Female Alan Titchmarch!
By waddy
Hello everyone, sorry I’ve not looked in for a few days, been a bit busy. A friend who’s husband has been very ill and then was unwell herself has a garden which had been to put it mildly, neglected.
The nettles were waist high, the ivy and honeysuckle had taken over and the dreaded brambles were everywhere.
So, I’ve been helping to reclaim the garden for them. As I hacked and dug, pulled and raked they ferried backwards and forwards to the tip. We’re almost there now, another hour or two should finish the job. I’ve felt a bit like a female Alan Titchmarch!
Talking of which, did anyone see him last night on ‘Love your garden’? What a gorgeous house. And I would have killed for a garden that size. What a wonderful job he and his team made of transforming it..as usual.
So, just to show I’ve still got my own garden and things are beginning to show real colour at last, I’ve included a couple of recent pics
Fingers crossed for the good weather tipped for after the weekend :)
18 Jul, 2012
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I know..I love gardening so much, even the hard work, but mine is only small so I'm soon worked up after a couple of hours. I have some elderly neighbours whose garden is beginning to be full of weeds. I'd like to offer to do it for them, but don't want to offend them.
18 Jul, 2012
bit tricky, i can understand what you mean, easier if it comes from them?
18 Jul, 2012
Hi Waddy..
garden looking good.. don't work too hard !
18 Jul, 2012
I dunno, Stickitoffee - I lived next door to a not very well older lady, and she couldn't cut her grass - like Waddy, I'd have done some gardening in my (tiny) garden and be ready for a lot more, and eventually, after we'd said good morning and how are you for a few weeks, I knocked on her door and asked her if she 'would allow' me to cut her lawn. At first she thought I meant for money, but once she realised I didn't (I explained I was bored stiff and needed more exercise, not enough to do in my garden, and the only alternative was the ironing) she was fine with it. I managed to make it seem like she was doing me a favour rather than the other way around, lol! That's the secret I think, quite often older people resent charity...
18 Jul, 2012
Well done Waddy, what a kind neighbour and friend you are. But doesnt it give you a lovely feeling when you know you have helped in a situation like that. Your garden is looking very nice too.
18 Jul, 2012
I think you're right Bamboo, I'll have to pick my time carefully.
On a good note, I've now finished the job at my friends garden clear up. (the sun came out this afternoon, so I cracked on) and we've agreed for me to do an hour or so each week to keep up with it (she's admitted it's proving too much now for her and her OH) for which she wants to pay me. Taking on board what you say about resenting charity I've agreed...although I would have gladly done it for nothing.
18 Jul, 2012
Me too, Waddy, all those years ago! I used to feel guilty charging for something I enjoyed doing so much... no wonder I'm not well off, lol
18 Jul, 2012
All looking lovely Waddy...good on you for helping out your friends. Such a nice thought. I do hope you manage to get on with helping the older neighbours out - it will be difficult to approach and hopefully they will take you up on your offer of 'assistance' rather than charity.
18 Jul, 2012
You are very kind. I'm sure your friends appreciate all you're doing for them.
I've only watched one of those progs. Sorry but I thought it was boring :o(
18 Jul, 2012
Your garden is looking lovely Waddy and I know your friends will have appreciated your help in the garden, when I used to help my dad even he didn`t like feeling beholden, he always insisted on cooking my dinner for me if I`d gone up in the mornings, his way of repaying without offering money, its difficult with neighbours as one never wants to upset them...
19 Jul, 2012
You have a lovely garden Waddy and so nice of you helping others . You say that your garden is small well it looks about three times bigger than my postage stamp.
Thank you for sharing your pictures.
19 Jul, 2012
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looks fabulous to me ~ and you are doing another garden on top of that!!!!
18 Jul, 2012