Back... or not
By tralamander
I’m really ill and it’s annoying.
All the people, plants and places that I’m missing out on due to sinusitis. So sad. It’s not serious, and will clear up soon.
I went in on Wednesday, and was the only one there so got all the nice jobs like ‘tidying the nursery’ which really meant nosing into all the polytunnels and seeing what new plants had arrived during my absence. There were many!
There was also fixing fences and clearing more --ing leaves:
But the amount of new plants! This is real progress and I am so excited!
But before that, during fixing the green plastic fencing in the morning, I got to leisurely wander around the grounds and see what had come into flower over the festive season.
A magenta rhododendron:
Early Lonicera sp. – very fragrant:
Eleagnus ebbingei, thanks Rbtkew! :)
I think this is a forsythia…
And here, complemented by the view across central and north london, is the completed bandstand, shot around 8am. The Shard is nearly finished, you can see:
And now to the nursery!
Here is a large bunch of Galanthus nivalis. I wonder (as I do with most plants) where these are going:
Biennials and herbaceous things, such as Althea rosea, Allium × proliferum etc:
A sneaky peak at all the compost with which we will be growing all the plants!
Tree Onion- Allium × proliferum:
New dye plants (Madder):
Fuchsia excorticata:
Indigofera heterotricha:
Rubus thibet:
Honeyberries, blueberries and… somethingelseberries:
Punica granatum ‘Nanum’
Lonicera caerulea (Honeyberry)
And here, in the old, original nursery, surrounded by shepherd’s purse weed, is the fascinating bright pink new epimedium growth
False indigo, or Baptisia tinctoria:
Baptisia australis:
True indigo, or Indigofera tinctoria:
Indigofera tinctoria:
Back outside to the “old” nursery, to see the pink hellebores budding:
And then I got bored, wandered around for a while then had a peek in the polytunnel I didn’t think they used…
Lupinus arboreus:
2 types of Ugni molinae and Camelia ‘Snow Flurry’
Dahlia Tubers:
All that pottering was a lot of fun, but in the afternoon, it was back to this:
I’m so ill, and I really shouldn’t have gone in on that day, perhaps I would have been weller quicker, but oh well, I enjoyed it. When I was feeling extremely despondent, I visited a new garden centre, ’Phoebe’s’, and got hold of a Hoya bella and Asparagus pyramidalis:
I just hope I can get back on Monday.
Happy new year, everyone! :)
7 Jan, 2012
Previous post: Back From Holiday & Paperbark Mulberries
Next post: Washing The Pots
Happy new year, hope you get better soon.
7 Jan, 2012
Enjoyed your blog T. :o)
Happy New Year to you too and I hope you feel better soon x
7 Jan, 2012
Hope you get well soon and wish you a Happy new gardening year. Love the band stand and the view of the Shard, they are still building up there we went past it the other day! x
7 Jan, 2012
Nice blog T, hope you are feeling better.
I think that picture 3 is an Eleagnus ebbingei; lovely sweet scent.
8 Jan, 2012
I have suffered with sinusitis for most of my life, a couple of years ago I stopped having cows milk on my cereals (changed to oat milk--better for the cholesterol) the side effect of this is that the sinusitis is tons better--I used to have antibiotics 3-4 times a year now hardly at all....I take Manuka honey too its supposed to boost the immune system. Your poly tunnels look well.
8 Jan, 2012
Thank you very much, everyone. So kind.
I'm refusing antibiotics and sticking this one out - just taking lots of vitamins and pampering myself.
@Pamg, I never drink milk as I don't like the idea of it, but it's interesting the effect giving it up had on your sinusitis. This is also the first time I have ever had the illness. Thanks for your help. :)
@Rbtkew, ah, euonymus, eleagnus, I can't stop getting the two confused. Thank you so much, you've nailed the species!
8 Jan, 2012
Feel better soon sinus is horrible, I only had it once, it was enough!
Love that Eleagnus Ebbingei, Mine I think is too small to be flowering, love the scent though.
8 Jan, 2012
Happy new year.
I hope you'll be feeling better soon.
Interesting blog :o) I love those lupin trees. I had one once.
8 Jan, 2012
Happy New Year and hope your sinusitus disappears soon - I had it once and I know it's awful! Your wander around the nursery obviously made you feel better - if only during the time you were there!
9 Jan, 2012
Thanks, Lulu33, Hywel and Nariz. Very kind.
I am going back to work today, feeling better but still with lack of hearing. :)
12 Jan, 2012
Hope you have a good day at work. Keep your ears warm!
12 Jan, 2012
Even though a month has gone by since you wrote this blog I found it very interesting!
I used to suffer a lot with sinusitis then during the time we were living in Madrid I had it bad again & so I went to to see my doctor, I'd never seen him before even though we'd lived in Madrid for two years. He was a big man, looked like an ex-boxer!, after I explained what was the problem he asked me to lean forward, he was sitting behind his desk, then he rapped me on the forehead just above my nose & between my eyes with his knuckles!!! I thought I was going to die with the white hot flash of searing pain that went through my head! Then he had the temerity to ask me if it HURT!!! He then prescribed me a nasal spray & sent me back home.
I tell you what though I have hardly ever had sinusitis since then! Even on the few occasions since than that I've had it it has never been as bad as it was 40 years ago! Life was a misery then. The sunlight used to make me feel ill from the pain around my eyes, I used to walk in the shade with my eyes closed as much as I possibly dared! I was prescribed antibiotics but the infection always returned. I have a 90 year old aunt, (she lives very near you as well!), who used to suffer it a lot as well & I still remember when she had to go into hospital to have her sinuses drained when I was but a teenager, something I always dreaded would happen to me as well!
Moral: Get someone to rap you over the nose with knuckles real hard - it'll do you the world of good - if you survive the pain!!! LOL :-D)
5 Feb, 2012
Recent posts by tralamander
- That Was January 2012
4 Feb, 2012
- Sarcococca confusa
19 Jan, 2012
- Washing The Pots
12 Jan, 2012
- Back From Holiday & Paperbark Mulberries
14 Dec, 2011
- Apprenticeship Attained
30 Nov, 2011
- Interview
22 Nov, 2011
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HNY T....sorry to hear you are suffering from's a sore thing isn't it!! Hope you feel better soon.
Lovely blog as usual and some smashing pictures.
Looking forward to your update on them all :)
7 Jan, 2012