My Birthday. Pictures with new camera.
It was my birthday yesterday and my wife bought me a new camera.
So I have been reading on how to use it properly and I have been out in the garden practising.
Trying different ways of taking the pictures, such as auto and manual, as well as reading back through the information as to why they are not focusing etc.
All the pics are from my garden this morning, plenty of fungi at the moment as well as a few hangers on.
The Tree ferns have got their scarfes on for the winter, awaiting the cold weather.
I dont know the names of any of the fungi, so if any one does then please let me know. All I do know is that the round hard black ones were on the One Show the other day and a chap started a fire with them as they apparently burn really easy ( I haven’t tried this yet).
I’m still hoping to see the Earth Star fungi that appeared last year, but they have not put an appearance in yet.
Hopefully my pics will get better as I progress.
11 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Putting Succulants to bed
Next post: Visitors to my garden, large and small.
Happy belated birthday ! Some very good photo's already,I think most of them are in focus.Tho I don't have my specs on at the mo !!! lol
Love the bark and the lonesome fungi :))
11 Nov, 2009
The pic of the tree bark is particularly good - you can almost feel the texture!
The fungi ones are great - sorry can't help with the names either!!!
Lovely thoughtful birthday present though... and belated happy returns!!
11 Nov, 2009
Great pix. hope you have fun with your new camera I've got one too and am slowly getting to grips with - it is so small! Happy belated birthday from the M.B.s
11 Nov, 2009
Must be the time for new cameras as mine arrived this week too! The instruction book is very daunting but I'm slowly getting there, I think! Your pics are great, looks like you're mastering it. Good luck
11 Nov, 2009
Great photos! You have got that new camera well and truly sussed out, T&T. Happy belated birthday from me, as well. xx
11 Nov, 2009
Mmmm, you 'do' have a nice camera there if you've got all those lovely functions ;-)
The first three shots are my favourites :-)
11 Nov, 2009
What Wonderul Pics uv taken im sure there`l be more to follow :)
11 Nov, 2009
Belated happy birthday from me too. You have taken some great photos with your new camera. Great fun isn't it - trying out all the functions! I treated myself to one earlier this year and I am still 'playing' with it :)
11 Nov, 2009
Happy birthday for yesterday and you've taken some nice photos.
11 Nov, 2009
Belated Birthday wishes Trees, loved the pictures, bought myself a new one this year, (had my other 20 years ago) takes some getting used to, but, I love it.
11 Nov, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday from me too xx
The pics are great...well done on getting to grips with the new camera so soon :)
11 Nov, 2009
Happy belated birthday from me to!
I have a point and press camera and I still needed help on how to work it.
I don't know any of the fungi names either.
Not much help really is it?
11 Nov, 2009
Thanksa to everyone for the belated birthday wishes. I have been taking pics all day and loading them on the computer and croping them and zooming in etc.
All I need now is lots of sunshine and something interesting to take a picture of.
11 Nov, 2009
I spent ages chasing a bumble bee round the garden this afternoon till it got cross and started chasing me! Lots of pics but none in focus as it just wouldn't keep still!! Ah well - it's fun to keep trying isn't it but like you say, not so much to take pics of now and always damp. Happy belated birthday from me too!
11 Nov, 2009
I find the 'burst' facility really good it takes 3 or 10 shots at a time if you keep the button pressed down ! A lot to delete but you get some good shots :)
11 Nov, 2009
Sounds good, I'll check it out! Thanks
11 Nov, 2009
great pics, love the fungi, happy birthday :o)
11 Nov, 2009
happy birthday too. the hard black ones i knew as 'king alfred's cakes' and they make excellent tinder as they showed on the one show. oops you said that :o)
11 Nov, 2009
Great're going to have fun with that new camera!! Many Happy Returns!
11 Nov, 2009
Belated birthday wishes. What a lovely present, which you've put to great use taking these wonderful pictures :~))
12 Nov, 2009
Oops! I'm a few days late!! But many happy returns all the same!!
Great pressie & you're obviously going to have a lot of fun with it!
13 Nov, 2009
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Very nice pics with your new camera sorry dont know the fungi names
11 Nov, 2009