Beware the 'eyes' of March
By waddy
I’ve not been on my computer for quite a few days now, and there is a very good reason for it.
Early last week I was helping a friend in her garden, to severely prune some very neglected bushes. A particular Berberis took exception to the treatment and gave me a nasty poke in the eye with twiggy branch.
I cannot tell you how painful or debilitating it has been. I looked as if I’d been punched to say nothing of the soreness and blurred vision. Bright lights made matters worse, so watching TV or going on my computer were a ‘no no.’ Mind you I have discovered the joys of the evening music on Classic FM.
Things are much better now, thank goodness, but it has certainly made me very wary when I’m pruning from now on.
4 Mar, 2014
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Be careful Waddy. Some plants are like children. You love them, you care for them and they hurt you. My roses behave the same.
4 Mar, 2014
i can sympathize too as i to have hurt my eye the pain is awful and the eye waters buckets full...they (at clinic) had to put dye into my eye to see if i had scratched the eyeball which i had....had to ware eye patch too...
nice for you that you are better now...
take care waddy...thank you for letting us know.
4 Mar, 2014
Lots people pay visits to hospital A&E department because of accidents with eyes and canes etc. Have to be careful its not an accident free zone this garden malarky. Pleased you are on the mend Waddy. Bet you have missed us all lol :O)
4 Mar, 2014
Scotkat, Yes closing my eyes was definitely the best thing to do, and listen to some soothing music.
Marybells, That's what I've done...scratched the eyeball, but no eyepatch, apparently not the done thing now as they say it encourages bacteria to grow in the damp and dark.
Oliveoil' You're so right! Now I've lots of catching up to do lol!
4 Mar, 2014
Wicked shrubs berberis!
the thorns make your fingers so sore too.
pleased there will be no lasting damage, I bought some antiglare sunglasses that can be worn over prescription ones particularly for driving, maybe worth having some for the garden, they have side panels and it stops thst awful flickering effect from low sun at this time of the year.
got them free delivery from amazon
4 Mar, 2014
Thanks Pamg, I'll look into that...if you pardon the pun!
4 Mar, 2014
so sorry to hear, Waddy, hope you're feeling better and light a candle that it wasn't worse. I wear specs, which sort of work as protection, but i'm worried about damaging those, so have been looking for some kind of slip-on specs - but I'd never have thought of needing them for pruning plants!
4 Mar, 2014
Would you believe I wear specs Fran? The offending twig actually got behind the specs!
4 Mar, 2014
ow, Waddy!!!! that must be a very rare chance - sort of reverse miracle.
But then, if we took every remote "possible" into account, we'd wear full suits of armour every time we stepped out of the house - and maybe even inside it, given that it's said that most accidents happen in the home.
4 Mar, 2014
That sounds so nasty and I am sorry it happened to you. Berberis is ruthless in its ability to attack and injure.
Hope that, as each day goes by, you will feel better.
4 Mar, 2014
Thank you WR, things are improving :)
4 Mar, 2014
Poor waddy! that sounds really sore! Glad you are on the mend! :)
4 Mar, 2014
O dear Waddy yes i to am glad you are on the mend . :0)
4 Mar, 2014
Blimey Waddy that must have hurt like b----ry, for goodness sake keep an eye on it and if it gets in the slightest bit scratchy go to your doctor immediately, I know from experience how precious our sight is, I got ulcers in my eye years ago and know how painful that was, partially blind in that one now and they daren't remove the cataract in case I have another flare up..
4 Mar, 2014
Oh dear, painful that must have been..those Berberis are lethal aren't they? I had the Darwinii at our other house,and know what you mean ..I didn't buy another when we moved ..but daft me got Pyracantha's instead ! arms were slashed even through my thick jumper,when pruning back last year...A lesson well learned for both of us in future ! At least it wasn't just before your holiday...I haven't been on GoY much either,this past couple of weeks..So glad you are feeling better..take care x
4 Mar, 2014
Ouch! Glad your eye is getting better. Gardening is a dangerous game Waddy. Safety goggles might be the way to go. Providing you could get your specs underneath that is!
4 Mar, 2014
I've been checking those out, Scottish, to protect my eyes (or more accurately, my specs) for doing craft work that involves sharp chips (stone knapping) or fine powder (plaster of paris or concrete - one reason I can't try making tufa is the very fine cement powder)
There's stacks of different types available, at different prices, but I was looking for a visor-type - don't think I'd be able to get on with another pair of spec handles going over my ears. Some even come with magnifiers.
But who'd think of needing eye protection for such a mundane task as cutting back the foliage??
5 Mar, 2014
The ones I got are over sun/anti glare glasses they fit easily over my normal varifocals and are not too heavy to wear or restrict the vision.they can be worn alone , and although a bit bulky are in a tortoiseshell so don't look like safety goggles.
it means I can leave them in the car for if I need them, which I have recently as we have had some lovely sunshine
5 Mar, 2014
Thank you so much everyone for your kind concerned comments and advice for the future.
My OH used to be a builder, so has 1 or 2 pairs of safety goggles. He's now minus 1 pair lol!
5 Mar, 2014
We are all a bit careless with some tasks aren't we, it would never occur to me to pop a pair of goggles over my specs, in fact I actually do the opposite sometimes and remove my specs if I am getting hot and sweaty, how daft is that!!!!!!!..Hope its more comfortable now Waddy...
5 Mar, 2014
Hi Lincslass,
I know what you mean, I've done exactly the same in the past, duh!
Things are improving daily thanks, though vision still a bit blurry.
5 Mar, 2014
Ow! If I'd have done that you'd all have said "what are you like Ba", and I'd get no sympathy lol. Hope they're feeling ok now. I once put essential oils (ylang ylang)in my eyes in mistake for eyedrops which I have had to use since my thirties. When I got to the A&E, the doctor raised his eyebrows and said, mystified "you put it in both eyes?" I felt such a fool:-)))
5 Mar, 2014
Aw, what a shame BA ;) I did it with Olbas Oil when I was a youngster. I know not why but can remember it was very sore!! I not only had a sore eye, my backside was sore where mum walloped me for doing it :))
5 Mar, 2014
Ouch! you two, what are you like??
Scottish; You could have reported your Mum for child abuse these days!
6 Mar, 2014
She'd probably have got another walloping:-))
9 Mar, 2014
Yep, that's just how my mum would have reacted!
9 Mar, 2014
lol there's a lot of that about - "good old days", huh! but then, considering how ill-mannered some kids (and qdults!) are today ...
9 Mar, 2014
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Waddy the same thing happened to me last year with something in garden forget now what but it scratched retina I had to go to optician to get checked out.
And she put in drops
I remember the pain and blurry
So I know what you have went through.
Hope it gets better soon .
I felt better only when eyes were closed.
It took a few days.
4 Mar, 2014