More snow than ever today!
By wildrose
Goodness me it has snowed all day here! I have seen a number of photos on here and it looks as if many of us are putting up with it yet again!
I am longing for spring now and feel sure that you are too.
Meanwhile I shall add a few photos so that you can feel sorry for me too!
I hope that the sun shines on us, and on our gardens very soon.
18 Mar, 2018
Previous post: Blue skies over the beach!
Next post: It is 5pm, the clocks have gone forward and the sun has shone all day!
I heard Devon and Cornwall had it bad. You must be fed up with it.
We had about a centimetre and it's gone now, but the wind is blowing a gale.
18 Mar, 2018
I can sympathise. We had another heavy fall over night but now late in the afternoon it is mostly gone. Again it has been that very fine snow which is blown into drifts by the accompanying high winds. I do not like to see it weighing down shrub branches as they can easily break under the weight. It can not last forever, we hope. Your camellia and the heather both look lovely against the white stuff. Going out to take photos, you are braver than I am.
18 Mar, 2018
Oh groan. Poor you. We don’t have any lying snow this time, just the bitter winds and snow showers. But nothing is settling. It will soon be over...hang on in there!
18 Mar, 2018
Its gone from the garden today but plenty hanging around in the fields, yes I'm fedup with it, so bitterly cold now which I certainly do not like...
19 Mar, 2018
It is so odd. Places you don't expect to have snow are hit yet again by the white stuff and here in Glasgow we have had beautiful warm sunshine. I have to say in summer we will have winter temperatures.
19 Mar, 2018
All sympathy greatly appreciated!!
Snow is slowly disappearing and sunshine is forecast for tomorrow when it should get a bit warmer too.
Let's all hope that this is the last of it!!
19 Mar, 2018
Brrrr! That looks cold! Are my eyes playing tricks or is that a rose flowering in the third picture?...
20 Mar, 2018
We had quite a bit of snow but nothing like the first lot. Friends near Torquay sent us photos to prove their garden had disappeared!
Waddy /wild rose: Is it a Camellia?
20 Mar, 2018
Yes, a camellia with a striking resemblance to a rose :-)
20 Mar, 2018
Oh dear Wildrose, Devon was mentioned as an area hit bad by the snow. I didn't think it ever snowed or frosted in Devon lol!
The south seems to suffer more nowadays, come on spring hurry up.
20 Mar, 2018
Oh dear, poor Camellia, it must have got a heck of a shock.
21 Mar, 2018
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I do feel sorry for you and I also feel sorry for me as well!! just had enough of the winter, it has been a crazy month!
18 Mar, 2018