Is it just me?
By wagger
A few weeks ago I received a plant order from a well-known supplier, * and *.
I potted on the candelabra primulas, actually being able to divide the five plugs into 13 plants which was quite pleasing. These have been growing on and I was surprised and pleased to see a flower bud forming on one of them. This is what it opened into.
This looks like a primula auricula to me or am I losing it completely? Do I write to the suppliers now or wait until the others flower (probably not until next year)?
Now on to my big gripe. Has anybody else noticed on all sorts of programmes Joe Public saying ‘Yes, no’? It’s driving me insane, it really makes me climb up the wall – help!!!!!!
28 Jun, 2009
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My gripe is with people who say "different to..." - it's "diiferent FROM..."
28 Jun, 2009
And misuse of apostrophes drives me nuts.
28 Jun, 2009
No, no, no, no, no, no...... yes :o)
28 Jun, 2009
Ok Jim.
28 Jun, 2009
:o) No, no, no, no, no parking is allowed in the upper field. :o)
28 Jun, 2009
28 Jun, 2009
Yes, quite agree Wagger. I've finally but only just after fighting for a couple of months, received a refund from p*****s (yus me lady), yes that company. They sent me Spanish bluebells that should have been English in autumn 2008. So it wasn't until spring this year that I noticed their mistake. Apart from having to dig them all up again (they were in my wildflower area which I wanted as native/natural as possible) its just hassle but don't be put off if your'e not satisfied and complain!........ humph! I feel better now :)
28 Jun, 2009
Do love a good complain - go in gently at first then if not satisfied change to a size 12 boot.
28 Jun, 2009 always does me good ! Lol. I hate the way people start to tell you something and keep punctuating it with "yeah?" Its horrible !
28 Jun, 2009
Sorry Wagger, I've always been good at English but um know.... I've like.... forgotten how the....y'know what I mean.... thingies....oh yes, apostrophes should go in some instances. That brain cell must have expired, how about giving us a lesson!
28 Jun, 2009
Well, it does replace letters as in "y'know" and "I've" so you're not doing to badly, Lily.
28 Jun, 2009
and what about compared to as opposed to compared with. and effect and affect. ooh the list is endless.
now i have found P.....s to be excellent. i had a problem with lilies and they replaced them plus free bulbs back in November. when they still didnt emerge by june they refunded me with out any problem.
it does look like a P auricula. start off asking if there could have been a mix up. the foliage of candelabra are not as crinkly as normal primroses but not as smooth or pale as auriculas.
28 Jun, 2009
The replacing letters bit is easy Wagger, it's the other bit - is it called the possessive use which seems a bit inconsistent? I always thought it came after the "s" but see it used otherwise. Maybe they are the ones (is that correct?) that are wrong!
29 Jun, 2009
If something belongs to, e.g. many flowers, then the apostrophe comes afterwards, i.e. the flowers' petals.
If that something belongs to just one flower, it would be written as the flower's petals.
An item belonging to "it" does not have an apostrophe...
for instance, The car lost its petrol.
Use the apostrophe, i.e. it's, when you are abbreviating it is
i.e. It is sunny today = It's sunny today.
Here endeth today's grammar lesson. Lol.
Happy gardening....:o)
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks TT that clears that up then. It's the plural bit had me confused, it's a long time since I did English 'O' level! Hope I shall go to the top of the class now, please let me know if I slip up in any of my efforts on here!!
29 Jun, 2009
Gold star for the above comment Lily2.... no errors. Lol. :o)
29 Jun, 2009
Look's .... oh sorry, start again...
Looks like an auricula to me aswell. I would so let them know about it.
Ahh ! No I can't talk like modern people sorry.
29 Jun, 2009
And as my grandfather used to say (with tongue firmly in cheek) - "never use a preposition to end a sentence with"
29 Jun, 2009
Oh, I like that!
29 Jun, 2009
My 'ead hurts....
29 Jun, 2009
29 Jun, 2009
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Looks remarkably like an Auricula to me , too. If * and * are who I think they are, I've had problems with them too, and they got quite snotty with me when I had a moan. I DID get my money back though. Yes, no, I mean, like, well yes, I agree, it's d....d annoying.
28 Jun, 2009