Wild life dog walks and 'Welcome!'
By waddy
Hello everyone, sorry I’ve not been here for a while, things have not been going to plan in the Waddy household.
First the old back problem…all good again now I’m pleased to report…and thank you so much to those of you who sent me ‘get well’ messages, they were much appreciated.
As mentioned in an earlier blog, we collected the Vintage car the OH bought. It’s a Morris 8 and he’s 77 years old!..I love him already and can’t wait to start going to some of the classic car shows. We’ve joined the Morris Owners club…so that should be fun. I ‘ll keep you posted on developments.
Then we were asked to ’dog’ sit our sons dog, Victor… for a week…he’s a lovely fella, (the dog, not my son!), but he’s just not garden friendly if you see what I mean.
Finally, as if that wasn’t bad enough, I managed to chuck a cup of coffee all over me and my lap-top…not an advisable thing to do I can assure you!
But they do say every cloud has a silver lining…while on one of my many walks with Victor…I noticed with different eyes, the trees and wild flowers, in what to others is just a waste land area, fit just to let the dogs run free. I hope you like what I saw.
Just grass, but so delicate and pretty.
A magnificant Sycamore
These tiny purple flowers are easily missed…no idea what they are.
The humble buttercup.
A tiny butterfly I nearly missed!
Close up on more of those purple flowers
Silver Birch.
Another butterfly
As far as I know the main flower in this mixture is Borage.
No idea what these pretty yellow flowers are but they look rather like tiny daisys on long stems
The beautiful Mock Orange was growing in a garden alongside the path leading to the fields. The perfume was wonderful. You were able to smell it long before it came into view.
Could this be an Orchid?
Meet the dog…Victor.
As I said earlier we collected the OH’s Vintage car…Henry, so I thought you’d like to see a pic of him, in his new home.
Despite the rain, I did manage to get into the garden…yesterday and then this morning, before the downpours started again. It occured to me that you might like to have a look around…so welcome to our little garden…Let me show you around.
As you come up the drive, to your left is the small from garden…lawn and flowerbeds. There’s also a bench, under the lounge window, where I often sit with a brew on sunny mornings.
This is a close up of the flowerbed on the left, next to the drive.
Let’s sit on the bench and have a brew!
As we go back up the drive, towards the garage (and eventually the back garden) these are the baskets etc along the bungerlow wall. The OH says if we put up any more the bungerlow will lean over! Please notice Henry watching over things.
The Russian Vine has been planted in order to hide a rather ugly wall and to help mask the Wheelie Bin etc.
We now need to go through the garage, past Henry to the back garden.
As we come outside again..these Fuchsias… on our left,.. were ‘rescued’ from our local Garden centre, from their reduction area. I think they’re doing quite well, despite the weather.
This Bug Hotel…to our right…and bird box, has almost been covered by the hedge…but we can’t cut it just yet..as we have a Clematis growing through it just now.
The Potatoes in potato bags are doing really well…but as they take up so much room…I don’t think we’ll grow them again next year.
It’s a pity…but the Sweetpeas haven’t done too well again this year. Nevertheless, I usually manage to get a small buch 2 or 3 times a week.
I have to be able to put my rotary washing line up from time to time…but these little planters help to hide the ‘socket’
To our left again, the tiny water feature…along with the Hostas etc…a tip to stop the slugs making a meal of them…spray a ring around the pots with WD40…mine haven’t been touched. The huge clump in the foreground are Stocks…lots of buds but no flowers yet.
The wall baskets have done reasonably well, the Runner beans on the fence.canes have grown like mad…but still no flowers.
If you look back…when on the patio…this is your view.
Come on in doors and take the weight off your feet.
And this is my lovely Orange, the flowers smell lovely.
It’s been lovely to show you round…I do hope you’ll come again!
8 Jul, 2012
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Hi Sticki.. he already has a name...it's Henry..as in Henry the 8th Lol
8 Jul, 2012
oh sorry, missed that bit ~ that will teach me to read too quickly!!
8 Jul, 2012
Hi Waddy ..
Lovely set of pics and what a wonderful car !!!
Nice to see you back on GoY :o)
8 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog. Love Henry too! ;-))
8 Jul, 2012
Welcome back Waddy, pleased you are feeling better and able to get out and about again, you have a very cute pal there, I enjoyed the tour of your garden and seeing Henry as well...
8 Jul, 2012
You've got a lovely garden.
The purple wild flower is Bush Vetch - Vicia sepium.
The 'Orchid' isn't an orchid. It's one of the Woundworts - either Hedge Woundwort - Stachys sylvatica
or Marsh Woundwort - Stachys palustris
9 Jul, 2012
Thank you Hywel, I did wonder about the 'orchid' although they do say most flowers are related to Orchids don't they.
The Bush Vetch looks so delicate...but I bet like most wild flowers, it's not.
10 Jul, 2012
Recent posts by waddy
- A very Happy Christmas.
20 Dec, 2021
- A last gasp?
23 Sep, 2021
- Chorley Flower Show.
1 Aug, 2021
- Pretty hedgerow
17 Jul, 2021
- For Shirley-Tulip
21 Jun, 2021
- Some Colour Already.
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that was a lovely walk, wild flowers are beautiful arent they! your garden is fabulous!!
will you give the new morris a name ~ my daughter in law's family have a car called 'Matilda' !!
8 Jul, 2012