into the dark hole, and down we go…
The hollyhocks were lovely in this “cottage” border
This was the fountain in the last garden next to the sheep field.
The entrance seems a long way up!
This grape vine was superb!
Beautiful foliage with rose pillars in front.
A holiday cottage in the fruit garden..if you could afford it! The trees were beautifully espallied to be short and rounded and this was how it was done
One of the many places we sat on our way back up!!
I hope I didnt go on too long..
23 Sep, 2012
Next post: Hi Everyone, Hope you are all well..
Thank goodness Drc, there are many benches on all levels now. I was just thankful it was fairly quiet, otherwise I might have been thrown out for pushing peeps off them!
23 Sep, 2012
Ha Ha. How we came to go there was because we rented a holiday cottage some miles away which belonged to the head gardener at Powis he and his wife intended to retire the next year and live in the cottage, I guess that would be in the early 90's?
23 Sep, 2012
What a wonderful place Tet, Its lovely to see what you've been doing this summer, I,ve missed your company on here.......
23 Sep, 2012
What a wonderfully impressive garden, would love to go there one day, lets hope.
23 Sep, 2012
It was our first visit Drc and wont be the last, despite being hard on the pins..but it's surprising how things change in 20 years. Some of these places have got so commercialised. I would guess Powis hasn't suffered too much that way tho.
Aww Pamg, how nice of you to miss me honey. Ive been in a deep ditch for a good while. Strangely this holiday and losing weight has done me the world of good. My legs have improved with the walking and are less painful (I walked about 10/12 miles in that week). And gardens are a real spirit-lifter are they not?
Lizziebee, I do hope you get there, we spent a whole day to enjoy it. One of the cheapest holidays we have ever had.
23 Sep, 2012
Those Yews are truly magnificent and that grapevine...I have one in a pot...a very old trunk but not much branch growth...must be doing something wrong!
23 Sep, 2012
I havent ever grown grapes Lou, but could they be like tomatoes, gross feeders and a lot of water (if in a pot)?
23 Sep, 2012
A magnificent place ! I didn't realise it was so big. Thanks for showing your photos. They're beautiful and interesting :o)
23 Sep, 2012
A magnificent place ! I didn't realise it was so big. Thanks for showing your photos. They're beautiful and interesting :o)
23 Sep, 2012
A magnificent place ! I didn't realise it was so big. Thanks for showing your photos. They're beautiful and interesting :o)
23 Sep, 2012
lol ! It came out three times :D :D
23 Sep, 2012
Thanks for taking these pics, Tet, such beautiful gardens, a joy to see, and the amazing hedge trimming, it looks so well looked after, I wonder if they could afford one of those funicular railways, now that would be easier on the old knees......:))
23 Sep, 2012
Shows how much you liked it,Hywel :o)
What a beautiful place,Tet..The gardens and Castle are wonderful ,and so glad you had such a lovely day there..thanks for sharing with us :o)
23 Sep, 2012
what beautiful gardens tet, thank you for that very long walk ~ sending us the lovely photos and saving our legs.
i hope you got a nice cup of tea on the way back!
23 Sep, 2012
Love this blog, Tet. those views would certainly take your mind off any discomfort...need to wear good walking shoes though. All the holiday blogs on here are wonderful...want to see those views myself... someday...someday. ;-)
23 Sep, 2012
This is great, and not a bit how I imagined. Added to list of "must sees". I read today that they specialised in hardy fuchsias, but maybe my book is out of date now (1990)
23 Sep, 2012
Lots of fuchsias in pots Stera and a few in beds, but didnt notice any others..darn! did I miss something???
Lori, dont be despondent, I never thought we would get to New Zealand, but we did. And you can stay chez nous for the west country itinerary.
Thank you Hywel, 3 times isnt enough to praise your lovely countryside!
Flask and fruit cake awaited in the car Sticki!! Don't be chicken my friend, not too far from you and well worth your young legs lol!
Janey, if you write and persuade them, I'll go back next year. Bloomer, it cant be worse than hilly Yorkshire, give it a go! (Of course you may have been there already?)
23 Sep, 2012
Tetrarch, I've put this in my faves. This has to be one of the best gardens in the UK....and the castle is beautiful too, not to mention the cottage! Is it privately owned still? Whoever is the gardener is a genius with containers! As for the to search for one of those right now! Beeeeeeautiful! I'm not surprised your knees were sore. I have similar trouble (just slightly) with my right knee if I walk more than four miles and it is a definite reminder of my 'age'. I hate that! In fact, it's hurting just a little right now in sympathy for you! Wonderful blog, wonderful place. I shall be revisiting often during the winter months. Thank you! btw...I can't for the life of me work out where the trunks are of those trees on the walls......please do tell!
24 Sep, 2012
Oh..jjust looked's a bit of a 'trompe l'oeil' isn't it...I can now see that the wall is standing outside of the house wall...I thought it was all one wall on first glance...very clever! :)
24 Sep, 2012
I think you're right, Karen. I'm going to refer to this again too. especially the plantings on a 45 degree pitch. Are those plants in containers and arranged on a grid of some type or is that "wall" of flowers planted in situ? Planters are great but they dry out so fast..and if you don't have abundant water they won't do well. In the hottest part of our summer it's possible to water any planters or hanging pots (especially if they're clay) 4 times a day!
24 Sep, 2012
Karen, the containers were mind-blowing!! And I dont know how they water them Lori..there was no one to ask..praps I will send an email to find out. Karen, the yews were amazing, we actually went under a few, it must have taken years to grow them to the ground to cover the trunks!! I'm so glad you enjoyed girls, it was definitely one of the best gardens I have ever seen!
24 Sep, 2012
:) Blimey Lori, I would have NO chance whatsoever of keeping baskets or containers where you live! However, I think in the UK this year there has been little need to water anything unless it's under the eaves!
24 Sep, 2012
Gorgeous, gorgeous blog Tet . . . added to faves. Thank you and it's good to see you back!
25 Sep, 2012
Ta Sheilabub very kind! and glad to be here.
25 Sep, 2012
Hello my dear friend..Glad to hear that you are ok, and it was lovely to see this wonderful blog..Amazing photos of a really interesting place. I must put this on my 'to visit' list too! Raffie says hello..\0/x
28 Sep, 2012
Beautiful blog :o)
30 Sep, 2012
Steragram pointed out your super blog as I have just written one after my recent visit, so I really appreciate what a super blog your's is and the amount of walking involved in covering the whole area, those steps back to the top certainly seem daunting don't they!!
6 Aug, 2015
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Thanks for the lovely photos, Some years since I went there so yes I do appreciate your knees as once down it was a long way up, but I remember there was a bench on the middle terrace.
23 Sep, 2012