Monty's lost the plot!
By wagger
Has anybody else seen Monty Don’s article in the Daily Mail Weekend magazine? In the Ask Monty section the question is “what can be done about mare’s tail”. Monty’s answer? “The most enlightened view is to incorporate it into the design and appearance of your borders.”
Will the last one into the loony bin shut the door behind them!
14 Jun, 2009
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No, it's the one that should, apparently, correctly be called horsetail with roots that can go to 1.5metres deep.(Equisetum arvense) They are descendants of a group of ancient tree-like plants that thrived 300 million years ago during the Carboniferous period of pre-history.
14 Jun, 2009
yikes thats a scary one
whats he thinking of who would want that in their garden?
x x x
14 Jun, 2009
Not i Mookins !!!
I spent years trying to get rid of it from a garden i had some years ago ..... it never ever went from there :(
14 Jun, 2009
hes still a do-nut then...tut tut
x x x
14 Jun, 2009
Madness ! absolute madness , thats all thats needed people growing it on purpose.
14 Jun, 2009
dont you grow it Mac, it sounds like it would reach me here in a matter of time!!
x x x
14 Jun, 2009
If people started growing it Mookins it would end up in all our gardens , it's a nightmare . . . .. . . . . .. hee hee get it night MARE . .. horsetail erm mare's tail etc
14 Jun, 2009
Taxi for Maccrimmon!!
x x x x
14 Jun, 2009
hee hee
14 Jun, 2009
bless ya
x x
14 Jun, 2009
He definitely HAS lost the plot, talking like that! Would he like some pretty white flowers on a lovely climber called 'Bindweed' to go with it, do you think? ;-)
14 Jun, 2009
Yes Wagger there are prehistoric fossils associated with this plant .. totally impervious to any form of control due to its ability to sink roots into the sub strata . Agree Monty has lost the plot ..but then hasnt been well lately .
Perhaps I ll post some pics of the giant variety that grows here .
14 Jun, 2009
I have it in my garden but I spray it with weed killer. ( sorry all you organic people but it's the only way I can kill it ) I will never get rid of it completely though because it's all over the surrounding area. - a nuisance. It won't be incorporated into any design here.
15 Jun, 2009
yes i read it and re read it thinking i must have misunderstood but no he really had said it yikes monty lad i know you've been poorly but you're asking a bit much here!
its in my rockery and no match for the heather it sits there pretending to be a conifer hoping i wont notice i bet!!
15 Jun, 2009
I have that in my garden, only in one area I,m pleased to say,never have found anything to get rid of the darn stuff.........
15 Jun, 2009
oh dear... wake up dopey Monty. I suppose no-one's perfect.
D'you know, it's about the only baddie we don't have somewhere! One day soon I'll post a rogue's gallery of them all : ))
16 Jun, 2009
Why not? It would be interesting. I did a blog a long time ago on weeds in my garden - I'd like to know what you have and how you deal with them!
17 Jun, 2009
Spritz, it's a work in very-slow-progress. I have a few good clear photos, and now i can even feature the blooming Japanese Knotweed which Bromsgrove Council has so kindly provided just beyond our garden. Woohoo.
17 Jun, 2009
OH NO!!!!! I had that in Kent - definitely the very worst...although I know that many people say that ground elder and mare's tail are their bug-bears. Poor you! :-(
17 Jun, 2009
ive heard about that Bindweed, nasty stuff
my biggest problem at the mo (that I know of) is Creeping buttercup
bloomin everywhere!!
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Me too, Mookins, gets into everything.
17 Jun, 2009
seems nothing compared to whats out there
but oh my goodness
am so sick of the stuff!!
x x x
17 Jun, 2009
Of course you are, Mookins, but at least you can get rid of it, unlike some other HORRIBLE weeds... Japanese Knotweed being one! It has roots to Australia and just comes back up again from the tiniest piece left in. I'm so glad I haven't got that here!
17 Jun, 2009
oh goodness yes, ive read about that too (mookins shudders)
not nice
Like hubbys ex, always there when you least want it and has its roots in everything!!
and can cost a fortune to get rid of
x x x
18 Jun, 2009
LOL, Mookins.
18 Jun, 2009
at least it'll be the council's bill in our case, but i don't have any high expectations of a speedy dealing with it - red tape being what it is.
18 Jun, 2009
Watch out for it creeping into your garden, Weeding! That's what it does... wretched stuff!
18 Jun, 2009
yeah, if they don't react quickly enuf 4 my liking, I'll be pestering them, don't worry. I'm gd @ being a nag-bag, it's fun sometimes!
19 Jun, 2009
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is this the one that is usually in ponds and watery areas?
if so... what a donut!!
x x x
14 Jun, 2009