Biting the Bullet.
By usernut
Last week I laid weed cover and put a red softwood mulch in the front garden border. Today I decided to lift it all up and dig it over to give me somewhere else to plant stuff.
Its only a small area about 6 – 7 feet each side of a bush and between a couple of mini conifers but it was another of those nightmare jobs.
Removed a wheelbarrow full of bricks and rocks from it and masses of weeds (mint and nettles). I removed the mint 3 years ago and can still smell it when I dig the area.
I,m glad now because I got down to about 1 &1/2 feet and broke up the hard clay stuff, added good bit of leaf mold, compost and fertiliser. Theres still a lot of wee stones in it but it’s deep and easy to dig so will make a good area for planting a good border…. will be looking at members pics for some ideas.
just need to think of something to act as a wind breaker as it,s a small area but windy and sunny, was thinking of possibly reed screens but also thinking of using plants???
The wee Bluetits that were nesting above my room window had 5 or 6 chicks and they all left the nest yesterday morning.
we heard one on the windowsill so my wife got up and closed the window and came back to bed, next minute we heard a bird fluttering against the glass and looked to see one of the chicks inside the bedroom trying to get
we opened the window and it flew out and landed on the neighbours wall where it’s mother joined it.
11 Jun, 2009
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They have been nesting in my birdhouse for the last 3-4 years. the entrance hole was too big so I added a bit of wood with a smaller hole and theyv'e nested there since.
the last 2 years there were 7 chicks and I think only 5 this year.
I also noticed lots more sparrows this year than in previous years.
12 Jun, 2009
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I've seen loads of blue tits this year, and sparrows aswell. I thought they were becoming rare.
12 Jun, 2009